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Grand Ledge High

Course Syllabus

Trimester Course Syllabus

Name of Course: Conceptual Chemistry

Teacher Name: Mr. Benjamin Lorson, Mr. Christopher Behrens

Grand Ledge High School: Office - (517) 925-5815
Teachers Direct Phone Number: (517) 925-5880
Contact Times: 7:30-7:45 am, 2:45-3:15 pm, during 2nd Hour Conference period, or by appointment
before/after school
Email: lorsonb@glcomets.net, behrensc@glcomets.net

Website: glscience.weebly.com

Purpose/Course Description: This course is designed to meet the MMC standards for chemistry.
The chemistry study program is a highly structured course investigating the theories and concepts of
chemistry. A lab-based approach is used as a discovery process with supporting material being
presented in the text as the concepts are developed. You will be assessed on your understanding and
application of the concepts studied.
Topics, Key Concepts, and Units of Study:
Trimester A: Acids and Bases, Properties of Matter, Gas Laws, Atomic Theory, Nuclear Decay,
Electron Configurations, Production of Light, and Periodic Trends,
Trimester B: Naming and Structures of Ionic and Covalent Substances, Lewis and Molecular
Structures, Bond Strength, Hydrocarbon Structure and Nomenclature, The Mole, Chemical
Reactions, Stoichiometry.
Textbooks Used and Other Sources: Students will receive unit packets containing notes,
readings, and activities. No textbook is used for this course.
Required Materials:
1. SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR You must purchase or borrow a calculator and bring it
with you each day!!
2. Three-ring Binder (1 or 1 ) or a Folder with pockets
3. Pencils (and pens for daily work) are required for Scantron forms
Methods of Instruction: Information will come from reading, note taking, collaborative group
inquiry lessons, laboratory activities, and manipulatives.
Evaluation/Grade Calculations: Your grade will be computed on a point-percentage system. Each
assignment will be worth a certain point value.
Each trimester, your assignments will be filtered into two categories:
1. Assessments This category is weighted 80% of your trimester grade. Included in this
category will be all TESTS, QUIZZES, and any PROJECTS that are given. Tests will be more
formal assessments and conducted at the conclusion of a unit. Students will receive ample
time and study materials to prepare for these assessments. Tests will be worth 100 points.
Students will be given a study guide a few days in advance of a unit test. Quizzes are more
informal evaluations and will be conducted throughout a unit. Generally, these assessments
will be announced; however the instructor does reserve the right to give unannounced quizzes.
Quizzes will be worth 10 points.
2. Homework This category is weighted 20% of your trimester grade. Included in this category
will be all HOMEWORK, CLASSWORK, STUDY GUIDES, and LABS. Homework will be given
DAILY and will be checked for completion and correctness at the beginning of every
class period. We will go over the answers to the homework after it has been checked. At
then end of each unit, students will hand in copies of all the daily homework assignments for
an additional unit homework grade.

Course Syllabus

Grand Ledge High

Students will be responsible for completing warm-up questions during the homework check.
These will be collected at the end of the week and scored for correctness. Study guides will
be due on the day of the test. We will go over the answers to the study guide the day before
each test so students can make sure they have the correct information
for studying. Students who do not have their study guides complete on the review day will go
to an alternative location to complete it instead of staying to hear the correct answers. Study
guides and Warm-Up sheets may be turned in if absent on due date. Study guides may be
turned in if incomplete on the due date, once they are finished. This work must be turned in to
the Late or Absent Box. Assignments from unexcused absences cannot be made up and will
receive zero credit, as per student handbook.
The final exam will be worth 15% of the trimester grade. The remaining 85% of the grade will come
from the accumulation of points in the above 2 categories.
Grading Scale:






The High School attendance/tardy policy is available on-line in the student handbook at:
Comet PRIDE in Room 404:
P Positive
Treat all people (students, teachers, substitute teachers, aides, etc.) with RESPECT and
kindness no name-calling, put-downs, or profane language will be tolerated. Conduct
yourself in such a way that you are not a disruption to the learning of others refrain from
talking out of turn, fooling around, or disturbing others.
R Responsible
Take RESPONSIBILITY for your learning come to school, actively participate in every lesson,
ask questions as they arise, do EVERY assignment, seek help.
Come to class PREPARED bring packets, paper, binder/folder, pencil, keep all returned papers
in binder (notebook checks), wear proper attire on lab days
I Integrity
Follow all Laboratory Safety Policies
No food or drink except water
Gum should not be seen nor heard, and may not be chewed on lab days
Avoid cheating: The act of obtaining answers or completing assignments in a fraudulent or
deceitful manner. Disciplinary action will be determined by staff and administrators. Possible
zero grade for assignment and possible suspension.
D Determined
Stay ORGANIZED keep ALL of your papers in a folder or binder in a fashion that will be easy
for you to find them!
E Engaged
Students will remain in chairs until the bell rings. 4th hour classes may put up the chairs at
1:27 pm
NO CELL PHONE use in class, including texting. Phones will be kept upside-down on
your desk and untouched for the entire class period. It should not make noise or
produce light of any kind.
iPods/mp3 are not to be used during lecture, lab, or cooperative learning time (in groups) if
asked to put away during one of these times, you will not be allowed to use it during silent,
individual work time, when it would be permitted. Take your earbuds out when class begins,
do not wait for me to ask you, or I will take your device.

Grand Ledge High

Course Syllabus

Seeking Help: Students must take responsibility for their learning. If you are struggling with
understanding concepts in class, before or after school is an opportunity to receive some one-on-one
assistance with your teacher or the help room teachers. Before or after school is also the appropriate
time to make up missed tests, quizzes, or work due to absences. The Science Intervention Center
(SIC) is available to help all students for testing, retesting, and one-on-one assistance. It can be
utilized before school, after school, or during both lunches for studying, retaking a test, or catching up
on missing work.
Consequences for misconduct include, but are not limited to: a warning, conference with teacher,
detention after class, after school, or during your lunch, meeting with parents/guardians, and referral
to assistant principal or dean of students who may
assign further consequences. Cell phones will be confiscated if not in the proper place, make noise or
light, or used in class. Confiscated phones will be returned on the first offense at the end of the class
period; the second offense, at the end of the day; the third offense, they will be turned into the office,
and returned to the student as per the handbook policy.
Passes: Students will be issued passes to use the restroom in emergency situations up to 3 times
per trimester. Any unused passes may be redeemed for extra credit at the end of each trimester.
Lost passes are the problem of the student who loses them. No additional passes will be reissued in
such a case. Sharing of passes is allowed and will not be prevented. However, it is you choose to give
your passes to another student and you will not be able to get extra credit for the passes you give
away or lose. Restroom passes must be filled out with the students name, date, and time,
and will not be considered a valid pass without the signature of the teacher. When
returning from the bathroom, deposit your pass on the teachers desk, this will be kept for verification
of extra credit at the end of each trimester. Drinking fountain visits will also require the use of a
bathroom pass, if you do not wish to give up your pass for this reason, the sink in the classroom is
also a perfectly acceptable place to get a drink.
Laboratory Safety Rules:
1. I will wear my goggles when I am instructed to do so. At no point in time during the lab will my
goggles leave my eyes.
2. I will wash my hands after any lab in which I touch chemicals or biological materials.
3. I will behave properly in the laboratory. I will not touch other students or engage in horseplay of
any kind. I will stay focused on the task at hand for the duration of the laboratory activity.
4. I will be respectful of all lab equipment. I will use equipment only as I am instructed to. I will
clean all lab equipment and leave my lab station in better condition than I found it.
5. I will not eat or drink in the laboratory area. I especially will not eat or drink any of my lab
6. In the event that a chemical should enter my eye (which it wont because I will be wearing my
safety goggles at all times when working with potentially harmful chemicals) I will use the
eyewash located at the end of the instructor lab table in the front of the classroom.
7. In the event that chemicals have spilled or glassware is broken I will immediately call for my
instructor. I will not try to clean up the mess myself. My instructor will assess the situation and
determine if it is safe for a student to clean up or not.
9. I am fully aware that breaking any of these lab safety rules will result in immediate dismissal from
the laboratory, a zero grade for the lab activity, and possibly a trip to the principles office.

I, __________________________________________ certify that I have read the rules and procedures and that
I commit to following them exactly. I am aware of the consequences if I do not follow the rules and
procedures. I understand that success will come with hard work and participation and I am willing to
put forth my best effort to be successful in this class. I will ask for help when I need it and take

Grand Ledge High

Course Syllabus

responsibility for my actions. I will contribute positively to the classroom environment and to the
learning of my peers.
Student Signature
I, ____________________________________, parent/guardian to ____________________________________ certify
that I have read the rules and procedures my child will be expected to follow. I will do my part to
help them succeed by asking them about homework and up-coming tests/quizzes. I will inform the
teacher of pre-planned absences in advance and of any concerns I have from home.
Parent or Guardian Signature


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