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it is situated in on the first floor of the college building.

it is opposite to the staffroom.

it can accomodate maximum of 30 students.
There are only two windows.
There is a projector connected to a computer so that all students can see what
the teacher did.
the walls are painted in white color.
The ceiling of it is plain and white. It has 4 fans.
the class has an air conditioner as well.

il est situ dans le premier tage du btiment de l'universit.

il se trouve en face de la salle des professeurs.
il peut accueillir un maximum de 30 lves.
Il y a seulement deux fentres.
Il y a un projecteur reli un des ordinateurs de sorte que tous les tudiants
puissent voir ce que le professeur fait.

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