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Physical Education Newsletter

Hello, my name is Kolby King and I will be

your childs physical educator for the
2014-2015 school year. I grew up in
Arizona and love the southwest. I enjoy
hiking with my dog Kaiser and love just
about every single sport or activity in
life. My favorite thing to do with my free
time is working out and playing sports
with good friends who I met through
my program at ASU.

Program Description
This program is designed to
make all students physically
literate and competent in a
variety of motor skills and
movement patterns.
understanding of strategy and
tactics related to movement and
performance. Application of
knowledge skill to achieve,
maintain a health-enhancing
level of physical activity and
fitness throughout life. Most
important, students will be able
to recognize the value of
physical activity for health,
enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression and social

I love physical education and believe it to be one of

the underlying principles to help individuals to be
successful in all aspects of life. Throughout my time
studying at Arizona State University we learned the
importance of physical activity and how it makes
students successful in the hardest subjects such as
math and science. I love being physically fit and
believe that staying healthy will help us live a longer,
more fulfilling life.
I also believe that education is the most important
foundation to help children live a well balanced,
wholesome life. I plan on shaping our school around
the local community.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you

can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is
sweet. Aristotle
I love these quotes and have seen the benefit of them
in my own life. I hope to encourage children to live
their dreams and to change the world to make it a
better place for everyone.

issue, date 2

lorem ipsum dolor

1. Respect faculty, staff, students,

P.E. equipment and all facilities.
2. Full participation is expected in all
3. No food or drinks inside of the
locker room or during any
activities except water.
4. Have fun, try everything and give
it your best.

1. Verbal warning
2. Verbal warning and after
class discussion to fix
3. Student and Principal
4. Parent teacher conference

5. In-school suspension

Locker Room Expectations

1. Locks will be issued at the beginning of each semester. Students will be trained on how to use the
combinations and are responsible to turn them in good working mechanical order at the end of
the semester. Lost locks will cost $10.
2. Please make sure lockers are locked at all times, the P.E. department is not responsible for any
lost or stolen items.
3. Absolutely no horse-play or gossiping will be tolerated in the locker room and will follow the
consequences listed above.
4. Students are required to dress out in gym shorts, t-shirt and athletic shoes. If you forget any of
these items you will lose out on dress out points and participation. You will not be able to
participate if you dont have the proper attire.

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Dress out - 100 points
Participation - 100 points
4 quizzes - 25 points each * 4 = 100 points
Midterm - 50 points
Final - 50 points
Journal entries - 100 points
500 points

Absence Policy

What we will be learning!

Excused Absences

Strength Training

Students will be required to

provide a note from a doctor to be
excused from P.E. Notes from
parents will not be accepted and
will be referred to the Nurse.

Cardiovascular Endurance

Unexcused Absences
There will be a loss of points for
participation for that day and dress
out points. There will be no
makeup for unexcused absences
Excused Absence Make-up
Students can make up 5 unexcused
absences by providing a letter from
a parent stating they did the
missed assignment at home.
Rubrics must be asked for by
students to make up missed class.

Resistance Training
Health & Nutrition
Track & Field
Flag Football


Contact Information: You can call, text or email me at anytime. My phone number is 480944-4444. You can email me at KolbyKing44@aol.com. Thank you for the opportunity to
educate your child. Sincerely, Kolby King

The units covered this year will be on Sport and Lifestyle Activities. Each individual specific
sport or leisure activity will be covered for a period of two weeks with specialized emphasis
on rules, movement patterns, muscles used with real life application of the benefits of lifelong
physical activity.
Flag Football
Frisbee Golf
Strength Training
Track and Field

The rationale of these units is most beneficial to students because it will help them develop a
basic philosophy of the benefits of sport and lifestyle activities. Heavy emphasis of
introduction and fitness modules before the sport is very important covering proper
stretching and the benefits of being tone and limber. These sports and lifestyle activities both
cover the 5 health related fitness components of muscular strength, muscular endurance,
cardiovascular endurance, body composition and flexibility. The health related components
are to be covered and reminded to students during every unit of sport or lifestyle activity.
Skill related fitness components are also covered in this unit with agility, balance,
coordination, power and speed. These components will build the foundations with the
understanding of sport and lifestyle activities to be an individual with the ability to live a
lifelong physically active lifestyle.

National Standards
o Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed
to perform a variety of physical activities.
o Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies,
and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
o Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.
o Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
o Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
others in physical activity settings.
o Standard: 6 Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and or social interaction.

o Additional Standards are added to lesson plans to meet Arizonas College & Career
Ready and English Language Learner Standards that is now required in Physical
o Standard 1 is met in every fitness component of running, stretching, doing racetrack
fitness or jump and jog fitness. These movement patterns are highly emphasized in
every single unit covered. Explain to students national standards and how it is our job
as physical educators to make you competent in all national standards.

o Standard 2 is met in actual games played by understanding strategies to play the

sports, different movement concepts that will be modeled by the educator and
understanding performance in activities that are covered during input on the lesson
plan, guided practice, independent practice and closure.
o Standard 3 will be met because secondary students participate in physical education
everyday and foundations will be laid to show the benefits of daily activity,
comprehensive worksheets and accountability for understanding of a lifelong physical
activity. Standard 4 is accomplished also in meeting daily for physical education.
Progression will be made in fitness levels and educator must have goal setting
procedures to ensure achievement and the ability to maintain a health-enhancing level
of physical fitness.

o Standard 5 is reached during achievement of goals and during accountability. Social

behaviors will be shaped during the whole semester, respect is given and hard work is
cherished. Being motivating and inspiring leading by example as an educator on a daily
basis is emphasized to all students and faculty. Standard 6 is accomplished throughout
semester by promoting health and enjoyment during sports and lifestyle activities.
Self-expression is expected with respect and honor to others. Filling the bucket at the
end of class is something that Coach Cornell does at Campo Verde High School in
Gilbert. It is where students say something positive about another student that they
saw them work hard, helping someone or motivating them to be better. I will
incorporate this atmosphere into the semester in every unit on a daily, consistent basis.

There are several different types of teaching methods that will affect student comprehension.
Personal and Social Responsibility Approach will be incorporated heavily in the program.
Individual development is primary focus to curriculum and promotion of going above and
beyond. Preparation of students in real world application to help individual success in daily
life. Fitness Education Approaches will also be expected to see the importance of physical
activity, where and how it should take place and what is considered a physical activity.
Student learning will be assessed by using Task Sheets during each block plan during the 18
week semester. The students will work with 2 partners. One person will be the spotter,
trainer, roll the ball etc. Observer reads information/instructions to the doer, offers verbal
feedback and places a check in the yes or no column and recording the application or
understanding of their partner. Each student has their own task sheet to complete. Closure
has a lot to do with student learning and understanding.
Both formative and summative learning is going on, formative is done everyday during closure
and summative is during the task sheets.
All 3 learning domains are touched in every lesson plan with heavy emphasis on psychomotor
and cognitive domains. Affective is checked on during closure to see if they are confident in
their new skills.

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