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Wade 1

William Wade
Mrs. Allison
Period 3

Preamble For Now and Forever

To understand the national treasure that is the Preamble is vital in understanding how
America is still able to functioning today. The Preamble is all about how our founding fathers
worked so hard to redo the Articles of Confederation, however clearly they were not working so
they started from scratch doing the Constitution. This of course made them think about what it
takes to be a good Nation and not have a tyrannical ruler like back in Britain. And while you may
think we would need a new Preamble depending on the ideals of that year it has never changed,
not since they first wrote it.

To begin with,People of all races, and genders have within the last century been given the
rights to just about everything caucasian people have but there is one group of people who have
not been given these rights yet and we have known about them longer. Thats right not womens
rights or African American rights its the rights of those who love another of their own gender,
also known as the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite) when reading those
words you might have thought Thats a bad word or Can he even say that but what I can and
cannot say is a whole other topic, what matters is that people who should have the exact same
rights as you and I have been given labels that people identify as bad words and
inappropriate so are people working to change this? Yes of course, but they aren't given the

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same attention as someone who is a fighting for their rights because of race or gender, because
people dont realize how they have been put down. It is a cultural norm today, which is
unacceptable, people who play video games know, or you just to a public school. If someone is
mad and wanting to say something that isnt a cuss word they will call you gay before
anything else and it has gotten worse. When Hitler was still alive he was the biggest homophobe
around, are people these days becoming less concerned about how others feel and more worried
about how others view them? While I cannot speak for the adult population I can tell you that
public schools are well known for this. Of course you know how it goes, if you are a new kid you
want to make friends and some people make them the right ways and others put others down in
order to get to the top.

A Great Nation
Next, America the great would not have such a country without the leadership and
teamwork of our founding fathers. And the Constitution they wrote which had the Preamble still
affects life today, and always will! We need the Preamble more than anything else in our
country, without it there is nothing thats going to stop our government from making unfair laws
and doing things that are not of the highest moral standards. Acording to military.com a woman
recived a dishonorable discharge, just for being gay! Within the last few years she has fought to
earn the right to have it become a honorable discharge and is still working to earn disability
claims. So why do we fear what we dont know? Is it the unknown that we fear or is it the need
to fear something that creates hate.

Preamble Defined

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Also look at, We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish
justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and
establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Yes, this is one giant sentence. One
sentence that successfully set the standard for the future of America. In laymen terms it means
That as a nation we need to make become more perfect, It is needed that we set forms of justice,
create laws, and most importantly we need a military. To do this we need to get welfare for all,
and for that we must acquire freedom for all and this must be done so all future generations can
enjoy it too. We the people of the United States: Any citizen of America. In order to form a more
perfect union: The Articles of Confederation were a bust and we need a better form of
government. Establish Justice: Set down forms of police. Insure domestic tranquility: To create a
better court system. Provide for the common defense: Build the biggest military the world has
ever seen. Promote the general welfare: Ability to tax in order to get things done. And secure
the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity: And we will do whatever it takes to make
sure this happens Do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America:
America will not become another Britain and with Tyranny so they set down this set of laws for
us to follow.

Gender, Race, and Sexual Orientation

Further more, When you look back on how our country has had a tough time figuring out
that everyone wants to live in an equal society but yet we wrote a constitution all about equality.
Think about it, African Americans were once slaves, then treated as lessors, and finally given the
respect they deserved. And women who were expected to stay at home and cook and clean and

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become house wives back then this was seen as appropriate now this view on life is sexist and
demeaning. So today when there are arguments about whether gay marriage should be legal you
would expect that people would learn from the past that having equality is not earned it is
supposed to be obvious that everyone wants it and deserves it. It it literally in the preamble that
people are given equality and do not have to earn it from others. And to those who say people
who are gay will not go to heaven the bible also says that you should not eat bacon or
cheeseburgers yet you do it anyways. People will always be looking to find excuses against
things because they need something to hate or they are nothing in life. That was one reason to
write the constitution, so people have religious freedom and freedom of speech and freedom of
expression. But yet when it comes down to it they really don't want you to have freedom, if not
for the constitution you wouldnt have any.

Freedom Of Speech
In conclusion, learning about the history of our nation,when written in 1787 to be exact, we
may have lots of amendments but do not let that fool you. Nothing is ever perfect the first time
look at any government, at least ours corrects itself. Finally think about how you are in every
way protected by the Preamble and how you couldnt do things you like to do with the freedom
that you have to do them in. Our greatest achievement is not a military or anything else we have
the accomplishment of the Preamble to the Constitution that dwarfs everything else we have ever
done. Just imagine a world where we didnt do any of the things that we did as a nation, thats
what it would be like without the Constitution because Americans only acomplished what we did
under our freedoms and with the power to become whatever you want, because someone who is
born today is just the same as anyone else in every way they have no more of an advantage in life

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because of their parents you have just as good a chance as becoming president as the President

Works Cited
"Daily News." Gay Soldier's Discharge Upgraded to Honorable. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
"Gay Marriage ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. Web. 02 Nov. 2014.
"Gay Military Signal HOME." Gay Military Signal HOME. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
"Gay Rights and the Constitution." Gay Rights and the Constitution. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
Huffington, Arianna. "A More Perfect Union: Being Gay in America." The Huffington Post.
TheHuffingtonPost.com, 25 Oct. 2013. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
"The Sexes: The Sergeant v. the Air Force." Time. Time Inc., 08 Sept. 1975. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
"Show Me Where the Constitution Says Gay Marriage Is a Right." Infowars. Web. 05 Nov.
2014. <http://www.infowars.com/show-me-where-the-constitution-says-gay-marriage-is-aright>.

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