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War Idioms and Slang

Someone who has gone AWOL:

a) is A Waste Of a Life
b) is A Warrior Of Luck
c) is Against Work and Obscuring
If you bomb a test, you:
a) miss the exam
b) do very well
c) do very badly
To take ____ by storm means:
a) to attack ____ during a rainstorm
b) to win a victory only because of luck,
not skill
c) to fail to win a battle because you
attacked too forcefully
The word from the trenches is:
a) the opinion of the commander
b) the enemys secret communications
c) the bodycount of the enemys army

d) is Absent Without Official Leave

e) is Acting Without Officers License

d) go to the wrong exam room

e) forget everything because you are
d) to be distracted by the conditions of a
e) to attack very forcefully and win

d) the opinion of the common soldier

e) the number of dead soldiers

Complete the Navajo Indian expression: Today is a good day to...

a) attack
d) fight
b) die
e) win
c) run away
A one-fingered salute is a sign of :
a) disrespect
b) respect
c) injury
If someone is on the warpath, he:
a) wants to kill someone
b) must join the army
c) is in danger

d) fear
e) hope

d) making money off war

e) deserting his army; running away from

In colloquial speech, Take no prisoners, means,

a) never admit you are wrong
d) kill everyone
b) try to save money by cutting costs
e) show no mercy
c) do whatever it takes to win
Fill in the blank in this common expression: Alls fair in ____ and war:
a) business
d) family
b) love
e) religion
c) politics

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