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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and

Seat work
Students will quietly enter the room, find your
seats and discuss your three sticky notes on
pages 380-383 with your row group.
Central Question:
What changes happened in the Roman military
and how did these changes effect Roman society?
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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and

How many wars did the Romans fight against Carthage?
three wars
a state containing several countries or territories
title used by Roman emperors meaning venerable or
greatly honored one

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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

What do you know about Julius Caesar?

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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

Key Ideas
The Romans fought three wars against
Carthage and took control of the
Mediterranean region.
Wealth and power led to problems in Roman
society and government.

The Roman republic was torn apart by civil

war and replaced by the rule of the emperors.

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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

Key Terms
empirea state containing several countries
or territories
provinceareas within a country or empire
civil warwar between groups from the
same country
Augustustitle used by Roman emperors
meaning venerable or greatly honored one

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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

Rome versus Carthage

218 B.C. Hannibal attacks in daring strike
over Alps; Rome barely avoids defeat.
204 B.C. Rome attacks Carthage; Hannibal must
return home to defend his city and is
146 B.C. Still fearing Carthage, Rome destroys the
city and sells its people into slavery.

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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

The Role of Geography

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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

How did the Punic Wars affect Rome?

Who did the Romans fight in the Punic Wars?
What were the results of
the second Punic War?
Describe the extent of Roman rule
after the Punic Wars.

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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

What problems did conquest cause for Rome?

Problems Caused by Conquest


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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

Growing Pains
How did Roman magistrates behave
late in the republic?
What two views about reform arose
in the later years of the Republic?
How did Gaius Marius change
the Roman military?

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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

What events led to

the collapse of the republic?
The power of generals increases.

Civil wars: Sulla vs. Marius; Caesar vs. Pompey/Senate

Caesar wins, makes himself dictator for life.

Senators kill Caesar.

More civil wars: Octavian vs. assassins; Octavian vs.

Antony. Octavian becomes Emperor Augustus.
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The Roman Republic

The Republics Growth and Crisis

What should governments do?

Page 155

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