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Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Handout: Unit Plan Template

Name: Jessica Fatina

Date: 10-1-14

**Cut and paste this information from the applicable unit within your Long Term Plan**


Pre- Algebra 8th Grade

Unit Name:

Linear Equations

Length of Unit:

8 Day Unit

**Cut and paste this information from the applicable unit within your Long Term Plan**

Learning Goals
Remedial (R)
Enrichment (E)

Solving Equations
(R)- Students are still struggling with integers and rational numbers
(E)- Students showed significant growth in one and two step equations.

(to be completed after

receiving diagnostic
assessment results)


HOLT Middle School Math Text Book

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Step 1: Creating Vision and Planning for Assessment

1st Unit Plan - GOAL
Solving Equations

1st Unit Plan Planning For Assessment

How will I measure my 1st Unit Goal?
I will have the students take a unit pre and posttest. This will tell me where they are before
we start the unit and tell me where they are when we finish the unit.
How will I measure progress toward the 1st Unit Goal?
I will have daily group and independent work, I will also have daily bell works and
exit tickets. Both of these assignments will measure where my students are before
the lesson and where they are after the lesson.

1ST Unit Plan Big Ideas



equations using addition and subtraction.

equations using multiplication or division.
one step equations using integers.
rational equations with rational numbers.
and check two-step equations
equations with variables on both sides.
multistep inequality equations.



Solve linear equations in one
variable. a. Give examples of
linear equations in one variable
with one solution, infinitely many
solutions, or no solutions. Show
which of these possibilities is the
case by successively

Item #s







Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

transforming the given equation
into simpler forms, until an
equivalent equation of the form x
= a, a = a, or a = b results
(where a and b are different
numbers). b. Solve linear
equations with rational number
coefficients, including equations
whose solutions require
expanding expressions using the
distributive property and
collecting like terms.





Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Step 2: Lesson Objectives

Standards: 8.EE.C.7. Solve
linear equations in one
variable. a. Give examples of
linear equations in one
variable with one solution,
infinitely many solutions, or
no solutions. Show which of
these possibilities is the case
by successively transforming
the given equation into
simpler forms, until an
equivalent equation of the
form x = a, a = a, or a = b
results (where a and b are
different numbers). b. Solve
linear equations with rational
number coefficients, including
equations whose solutions
require expanding
expressions using the
distributive property and
collecting like terms.

Daily Lesson Objective(s)

SWBAT solve equations using

addition and subtraction.

SWBAT solve equations using

multiplication or division.

# of
1 day =
xx min.

Lesson Plan Notes

See Lesson Plan

See Lesson Plan

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

See Lesson Plan


solve rational equations

with rational numbers.

See Lesson Plan

SWBAT solve and check two-step

See Lesson Plan

See Lesson Plan

SWBAT solve one step equations

using integers.


SWBAT solve multistep equations

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

SWBAT solve equations with

variables on both sides.

SWBAT solve multistep inequality


Unit Review and


Review Day

See Lesson Plan

See Lesson Plan

STEP 3: Calendar
<Insert Month and Year>





Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

SWBAT solve
SWBAT solve
equations using

equations using
addition and

multiplication or

SWBAT solve and

SWBAT solve

check two-step

multistep equations



SWBAT solve one step


equations using

rational equations
with rational

Review Day

SWBAT solve

SWBAT solve

No School

equations with
variables on both

multistep inequality

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Teachers: Ms. Fatina

Handout 3: Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Subject: Math/ Pre- Algebra

Standards: 8.EE.C.7. Solve linear equations in one variable. a. Give examples of linear
equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. Show
which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into
simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a
and b are different numbers). b. Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients,
including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive
property and collecting like terms.

Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT solve equations using addition and subtraction.
Student Friendly
I will be able to solve equations using addition and subtraction
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
SWBAT will be able to solve correctly 5-20 problems on adding or subtracting equations
and/or answer 5 questions in a row on Khan Academy, and students must get 80%
mastery on their exit tickets.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
Know algebraic expressions
Know that x is the unknown
Key vocabulary:

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Equation-uses and equal sign to show that two

expressions are equal
Inverse Operation- operations that undo each
Isolate the variableAddition property of equality- is used when
solving a subtraction equation
Subtraction property of equality- is used when
solving a subtraction equation

White boards


Instructional Input

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life: We
have going over adding and subtracting integers, this will help is in solving equations by
adding or subtracting.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Instruction Part 1
During this time the students will
I am going to read to you our
listen to instruction

The students will listen to the first

vocabulary words. I want you to
write them in your math journals.
example and when it is done
(they will be written on the board)
being explained the students can
Ok once you have finished writing
then follow along with the first
your vocabulary, this should take
example in their journals

