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classroom with EBD can

seem daunting and overwhelming at times. Thankfully, there are people,
resources and strategies
out there to help you cultivate a learning environment where all students
can learn in a healthy and
positive manner.

Concordia Online Education. (2013, January 26). 5 Tips for

Handling EBD Kids (Emotional Behavior Disorder) in an

Inclusive Classroom. Retrieved from Concordia Online
Education: Teaching Strategies: http://education.cuportland.edu/blog/teaching-strategies/5-tips-forhandling-ebd-kids-emotional-behavior-disorder-in-aninclusive-classroom/
Council for Exceptional Children. (2014). Tips on Instructional
Strategies for Students with EBD. Retrieved from
Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders: http://
Dunn, J. (2012, August 8). 50 Must-See Blogs For Special
Education Teachers. Retrieved from Edudemic:
Laurel Springs Schools. (2014). Curriculum. [Photograph]
Retrieved from Laurenl Springs Schools: http://
Morrison, A. (2014). A Day in the Life of a Special Education
Teacher. [Photograph] Retrieved from Teaching
Monster: http://teaching.monster.com/careers/
Smith, T. E., Galloway, E., Patton, J., & Dowdy, C. (2012).

Teaching students with special needs in inclusive

settings. Uppoer Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Information on addressing concerns in the classroom.

Having students in your

Students with
Emotional and
Behavior al
Disor der s

WordPress. (2014, February 9). Cry, Baby. [Photograph] Retrieved

from Dude Meets Dad: http://


Students with EBD

Charlene. (2014). Confessions of an EBD Teacher. [Photograph]

Retrieved from Blogspot: http://

(WordPress, 2014) (Charlene, 2014) (Morrison, 2014)

Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Statistics of EBD

I t i s e s t i m a t e d th a t a p proximately 3-6% of the

o v e r a l l s tu d e n t p o pu l a t i o n ha s E B D

What to know about EBD

EBD is the special education category

Teaching Tips for Working

with EBD Students

under which students whose behavioral

Keep class rules simple and clear

or emotional responses are not typical.

Historically, the federal government
has identified this group as seriously

G e n d e r v a r i an c e i s t h e
m o s t p r o no u n c e d w i t h i n
s t u d e n t s w i t h E B D; th e
m a j o r i t y o f s t u d e n ts
w i t h E B D a r e ma l e .

emotionally disturbed (SED). Under

Th e r e ar e 1 0 t i m e s
m o r e b o y s th e n g i r l s
fo u n d


2 8 . 4 % o f s t u d en t s w i th
E B D a r e A fr i c a n A m er i can 10% Hispanic and
5 8 . 3 % E ur o p e a n A m e r i can
Around 54% of students
i de n t i fi e d s p e n d m o s t o f
t h e i r d a y in G E c l a s sr o o m s . 2 8 . 4 % w e r e in
r e g u l ar s ch o o l b u t o u t
o f t h e g e n er a l c la s s r o o m fo r 6 0 % o f t h e
t i m e . T h e r e fo r e s t u d e n t s w i t h E B D ar e us u a l l y i n c l u d e d i n g en e r a l
e d u c a t i o n c la s s r oo m s .

IDEA 2004, the term emotional disturb-


Keep fair

ance has been used to describe stu-


dents with emotional or behavioral dis-

for all

Warning Signs of EBD in

School and Classrooms

Be sure to
keep your
own emo-

Remember to remain open

to questions and research
presented on students with
emotional and behavioral
(Stevens, 2010).

There are many warning signs of EBD. Here

tions and

are some of the most prevalent ones

responses in check

students disrupts classroom activities

(Concordia Online Education, 2013)

does not follow or care about classroom rules

poor concentration
low self esteem
demonstrates aggressive behavior
It is difficult to notice these warning signs
because many teachers believe think it is
part of the students personality and not a

(Laurel Springs Schools, 2014)

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