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Interview with 10 year Forensic Serologist and 3rd Year Law Student, Stacie Wassell.

Should Americans be allowed a 24-hour period of illegal activity (murder, theft, etc.) with no
"From a legal perspective, the idea of a Purge makes a complete and absolute mockery of the
justice system. It takes away all rights of victims and victims family. And that to me is
unconscionable. To allow such an activity that would take away, not only the rights of those that
are harmed during the Purge but it also have the ability to take away your constitutional rights to
life. If we are granted the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the Purge for the
majority of people is strictly in opposite to those rights. And so I think anything that takes away
the basic freedoms that we have is unconscionable and should not be allowed.

From a criminal level, you still can have people responsible for their crimes that are a result of
what happened during the Purge, which would not come to fruition until the Purge period is over,
therefore it becomes illegal. For example, Joe breaks into his neighbors house and severely
beats him. He intends to kill him so after the beating, he goes on and kills the next person that he
hates. What Joe doesnt know is that his neighbor survives during the Purge, but three days later
the neighbor dies. The beating is legal but Joe is now punishable for the crime of murder because
it happened after the Purge period. Therefore there are still repercussions. In many different
levels, there are so many different repercussions that could befall on these people outside of the
Purge period that it would be massive chaos for the legal system in many different aspects. But
above all of that, the most important issue is that if the Pure were instituted, it would take away
our constitutional rights and that is the number one reason why the Purge should not occur."

Justice Would Not Exist!

Why would anyone give up their constitutional rights for a 24 hour period? That sounds crazy!
This gives anyone and everyone the opportunity to murder, steal, rape, kidnap, etc. The
opportunity to do anything because it becomes legal for a 24-hour period is not worth the many
repercussions that could occur from any situation.

For example, lets say a repeat rape offender, John, is released from jail after serving his
sentence and he begins planning a future kidnapping on the day of the 24-hour period where all
crimes become legal. During the first couple hours of the "legal crime" period, he kidnaps a little
girl down the street from him and keeps her hostage for several days. Since John holds her
hostages for longer than that 24-hour period then the crime of kidnapping is punishable by law
for every day after.

Actualizing such an event where all crime becomes legal for a 24-hour period would take away
everyone's constitutional rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not everyone would
want such an event to occur therefore they would suffer because the majority wanted to become
legal criminals for a day. Said people would be at risk to becoming victims of crimes and they
would have no safe haven to run to in time of an emergency. This would be putting the innocent
at risk which is morally and judicially wrong. Even if there was a safe place for those who vote
against the actualization of such an event, how we would make sure that these people are not
drug out of the safe place and hurt, therefore the committee is still safe because the crime was
committed outside the safe haven.

A Purge in Action!
Many events could take place during a purge. Anything could happen because of the free-will
without any consequences or penalties. What types of situations that could happen vigours. Some
examples are riots typically involve vandalism and the destruction of property, public or private.
The property targeted varies depending on the riot and the inclinations of those involved. Targets
can include shops, cars, restaurants, state-owned institutions, and religious buildings. This is one
of the following that could happen through the violence of the purge. What also could happen
could maybe happen is murdering. Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of another
human. Malice aforethought, or a premeditated state of mind, distinguishes murder from other
forms of unlawful Homicide (such as manslaughter).Most societies, present and historical, have
considered murder the most serious crime, worthy of the harshest of punishment. In most
countries, murder is punishable by life imprisonment or capital punishment-- although the latter
is becoming progressively less accepted in Western countries although this is the purge no
punishment is made or will be made. If there is murder without any law during this period who
knows what innocent lives are taken that day? Kidnapping could also be a huge contribution to
purging in American society.

What happened to Morals?

When do the morals kick in? Why does today's society have an idea that an annual purge is a fix
to our American complications? The idea within the Purge was to establish a well put together
society by stating that the unemployment and crime rate have fallen to 1% to combine with the
finest economy in American history. Relating to my sense of knowledge, our economy wouldn't
fall even near to a success rate with the involvement of the Annual Purge. Even if it did, when do
the morals of our civilization occur? Morals, of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness
or badness of human action and character is clearly in a negative state of mind if civilians are
considering a once a year slaughter house. Scott Meslow, an author within the The Week
Magazine states, "To think that America is considering an annual Purge is a disgrace to the
human nature, anyone who thinks this is right should consider counseling." As Meslow said, the
Purge is morally wrong. Our society as a whole should not believe that an annual massacre or
any crime of that sort should be considered permitted at any time or anywhere. I am not stating
that the majority of our nation is considering a Purge, but the few of them who are might want to
consider examining these statistics that Meslow found. Meslow stated, "Pew hasnt conducted a
poll about whether Americans would support the Purge message, but Ive found a few
(admittedly unscientific) polls that make The Purges 88 percent found that the Purge sounds
ridiculous. On debate.org a poll was brought out and 66 percent found that the Purge wouldnt be
supported in real life." In my opinion, I am glad to announce that our nations majority is not
considering the annual purge, but the view that are, are morally incorrect.

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