Then we will work on the second

roughly 3-5 minutes go ahead and
open your books to page 12.
Once everyone has finished the
vocabulary we will get started. The
first problem I am going to go over
is to determine if a number is a
solution of an equation.
Example 1. (attached sheet)
Give me a thumb up if you are
getting this. I will show you one

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Example 2. If needed (attached

Guided Practice (see guided
Instruction Part two
Now we are going to look at solving
equations using the addition and
subtraction properties.
Remember the addition property is
if you add the same number to both
sides of an equation, the sides
remain equal same with
subtraction. Also remember like I
said before, when the equation is
subtracting we are going to use the
addition property, when the
equation is addition we are going to
use the subtraction property. This is
also known as the inverse
operation. We are solving
equations. I have explained to you
that when we see an x this
stands for a variable or an
unknown. When we see this class
what do we do? Correct we want to
get the variable by itself. I will walk
through an example step by step.
Example 1) x + 9 = 14; x = 2, 5, or
Example 2) x + 9 = 17; x = 6, 8, or
Example 3) n 8 = 11

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Example 4) 51 = a + 35
Guided Practice Part 2

Guided Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If a student is having trouble with the first two examples they can go
back to the intervention table and get extra help
Modifications will be made based on students need on a lesson by lesson basis.
Students have shoulder partners and team leaders to assist in helping them with
their work as needed. Additional instruction will be given to students who need
more practice in small groups at the intervention table.
Teacher Will:
Guided Practice Part 1
Now I want you to walk me through
a problem, you will be able to
discuss with your group what the
first step is that I need to do. We
will do a couple of these, if your
group is able to walk me through
the step you will get a sticker, but
your whole group must agree and
have their work shown. Remember
to show me what values are a
solution to the equation.
Example 1) m 9 = 23
Example 2) 8 + y = 13
Instructional (part 2)
Guided Practice Part 2
During this time each group will be
given three questions to try
together as a group. I will be
walking around the class to make
sure that each student is writing

Student Will:
Team leaders will be making sure that
each member understands each step
and that each step is written in their
journals along with the correct answer.
Each member of the group must show
their work and be able to explain the
steps they took to get the solution.

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

the work in their journals.

The guided practice will be timed
and the first group done will
receive points
I will have the first group that is
done walk me through how they
solved the problem. If they get it
correct they will receive a sticker.
Example 3
Example 4) x 7 = 14; x = 2, 7, or
The guided practice will be timed,
roughly 5-7 minutes.
When students finish their guided
practice they are to make sure that
the whole group understands and
each member has completed the
If the whole group has finished,
they will be able to go onto study
island or khan academy.


Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If students need more help they will be able to go to the intervention
table to get help
Teacher Will:
Explain to students that they will
independently work through the some of
the problems in their book pg. 16
problems 13-35 odd
If the students have finished the
independent work they go on Study Island

Student Will:
Students will independently work
through the problems in the book and
then they will do their exit ticket with
the last few minutes of the class


Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

or Khan.

Also do their exit ticket

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
My mentor will be walking around the room to make sure that all students are on
task and understand each step.
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
Ticket out the Door: Today you learned about adding and subtracting equations, how to
isolate the variable, and how to use the inverse operation.

Teachers: Ms. Fatina

Handout 3: Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Subject: Math/ Pre- Algebra

Standards: 8.EE.C.7. Solve linear equations in one variable. a. Give examples of linear
equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. Show
which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into
simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a
and b are different numbers). b. Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients,
including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive
property and collecting like terms.

Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT solve equations using multiplication or division.
Student Friendly
I will be able to solve equations using multiplication or division.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
SWBAT will be able to solve correctly 5-20 problems with solving equations using
multiplication or division and/or answer 5 questions in a row on Khan Academy, and
students must get 80% mastery on their exit tickets.

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

adding and subtracting equations
Key vocabulary:
Equation-uses and equal sign to show that two
expressions are equal
Inverse Operation- operations that undo each
White boards
Isolate the variable- get the unknown variable
by itself
Multiplication property of equality- is used when
solving a division equation
Division property of equality- is used when
solving a multiplication equation

Instructional Input

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life: We
have going over adding and subtracting equations, this will help is in solving equations
using multiplication and division.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Instruction Part 1
During this time the students will
I am going to read to you our
listen to instruction
The students will listen to the first
vocabulary words. I want you to
write them in your math journals.
example and when it is done
(they will be written on the board)
being explained the students can
Ok once you have finished writing
then follow along with the first
your vocabulary, this should take
example in their journals
Then we will work on the second
roughly 3-5 minutes go ahead and
open your books to pg. 18.
Once everyone has finished the
vocabulary we will get started.
We are going to look at solving
equations using the multiplication
and division properties.

