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Prepared by: Megan Stone

Lesson title/topic: Sand Table

Subject area: Cognitive

Grade: Pre-School
Date: 10/24/2012

Time available: 45 minutes

STANDARDS/OUTCOMES addressed in this lesson:

5. Develop and refine their skills to communicate findings.

OBJECTIVES Through these learning activities, the student will be able to:

Students will be able to tell me what they found in the sand and water table.

Teaching strategy:

Child Centered
Introduction/Set induction

Bring all the students together and talk about different things that can be found in the sand in the
desert. For example insects, snakes, frogs, rocks etc.
Instructional Activities

Have different sand table set up around the room. Students will have about 30 minutes to explore
them. After 30 minutes I will ask each student individually to bring me something that they found in the
sand table. They will have to tell me what they found and how they found it. Each sand table will have
insects buried in them and frogs and rocks, and snakes that the children will have to find.

Bring students back together and have them share with the class what they found in the sand table.
Transitional Activities

Have them take their item back to the sand table and then go back to their seat.
How this lesson provides for ASSESSMENT of student learning:

By talking with each student I will be able to assess what they tell me that they have found.

While the students are exploring the sand tables I will be walking around and asking them questions
about what they are finding.
Checking up

When the students come to me with their findings I will asses them on how they answer these
questions: What did you find? Was it hard to find it? Why do you think it was under the sand?

When the students share with the class I will be able to assess how they present their finding to the
class. Write down what the students say so there is a record.
How this lesson provides DIFFERENTIATION for the students in this class:

If a student does not want to touch the sand then they can play with some of the things that are in the
sand and I will asses them by asking questions such as: Where do you think you would find this
object/animal? Why would these things be found in the sand?

Sand tables
Plastic insects
Plastic/ Rubber frogs and snakes

REFLECTIVE ASSESSMENT of the lesson and student success (to be hand written after lesson is taught)

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