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This social work portfolio fulfills the requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work

Degree at Wayne State University School of Social Work. I believe it outlines my

strengths as related to the social work curriculum as well as the growth and progress I
have made throughout the B.S.W program. It outlines skills that I have learned and
accomplishments that I have made
The portfolio is divided into sections and includes a current resume, a personal
statement that reflects on my autobiographical sketch, as well as competencies that I
attained and goals that I have met during the program. It also describes how achieving
my Bachelor of Social Work school degree changed how I am for the better. The
learning products reflect on the assignments covered several areas such as; process
recording, bio-psychosocial assessment, community and organizational analysis,
research methods, social welfare policy, micro, macro, mezzo levels of social work,
values and ethnics, and much more. These areas gave me an overview of what social
work field placement consists of and the importance of being knowledgeable in all areas
in order to be an affective social worker. Along with each learning products is a
summary of the competency that was met when completing each assignment. The
summary further outlines whether the practice of behavior and knowledge have been
achieved. This portfolio also includes my school transcripts, three letters of references,
personal learning goals, certificates of my achievements while in the B.S.W. program.
Preparing this portfolio allowed me to reflect on my overall experience in the
program. It helped me to see where I began and how far Ive come. This portfolio further
reflects my readiness for social work practice.

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