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Remember the multiplication

property is when you multiply the same
number to both sides of an equation; this
is true for division as well. Also remember
that when the equation is division we are
going to use the multiplication property,
when the equation is multiplication we are
going to use the division property. This is

have explained to you that when
we see an x this stands for a
variable or an unknown. When we
see this class what do we do?
Correct we want to get the variable
by itself. I will walk through an
example or two step by step.
Example 1) k/6 = 3
Example 2) 16t = 112
Example 3) 3n = 29
Guided Practice Part 2
also known as the inverse operation.


Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If a student is having trouble with the first two examples they can go
back to the intervention table and get extra help
Modifications will be made based on students need on a lesson by lesson basis.
Students have shoulder partners and team leaders to assist in helping them with
their work as needed. Additional instruction will be given to students who need
more practice in small groups at the intervention table.
Teacher Will:
Guided Practice Part 1
Now I want you to walk me through
a problem, you will be able to

Student Will:
Team leaders will be making sure that
each member understands each step
and that each step is written in their


Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

discuss with your group what the

first step is that I need to do. We
will do a couple of these, if your
group is able to walk me through
the step you will get a sticker, but
your whole group must agree and
have their work shown. Remember
to show me what values are a
solution to the equation.
Example 1) 4w = 48
Example 2) 54 = 3q
Example 3) y/21 = 15
Instructional (part 2)
Guided Practice Part 2
During this time each group will be
given three questions to try
together as a group. I will be
walking around the class to make
sure that each student is writing
the work in their journals.
The guided practice will be timed
and the first group done will
receive points
I will have the first group that is
done walk me through how they
solved the problem. If they get it
correct they will receive a sticker.
Example 4) 7x = 105
Example 5) 3d = 57
The guided practice will be timed,
roughly 5-7 minutes.
When students finish their guided
practice they are to make sure that

journals along with the correct answer.

Each member of the group must show
their work and be able to explain the
steps they took to get the solution.

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

the whole group understands and

each member has completed the

Independent Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If students need more help they will be able to go to the intervention
table to get help
Teacher Will:
Explain to students that they will
independently work through the some of
the problems in their book pg. 21, 29-44
all if needed
If the students have finished the
independent work they go on Study Island
or Khan.

Student Will:
Students will independently work
through the problems in the book and
then they will do their exit ticket with
the last few minutes of the class

Also do their exit ticket with the last

five minutes of class

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Mr. D will be walking around the room also to make sure that students are on task
and can understand the content.
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
Ticket out the Door: Today you learned about multiplying and dividing equations, how to
isolate the variable, and how to use the inverse operation.

Teachers: Ms. Fatina

Handout 3: Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Subject: Math/ Pre- Algebra

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Standards: 8.EE.C.7. Solve linear equations in one variable.
a. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many
solutions, or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively
transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the
form x = a, a = a, or a =
b. b results (where a and b are different numbers). b. Solve linear equations with rational
number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions
using the distributive property and collecting like terms.

Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT solve one step equations using integers.
Student Friendly
I will be able to solve one step equations using integers.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
SWBAT will be able to evaluate correctly 5 to 20 problems with equations using integers
and/or answer 5 questions in a row on Khan Academy, and students will get 80% mastery
on their exit tickets.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
adding and subtracting equations
Key vocabulary:
Equation-uses and equal sign to show that two
expressions are equal
Inverse Operation- operations that undo each
White boards
Isolate the variable- get the unknown by itself
Integer- the set of whole numbers and their

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life: We
have going over adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing equations, this will help
is in solving equations with integers.

Instructional Input

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Teacher Will:
Instruction Part 1
I am going to read to you our
vocabulary words. I want you to
write them in your math journals.
(they will be written on the board)
Ok once you have finished writing
your vocabulary, this should take
roughly 3-5 minutes go ahead and
open your books to page74.
Once everyone has finished the
vocabulary we will get started.
We are going to look at solving
equations using integers. This is the
same as what we have gone over in
the past few days just adding one
more step. I will go over a few
problems with you. Remember to
be careful because we are now
using positive and negative
Example 1) y + 8 = 6
First I want to get the variable by
itself. I do this by subtracting 8
from both sides.
Y= -2
Example 2) -5 + t -25
I get the variable by itself by
adding the five to both sides
Y= -20
Example 3) k/7 = -1
I multiple 7 by both sides
K= 7

Student Will:
During this time the students will
listen to instruction
The students will listen to the first
example and when it is done
being explained the students can
then follow along with the first
example in their journals
Then we will work on the second

