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Relevant Curriculum Area/s EYLF/ELAs: Visual Arts

Date: 17/11

Experience Topic: Visual Arts small groups focusing on

creating and image that they have seen previously that

Age range: Preschool

Rationale: This lesson was planned on the factors of time and

also memory. There is nothing worse than a child forgetting
what they did in the day, this experience was meant to extent
their memory capabilities and to see how observant each child
was on the excursion.

Duration: 30 minutes

Experience Outcome/Objective(s):
- Children will use their prior experience, from the farm, to create an image.
- Children will communicate effectively with their peer with sharing.
- Students will improve their fine motor skills (holding a pencil).
- Children would have completed their work to a high standard that they are proud of.
- Children will have defined figures and shapes resembling or representing animals.
- Children will wait patiently for the colours that they want when another peer is using
Pre-requisites (prior knowledge, skills, etc.) To participate in this experience, children
would have had to go on the class excursion to the farm that morning.
Preparation and Resources:
- Paper
- Pencils and textas
- Folder with clear sleaves
ACTIVITY PROCEDURE: Diagram is placed on the back.
Introduction/Focusing Activity: After lunch,
children will be brought back inside and to sit down in
front of the chair (on the floor). With the children, we
will then go over our trip to the farm, their likes and
dislikes and talk about all the animals that we saw.
Once all children have said something, I will then
demonstrate what we will be doing. The children help
me draw the animal by telling me what features my
animal has (how many legs, fur...). Once I have
finished my drawing, the children will then go in
groups of 4 on the tables to create their drawing.
Experience development: As children are drawing
their picture, all educators will be walking around
each table giving the children positive reinforcement
on certain aspects of their picture, while also giving

This activity was okay but it could
have been improved. I asked all
children to do it at once when I
should have been doing it in
groups. You could see that some
children needed extra support with
drawing where as others rushed the
activity so that they could play with
something else.
The end product of all the childrens
art work in the folder was lovely and
the parents were happy to see what
their child had accomplished.

support to the children that may need assistance with

Conclusion: Once children have finished their
drawings, they will come and find me and hand the
picture to me after they have written their name on
the back. They will then explain their drawing to me
(what they have drawn or what they liked the best).
The drawings will then be placed in the clear sleaved
folder for the children to show their parents. Once the
children are finished they can find another activity to
do, while the others still finish
completed this drawing, it will be placed in a clear
sleave folder and put outside so that all the parents
are carers can see what their children have liked
best. All work samples will be placed in a clear
sleave with their name on the back. When children
know that their work is being displayed, children
make the effort in doing their work.

Further development/follow up: A follow on lesson would be to a the children to design

their own farm and decide what type of animals that they would like to have on it, explaining
why they have done it.

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