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Mc Kinsey’s 7-S Framework:
This framework is based on the proposal that effective
organizational change is best understood in terms of the
complex relationship between
1. Shared values.
2. Strategy
3. Structure
4. Systems
5. Staff
6. Style
7. Skills

Mc Kinsey’s 7-S Framework
• Structure

• Strategy Systems

• Super-ordinate Goals

• Skills Style

• Staff
1. Shared values(Super Ordinate Goals): What does the organization
stands for and what are its central beliefs and attitudes?
2. Strategy : represents the plans for the allocation of a firm’s scarce
resources, overtime, to reach identified goals.
3. Structure : the way in which the organizational units relate to each
4. Systems : Systems pertain procedures, processes and routines
that characterize how the work should be done: financial
systems, recruiting, promotion and performance appraisal
systems and information systems.
5. Staff : This means the numbers and types of personnel within the
6. Style : Cultural style of the organization and how key managers
behave in achieving the organizational goals.
7. Skills : represents the distinctive capabilities of personnel or of the
organization as a whole.
Importance of McKinsey’s 7-S Framework:
• An effective implementation of strategy is thus
shown to be conditioned by the ability of
management to bring all the 7-S’s into
• McKinsey model also provides a convenient
means of checking whether an organization
has the necessary conditions for
implementing strategy.
• This model also provides the basis on which
the causes of shortfall may be diagnosed
and remedial measures can be adopt.

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