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Guided Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If a student is having trouble with the first two examples they can go
back to the intervention table and get extra help
Modifications will be made based on students need on a lesson by lesson basis.
Students have shoulder partners and team leaders to assist in helping them with
their work as needed. Additional instruction will be given to students who need
more practice in small groups at the intervention table.
Teacher Will:
Guided Practice Part 1
During this time each group will be
given three questions to try
together as a group. The class will
do the firs problem and then we
will move onto the next. I will be
walking around the class to make
sure that each student is writing
the work in their journals.
The guided practice will be timed
and the first group done will have
to walk me through how they
solved the problem. If they get it
correct they will receive a sticker.
Remember I want the steps you
took to be written out in word form.
Example 1) x 3 = -6
Example 2) z/-4 = 5
Z= -20
Example 3) -5x = 35
X= -7

Student Will:
Team leaders will be making sure that
each member understands each step
and that each step is written in their
journals along with the correct answer.
Each member of the group must show
their work and be able to explain the
steps they took to get the solution.

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Independent Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If students need more help they will be able to go to the intervention
table to get help
Teacher Will:
Explain to students that they will
independently work through the some of
the problems in their book pg.76 10-42
If the students have finished the
independent work they go on Study Island
or Khan.

Student Will:
Students will independently work
through the problems in the book when
they finish the will check their answers
and go on study island.
They will do their exit ticket with the
last few minutes of the class

Also do their exit ticket

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
Ticket out the Door: Today you learned about adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
one step equations using integers, how to isolate the variable, and how to use the inverse

Teachers: Ms. Fatina

Handout 3: Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Subject: Math/ Pre- Algebra

Standards: 8.EE.C.7. Solve linear equations in one variable.
a. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many
solutions, or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively
transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the
form x = a, a = a, or a =
b. b results (where a and b are different numbers). b. Solve linear equations with rational

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions
using the distributive property and collecting like terms.

Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT solve rational equations with rational numbers.
Student Friendly
I will be able to solve equations with rational numbers.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
SWBAT will be able to solve correctly 5-20 problems with solving rational equations and/or
answer 5 questions in a row on Khan Academy, and students must get 80% mastery on
their exit tickets.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
identify decimals on a number line and add or subtract them using the number line
add rational numbers with like and unlike denominators
subtract rational numbers with like and unlike denominators
solve equation with rational numbers
Key vocabulary:
Rational Numbers- a number that can be
expressed as a ratio of two integers.
Integer- the set of whole numbers and their
White boards
LCM- is the smallest number that is a multiple
of both denominators
Numerator the top number in a ratio, fraction
Denominator- the bottom number in a ration,

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life: We
have learned about rational numbers, how to simplify them, convert and add and subtract
rational numbers. Today we are going to solve equations that have rational numbers in
them. Go ahead and get started on your bell work.

Instructional Input

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Teacher Will:
Instruction Part 1
We will review how to Add and
subtract decimals
Example 1. 1.2 + 8.4= 7.2
Remember I want to line up my
decimals and then solve
I will model how to write out the
steps, so you know what I expect
from you during group work.
Instruction Part two
Then we will review how to add and
subtract rational numbers with like
denominators and unlike
I am going to start off by going
over how to find the lcm.
We do this how class? Correct we
find the multiples of the two
numbers. After we do that we see
what the smallest multiple is that
the two numbers have in common.
Remember if the denominators are
the same the answer should have
the same denominator unless you
are able to simplify your answer
Example 1) lcm of 10 and 4= 20
Example 2) 3/4 5/4 = -1/2
Example 3) 1/8 + 2/7 = 23/56
Guided Practice Part 2
Instruction Part 3
Now we are going to look at solving
equations. I have explained to you

Student Will:
During this time the students will
listen to instruction
The students will listen to the first
example and when it is done
being explained the students can
then follow along with the first
example in their journals
Then we will work on the second

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

that when we see an x this

stands for a variable or an
unknown. When we see this class
what do we do? Correct we want to
get the variable by itself. I will walk
through an example step by step.
Example 1) x+ 53.8 = -1.2
Subtract 53.8 from both sides
X= -55
Example 2) y 3/8 = 7/8
First add 3/8 to both sides
Y=1 1/4
Example 3) 5/6c = 7/24
First to get the variable by itself we
will do the inverse operation
Divide 5/6 to both sides
Dont forget when we divide
fractions we have to flip the second
one and multiply
Now we have 7/24 (6/5)
C= 7/20
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If a student is having trouble with the first two examples they can go
back to the intervention table and get extra help
Modifications will be made based on students need on a lesson by lesson basis.
Students have shoulder partners and team leaders to assist in helping them with
their work as needed. Additional instruction will be given to students who need
more practice in small groups at the intervention table.

