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Date: Monday 6th Oct 2014

Observer: Vivian

Child Observed: Angus, James, Ronan & Matthew

Water play
As the children had taken an interest in water play from pervious play experience, this area
was set up for them to explore measurement and volume with water.
James, Angus, Ronan and Matthew directed themselves to this activity, when they saw
sponges, spoons, cups and containers in soapy water. James began to pretend washing dishes,
he picked up a sponge and squeezed water into a cup. He said to me he is making chocolate
milkshake and asked me Do I want to have one?, and he said he can wash the dishes when I
finish my drink.
Ronan was helping Angus to fill up his cup with different size spoons and cups, once Anguss
cup is full; he put a spoon in and told me thats your smoothie.
Matthew observed their actions and began to make his drink, and asked me what you like to
drink?, I asked Do you put any healthy food in it? He answered Lots of fruit. They were
running a caf and washing all the dirty dishes.

The learning which I believe has occurred:

Outcome 2-Community: Ronan and Angus worked collaboratively together, sharing equipment
and helping each other.
Outcome 3-Wellbeing: Awareness of healthy food, hygiene,
Outcome 4-Learning: Use play to investigate concept of measurement and volume.
Outcome 5-Communication: They shared their own experience and knowledge verbally and nonverbally then created a dramatic play in this experience.

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