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Immigration Annotated Bibliography

Emma Diaz
University of Texas at El Paso

Davis, D. O. (2014, October 24). Ouisa D. Davis: El Paso lawyers offer free aid Saturday
those in need. El Paso Times. Retrieved from http://elpasotimes.com/
In this article Davis states that there are various organizations, law firms and private
attorneys that assist immigrants with the need of legal representation. Some of those
providers give free or discounted services which helps low-income immigrants. She also
informs the community about one important event in the city of El Paso called The
National Pro Bono Celebration. The event honors those contributors, but instead of
having something given to them, they give their services and information to the
community attending the event. Davis also says thats the best way to celebrate their
contributions by helping those individuals with their services. Finally she concludes her
article by inviting all individuals that need legal assistance to the important event taking
place at the El Paso Community College Valle Verde campus cafeteria.
The goal of this source is to inform the community about an event that could be
beneficial to people with the need of legal representation. It is a credible source because it
is published in a news website and also because one can contact the author of the article
via email. This article can be helpful for a research project because it shows one of the
different aspects to immigration.

Carcamo, C. (2013, September 14). Immigrants lacking papers work legally as their own
busses. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from http://www.latimes.com/
Various situations where illegal immigrants are making their own businesses are being
discussed in this article. Carcamo explains how Claudia Chavarria, one of those many
entrepreneurs, has a graphic design business. She states how even if she has some
difficulties because of her legal status she still manages to run her business. Carcamo also
mentions another entrepreneur named Lillia Romo, who started a school to teach English
as a second language in Phoenix. At the end of the article one can read entrepreneur
Chavarrias opinion on this occurrence, she says that she believes her business is
beneficial because she gives U.S citizens job opportunities.
This source is similar to other sources in support of immigration. Its goal is to inform the
community about an aspect about immigration from actual illegal immigrants. One can
use this source to compare it with other outlooks about immigration for a later research

Dinnerstein, L., & Reimers, D. M. (2014). The Era of Latinos, 1965-1990. The World Comes to
America. (pp. 53-73). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
The authors of this book explain in this chapter how Latino immigrants have
accomplished to come to the United States, and some of the reasons for doing it. They
mention how some of them have crossed through the desert to Arizona and some of them
through the Rio Grande River to Texas and New Mexico. They also disscus how many
immigrants have died on their way due to the bad conditions they encounter with. The
groups of people that migrate to the U.S mentioned are Mexicans, who make up 60
percent of all the undocumented immigrants, Cubans, Dominicans, Nicaraguans, Central
Americans such as Salvadorians and Guatemalans, and lastly South Americans from
Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina and Venezuela. Some of the reasons described for
this movement of individuals, include the desire of higher wages, and a safe place to live
without violence and war.
The goal of this source is to inform people about immigration and how it is developed. It
is a useful source because one can become knowledgeable of such a pressing issue in the
United States. This source can be useful for a research project to study the different ways
immigrants accomplish their goal to come to the U.S.

Preston, J. (2010, March). Raised in the U.S., but still illegal. The New York Times Upfront.
Retrieved from http://upfront.scholastic.com

Preston explains in her article how young immigrants are trying to convince the
government to give them citizenship. These young individuals have a desire to continue
their education but are not able to do it because of their legal status. Since they are not
U.S citizens they are not eligible for financial aid and most of them do not have enough
money to pay for college. A group of young immigrants began a walk from Miami to
Washington, D.C to protest against the government for not giving them their citizenship.
At the end Preston includes in her article the opinion of one of these individuals, Felipe
Matos, who states that they are taking the risk of protesting because what they are going
through is unbearable.
The goal of this source is to inform the community about how a group of immigrants are
making efforts to gain their citizenship. It is useful because many people can be informed
about the protests and efforts immigrants make to stay in the United States. This source
can influence people to change their views on immigration due to the efforts these
individuals make.

Hartman, T.K., Newman, B.J., & Taber, C.S. (2012). Foreign Language Exposure, Cultural
Threat and Opposition to Immigration. Political Psychology, 33(5), 635-657.
The authors of this article discuss how foreign languages create a cultural threat to the
United States, causing anti-immigration views. They argue that many immigrants in the
U.S do not try to adapt to the American culture, including not wanting or trying to learn
English. They also include information about a survey conducted to investigate the
relationship between White Americans who speak English and immigrants who speak
little or no English. The results of the survey show that White Americans are not certainly
comfortable communicating with those immigrants, causing them to feel culturally
exposed increasing antagonism to immigration. At the end, the authors conclude that
there is not only an economic threat to the White Americans, but also a cultural threat
that includes foreign traditions and languages from immigrants.
The goal of this source is to inform people about one of the concerns to Americans
against immigration. It is useful to different groups of people that want to be informed
about the pressing issue of immigration. This source can later be used to research about
the different views of immigration.

Brader, T., Jardina, A.E., & Valentino, N.A. (2013). Immigration opposition among U.S
whites: general ethnocentrism or media priming of attitudes about latinos. Political
Psychology, 34(2), p149-166.
The authors of this article explain how different factors influence the opposition to
immigration. They discuss how economic concerns affect the idea of immigration, for
example, by letting immigrants take jobs in the United States, allowing them to receive
government benefits, increases of taxes and costs of education and other problems on
infrastructure. They also compare these economic concerns with the typical negative
outlooks from people which according to these authors also influence the immigration
policies and opinions about immigration. Another issue described in this article is how
media is a great influence on immigrations view, since they apprise people about many
issues that involve immigration, causing the viewers develop new opinions about the
The authors use a survey and several graphs that show evidence of the information
provided on this article, which makes it reliable. It is an objective source because the
authors only inform the readers about the different factors that cause immigration
opposition, and do not show any preference on their arguments. This is a useful source
that can be used later to explain the different perspectives people have about immigration.

Hyunjun Mo, C., Malhotra, N. & Margalit, Y. (2013). Economic explanation for opposition to
immigration: distinguishing between prevalence and conditional impact. American
Journal of Political Science, 57(2), p. 391-410.
The authors of this article make a comparison between economic concerns and cultural
concerns that influence the opposition of immigration. They discuss how some
individuals reject immigration because they are afraid the traditional way of life in a
country will change due to those immigrants. Also because immigrants take their
common traditions to the country they are migrating to and that may bother people
originally from that country. They also make a study to see what group of people is
mostly against immigration, either the high-technology workers or the non-technology
workers. The results come out to be that high-tech workers are less supportive for
immigration. At the end the authors state that one should be careful when discussing this
issue and investigate the factors before making a conclusion.
This source is very useful because the authors include various studies to find the reasons
why immigration is opposed. It is similar to other sources and together one can analyze
better the topic. This source is beneficial for a later research on the different opinions and
views on immigration.

Newman, B.J. (2013). Acculturating contexts and anglo opposition to immigration in the United
States. American Journal of Political Science, 57(2), p. 391-410.
The author of this article describes the acculturating contexts hypothesis as one of the
causes of immigration opposition. This hypothesis discusses how people that live in
places where there has been little immigrant impact, are more worried about the issue,
rather than those individuals that have lived in places where there has been a great
influence of immigrants before. The author also describes how Anglo individuals reject
immigration because of other many factors. To show these opinions among whites the
author incudes a survey that was made to identify which of the three threats: cultural,
economic and crime, is mostly concerned among whites. Finally he says that all the
research done has not really influenced people point of view on immigration.
This source is credible because of the authors use of survey and census data. Its goal is
to inform people about how immigration opposition is caused. This source can be used
for a later research to examine individuals concerns about immigration.

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