Guided Practice

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Guided Practice Part 1
Team leaders will be making sure
During this time I will have the
that each member understands
class walk me through one problem
each step and that each step is
because this is a refresher. The
written in their journals along with
problem will be on adding or
the correct answer.
Each member of the group will
subtracting decimals.
Example 1) 2.4 0.05= 2.35
write a step on the boards and
Instructional Part 2
explain one step to the class/me
Guided Practice Part 2
when they are finished.
Next I will have the class walk me
The problems will be solved
through one problem on adding
and subtracting rational numbers.
And one problem on finding the lcm
and solving
Example 1) 2/5 + 1/5= 3/5
Example 2) lcm of 16 and 24= 48
Instructional Part 3
Guided Part 3
I will have the class walk me
through some problems with
solving equations with rational
Example 1) y + 23.4= -52
Y= 75.4
Example 2) x + 1/7 = -3/7
x = -4/7
Example 3) x/5.4 = -7.18
What do I do first?
What do I do second?
X= -38.772
Then each group will be given a
few questions to try together as a

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

group. I will be walking around the

class to make sure that each
student is writing the work in their
journals and each step is written on
their board.
The guided practice will be timed
and the first group done with the
first problem will receive points.
Then we will move onto the next
I will have the first group that is
done walk the class through the
steps they took to solve the
When students finish their guided
practice they are to make sure that
their whole group understands and
each member has completed the
work. Each group member will be
able to explain the steps if asked.
Example 1) x 1.4 = 7.82
x = 9.22
Example 2) 1/4 + y = 7/4
y = 1 1/2
Example 3) 7/10d = 21/10
d = 1 1/2
Example 4) a/9.05 = 8.2
a = 74.21
Remember I want you to write our
your steps in words
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If students need more help they will be able to go to the intervention
table to get help

Independent Practice

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Teacher Will:
Explain to students that they will
independently work through some of the
problems in their book pg. 138 14-41 odd
If the students have finished the
independent work they check their
answers and then go on Study Island or
Also do their exit ticket

Student Will:
Students will independently work
through the problems in the book and
when they are finished the will check
them. If they have more time they can
go onto study island or khan academy.
With the last five minutes of class they
will do their exit ticket.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
Ticket out the Door: Today you learned about adding and subtracting decimals and rational
numbers with like denominators and solving equations with rational numbers. This is
something that you will use daily because it the way we use money, in decimals and
rational numbers, along with discounts and find the total or the unknown amount.

Teachers: Ms. Fatina

Handout 3: Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Subject: Math/ Pre- Algebra

Standards: 8.EE.C.7. Solve linear equations in one variable.
a. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many
solutions, or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively
transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form
x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers).
b. Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose
solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT solve and check two-step equations
Student Friendly
I will be able to solve and check two-step equations.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
SWBAT solve correctly 5-20 problems with solving two step-equations and/or answer 5
questions in a row on Khan Academy, and students will get 80% mastery on their exit
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
solving one step equations
Key vocabulary:
Previous Knowledge

White boards


Instructional Input

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life: So
last week we have learned about solving equations, today we are going to solve two-step
equations. Go ahead and get started on your bell work. You will have five minutes.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Instruction Part 1
During this time the students will
Remember when we are solving
listen to instruction
The students will listen to the first
equations we want to isolate the
variable. To do this we want to start
example and when it is done
off by moving everything that is not
being explained the students can
attached to the variable to the
then follow along with the teacher
other side. This will get the variable
for the first example in their
alone on one side of the equation. I
Then we will work on the second
will solve one and then I will model
how you can check your answer.
Example 1. 380 = 212 + 48h

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Subtract 212
168 = 48h Now divide
48 to both sides
3.5 = h
Check plug the 3.5 back into the
original problem and both sides
should equal each other 380 = 380
Example 2. (y-4)/3 = 9
First we want to get the y by itself
So we will have to multiply the 3 to
both sides
Leaving us with y 4 = 27
Now we have to add 4 to both sides
giving us
Y = 31
Check: plug 31 back into the
original problem
(3-4)/ 3= 9
Example 3. If needed 2.7 = -1.3m +
First subtract 6.6 from both sides
-3.9 = -1.3m
Then divide -1.3 to both sides
Check plug back in
2.7 = -1.3(3) + 6.6
Guided Practice (see guided

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Guided Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If a student is having trouble with the first two examples they can go
back to the intervention table and get extra help
Modifications will be made based on students need on a lesson by lesson basis.
Students have shoulder partners and team leaders to assist in helping them with
their work as needed. Additional instruction will be given to students who need
more practice in small groups at the intervention table.
Teacher Will:
Guided Practice Part 1
During this time each group will be
given three questions to try
together as a group. I will be
walking around the class to make
sure that each student is writing
the work in their journals.
The guided practice will be timed
and the first group done will
receive points
I will have the first group that is
done walk me through how they
solved and checked the first
problem, then continue on to the
next question.
Example 1) 9t + 12 = 75 x= 7
Example 2) r/7+ 11 = 25 r = 98
Example 3) (a-3) /28 = 3 a = 87
Example 4) -2.4 = 1.2x + 1.8 x=
When students finish their guided
practice they are to make sure that
the whole group understands and
each member has completed the

Student Will:
Team leaders will be making sure that
each member understands each step
and that each step is written in their
journals along with the correct answer
and check

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan



Independent Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If students need more help they will be able to go to the intervention
table to get help
Teacher Will:
Explain to students that they will
independently work through the some of
the problems in their book pg. 500 15-29
If the students have finished the
independent work they go on Study Island
or Khan.

Student Will:
Students will independently work
through the problems in the book and
then they will do their exit ticket with
the last few minutes of the class

Also do their exit ticket

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
Ticket out the Door:
Today you how to solve and check two-step equations

Teachers: Ms. Fatina

Handout 3: Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Subject: Math/ Pre- Algebra

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Standards: 8.EE.C.7. Solve linear equations in one variable.
a. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many
solutions, or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively
transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form
x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers).
b. Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose
solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like

Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT solve multistep equations
Student Friendly- I will be able to solve equations with multiple steps
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
SWBAT will be able to solve correctly 5-20 problems with solving multistep equations
and/or answer 5 questions in a row on Khan Academy, and students must get 80%
mastery on their exit tickets.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
solving one step equations
Solving two step equations
Combining like terms
Key vocabulary:
Variable- the unkknow

White boards



Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life: So
far this week we have learned about solving two-step equations, today we are going to
work on multistep equations. Go ahead and get started on your bell work. You will have
five minutes to complete it.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Instruction Part 1
During this time the students will
The first thing that we are going to
listen to instruction

ional Input

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

do is make sure that we cannot

combine any like terms.
Example of like terms.
Then after we combine like terms
remember when we are solving
equations we want to isolate the
variable. To do this we want to start
off by moving everything that is not
attached to the variable to the
other side of the equal sign. This
will get the variable alone on one
side of the equation. We learned
this yesterday when we were
solving two-step equations. I will
solve one and then I will model how
you can check your answer.
Example 1. 3y/7 + 5/7 = -1/7
Example 2. 8d 11+ 3d + 2 = 13
Example 3. 4h + 8 + 7h -2h = 89
Guided Practice (see guided

The students will listen to the first

example and when it is done
being explained or the thought
process is discussed the students
can then follow along with the first
example in their journals.
Then we will work on the second


Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If a student is having trouble with the first two examples they can go
back to the intervention table and get extra help
Modifications will be made based on students need on a lesson by lesson basis.
Students have shoulder partners and team leaders to assist in helping them with
their work as needed. Additional instruction will be given to students who need
more practice in small groups at the intervention table.
Teacher Will:
Guided Practice Part 1
During this time each group will be

Student Will:
Team leaders will be making sure that
each member understands each step


Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

given three questions to try

together as a group. I will be
walking around the class to make
sure that each student is writing
the work in their journals.
The guided practice will be timed
and the first group done will
receive points
I will have the first group that is
done walk me through how they
solved the problem.
Example 1) 6x + 3x x + 9 = 33
Example 2) 5/8 + x/8 = 33/8
Example 3) 3c 7+ 12c = 53
Example 4 ) 6/5 = 4/5 2p/5

and that each step is written in their

journals along with the correct answer

Independent Practice

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If students need more help they will be able to go to the intervention
table to get help
Teacher Will:
Explain to students that they will
independently work through the some of
the problems in their book pg. 502 12-36
If the students have finished the
independent work they go on Study Island
or Khan.

Also do their exit ticket

Student Will:
Students will independently work
through the problems in the book and
then they will do their exit ticket with
the last few minutes of the class

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
Ticket out the Door: Today you learned how to solve multistep equations. By having to
think through wht step to next teaches you the importance of critical thinking and problem

Teachers: Ms. Fatina

Handout 3: Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Subject: Math/ Pre- Algebra

Standards: 8.EE.C.7. Solve linear equations in one variable.
a. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many
solutions, or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively
transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form
x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers).
b. Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose
solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like

Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT solve equations with variables on both sides.
Student Friendly- I will be able to solve equations with variables on both sides.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
SWBAT will be able to solve correctly 5-20 problems with solving equations with variables
on both sides and/or answer 5 questions in a row on Khan Academy, and students must
get 80% mastery on their exit tickets.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
solving one step equations
Solving two step equations
Combining like terms
Key vocabulary:

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Variables- the unknown

Like terms- all terms whose variables are
the same

White boards
Activity Pieces

Guided Notes

Instructional Input

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life: So
far this week we have learned about solving multistep equations, today we are going to
work on solving equations with variables on both sides. Go ahead and get started on your
bell work. You will have five minutes to complete it. We will go over the bell work when it
is completed.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Instruction Part 1
During this time the students will
After I have gone over the bell work
listen to instruction

The students will listen to the first

we will get started. Remember
students the work for the day and
example and when it is done
week is on the board and you
being explained the students can
should have it written in your
then follow along with the first
calendars, also if you finish your
example in their journals

Then we will work on the second

work and have time remaining you
know to go onto study island and
complete the work on there. It is
also stated on the board.
Now, go ahead and read the
goal/objective on the board.
Yesterday we went over solving
multi-step equations and combining
like terms.
Example 1) 2x + 4x +3 +8= 35 x
=4 I will go over this example if
needed to practice combining like

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

So, the first thing that we are going
to do is make sure that we cannot
combine any like terms, if we can
we will do that. Then after we
combine like terms remember
when we are solving equations we
want to isolate the variable. To do
this we want to start off by moving
everything that is not attached to
the variable to the other side of the
equal sign. This will get the variable
alone on one side of the equation.
We learned this early in the week
when we were solving two-step
equations. I will model how to solve
one and then I will model how you
can check your answer.
Today we are solving problems that
have variables on both sides. The
first thing we are going to do is to
combine like terms.
Step 1) 3a + 28 - 4 = -a
So in this example we want to
combine the 28 and the -4.
Step 2) 3a + 24 =-a
Use the inverse operation to
combine all like terms. So we would
need to subtract the 3a from both
sides giving us
24 = - 4a
Step 3) 24 = - -4a
Isolate the variable by dividing -4 to

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

both sides of the equation

Step 4) Solve 24/ -4 = a
a= -6
We can check by plugging our
answer back in to the original
Check) 3(-6) +28 -4 = -(-6)
Guide Practice Part 1
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If a student is having trouble with the first two examples they can go
back to the intervention table and get extra help
Modifications will be made based on students need on a lesson by lesson basis.
Students have shoulder partners and team leaders to assist in helping them with
their work as needed. Additional instruction will be given to students who need
more practice in small groups at the intervention table.
Guided Practice

Teacher Will:
Guided Practice Part 1
Now I am going to have you walk
me through a problem and
checking it as a group.
Example 2) 9x -4 + 8 = 5x
X = -1
Example 3) 3x + 13 = x + 1
x = -6
After I will have you do one
example as a group and the first
group done will walk me through
the problem. When we are done
with the example we will move
onto the activity.
Each person gets of an equation

Student Will:
Team leaders will be making sure that
each member understands each step
and that each step is written in their
journals along with the correct answer
and check
During the activity the students will
walk around the room and find a
partner. Each partner will have a piece
of the equation and both partners must
show their work on their own piece of
paper and sign each others paper when
they have finished the problem. If a
group finishes early there will be a
challenge problems on the board that
they can solve.

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

one being a pumpkin and one

being a ghost.
Musical Chairs style. Walk around
the room until the music stops.
Partner up with the person closest
to you and has a different card
than you.
Combine each of your half
equations to make a full equation
and BOTH of you need to solve the
Some answers may need to be
Have your partner sign his/her
name on your paper under the
work that you did together before
you move on to the next partner. If
there is a group that is finished
before time runs out there will be
challenge questions displayed for
the students to solve. Problem 31
or a couple of problems that I have


Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If students need more help they will be able to go to the intervention
table to get help
Teacher Will:
Explain to students that they will
independently work through the some of
the problems in their book pg. 510 10- 30
and 33 odd not 17, 19, 27, 29

Student Will:
Students will independently work
through the problems in the book and
then they will do their exit ticket with
the last few minutes of the class


Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

If the students have finished the

independent work they go on Study Island
or Khan.

Also do their exit ticket

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
Ticket out the Door: Today you learned about solving equations with variables on both

10-2 Solving Multi-step Equations

Today I will be able to _________________________________________________________________
Key Vocabulary:
_________________: are terms who have ___________________ that are the same.
_________________: the_________ __________
_________________: get the __________ ________by itself.


Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Example 1) 3a + 28 -4 = -a
Step 1) The first step is to

Example 1) 3a + 28 -4= -a
Step 1)

Step 2)
Step 2) Use
_____________on both sides of the
equation to _______________all like

Step 3)

Step 3) Then you need to

the _______________ by ____________ to
both sides of the equation.

Step 4)

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Step 4) Sole and check your answer

by ___________________ it back into the
______________ equation.

Example 2) 9x -4 + 8 = 5x
Step 1)

Example 2) 9x -4 + 8 = 5x
Step 1) The first step is to

Step 2)

Step 2) Use
_____________to _______________all like

Step 3)

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Step 3) Then you need to

the _______________ by ____________ to
both sides of the equation.
Step 4)

Step 4) Sole and check your answer

by ___________________ it back into the
______________ equation.
Example 3) 3x + 13 = x + 1
Step 1)

Example 3) 3x + 13 = x + 1
Step 1) The first step is to

Step 2)

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Step 2) Use
_____________to _______________all like
Step 3)

Step 3) Then you need to

the _______________ by ____________ to
both sides of the equation.

Step 4) Sole and check your answer

by ___________________ it back into the
______________ equation.

Step 4)

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

What did we go over today?

Teachers: Ms. Fatina

Handout 3: Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Subject: Math/ Pre- Algebra

Standards: 8.EE.C.7. Solve linear equations in one variable.
a. Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many
solutions, or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively
transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form
x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers).
b. Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose
solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like

Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT solve multistep inequality equations.
Student Friendly- I will be able to solve multistep equations with inequalities.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
SWBAT will be able to solve correctly 5-20 problems with solving multistep equations with
inequalities and/or answer 5 questions in a row on Khan Academy, and students must get
80% mastery on their exit tickets.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
solving one step equations

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Solving two step equations

Combining like terms
Key vocabulary:
Variable- the unknown
Like terms- terms that have the variable
Inequalities- holds between two values
and states that they are different (they
are not equal)


White boards


Instructional Input

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life: So
far this week we have learned about solving multistep equations, today we are going to
work on multistep equations with inequalities. Go ahead and get started on your bell work.
You will have five minutes to complete it.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Instruction Part 1
During this time the students will
The first thing that we are going to
listen to instruction

The students will listen to the first

do is review the previous weeks
material. We will go over a few
example and when it is done
examples from each section.
being explained the students can
Then we will move on with todays
then follow along with the first
material solving equations with
example in their journals

Then we will work on the second

inequalities. The steps are similar
to the steps that we have been
following. This week we are just
going to add one more. So, the first
step is to make sure that we cannot
combine any like terms. If we can
remember this means to combine
the terms that are on the same side
of the equal sign or inequality.
Example of like terms.
Then after we combine like terms

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

remember when we are solving

equations we want to isolate the
variable. To do this we want to start
off by moving everything that is not
attached to the variable to the
other side of the equal sign by
inverse operation. This will get the
variable alone on one side of the
equation. We learned this last week
when we were solving two-step
Example 1) 2x 3 > 5
Example 2)4x + 1 > 13
Example 3) -7 < 3x + 8
x > -5
Guided Practice (see guided


Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If a student is having trouble with the first two examples they can go
back to the intervention table and get extra help
Modifications will be made based on students need on a lesson by lesson basis.
Students have shoulder partners and team leaders to assist in helping them with
their work as needed. Additional instruction will be given to students who need
more practice in small groups at the intervention table.
Teacher Will:
Guided Practice Part 1
During this time each group will be
given some questions to try
together as a group. I will be

Student Will:
Team leaders will be making sure that
each member understands each step
and that each step is written in their
journals along with the correct answer


walking around the class to make

sure that each student is writing
the work in their journals.
The guided practice will be timed
and the first group done will
receive points
I will have the first group that is
done walk me through how they
solved the problem.
Example 1) 10x + 21 4x < -15
x < -6
Example 2) 3k 2 > 13
Example 3) 4y + 1.5 13.5
Example 4) 1/2b 5.5 4.5
b 20
The class will walk me through the
first one and then individuals will
walk through the next few
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
If students need more help they will be able to go to the intervention
table to get help


Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Teacher Will:
Explain to students that they will
independently work through the some of
the problems in their book pg. 517 1433 odd
If the students have finished the
independent work they go on Study Island
or Khan.

Student Will:
Students will independently work
through the problems in the book and
then they will do their exit ticket with
the last few minutes of the class


Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Also do their exit ticket

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
Ticket out the Door: Today you learned about solving equations with inequalities.

This is the test they had to take. The numbers on the left side of the problems refer to which chapter that question covers.

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

Handouts: Creating a Unit Plan

This is the pre and post class average score.

The students were required to take a bell work to determine where their prior knowledge was before the lesson started. An exit ticket was also
required to determine where their knowledge was of the content after the lesson was taught. The average of the bell works were 50%- 60% and the
average of the exit tickers were 80%-95%. Overall the students showed growth with this unit and a firm understanding of the content.

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