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Gabrielle Pankhurst

Ed 3602 D
Assignment 4 Linking DI
February 28, 2014

Assignment #4 Linking Differentiated Instruction to Lesson /Unit Planning

Part 1: Unit Plan and Lesson Plan Description
Subject area: Graphics 9
Unit: Digital Photography
Grade level: 9
Lesson Description: Digital Photography Photo Story
2. Use an image-capturing device/digital camera to acquire images that follow basic rules of
visual composition
5. Present a selection of work completed in this course to an audience
6. Apply consistent and appropriate workstation routines
In this assignment students will create a collection of 12 photos representing a
specific topic. These photographs should tell a story about a particular topic and
photograph it in unique and different ways. Examples of topics could be shoes, a particular
sport, food or a color. To begin the lesson we will cover important rules for handling the
cameras. As well we will discuss other rules the students need to know before working with
the schools cameras. All photos are expected to show creativity as well as be in focus. After
students have taken all their photos they will compile them using Photoshop elements and
create a slideshow to showcase the photos.
Part 2: Pre-Assessment:
Pre-assessment that I would use at the beginning of the photography unit would
focus on the area of learner styles. This is the first unit I will be teaching for grade 9
graphics so it is important for me to be familiar with how my new students learn best. I will
use this pre-assessment to create learner profiles for each student that tells me what their
preferred learning style is and some background information about him or her. From the
information gathered I would be able to make decisions about instructional strategies I will
use throughout the unit/lesson. For example what techniques would work best for direct
instruction and explaining the directions for the activity.
I have created a 15 Questions Activity for the students to complete for this preassessment of learner styles. Some of the questions have been taken from Making A
Difference Developing Learner Profiles.

15 Question Getting To Know You!

Gabrielle Pankhurst
Ed 3602 D
Assignment 4 Linking DI
February 28, 2014

1. Name: __________________________
2. Preferred name to be called: (Nicknames) ____________________________
3. Birthday: _______________________
4. What is your favorite subject in school? _________________________________
5. What is your favorite part about school? ________________________________
6. What is your least favorite part about school? _________________________
7. What kind of technology do you like to use best? (ex: Ipad, Camera, laptop, etc.)
8. What is your favorite hobby/activity outside of school? ________________________
9. How do you like to take/keep notes? (pen, online) ____________________________
10. Where is the best place for me to sit in the classroom? _________________________
11. What do I read best from?
____ chalkboard ____ projector ____ chart paper ____ my own copy ____ smartboard
12. I would say I learn best by:
a. Hearing
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Seeing
e. Doing
13. My teacher can help me learn by: ______________________________________________________
14. I focus and do my best work when: ____________________________________________________
15. Rank in order from 1 (being the most useful) to 12 (being the least useful)
which type of learning experiences work best for me:
___ teacher explains aloud
___ teacher writes directions on the board
___ teacher does example on the board
___ teacher asks another student to demonstrate
___ teacher asks all students to try a sample at their desks
___ I read the directions while the teacher reads them
___ I read the directions on my own
___ teacher shows me at my desk
___ another student explains a second time and answers my questions
___ I watch what another student does
___ I try it on my own and then check with teacher
___ I try it on my own and then compare with another student.

Gabrielle Pankhurst
Ed 3602 D
Assignment 4 Linking DI
February 28, 2014

Making a Difference Developing Learner Profiles.

The second pre-assessment I would use is specific for the photography unit and
focuses on student readiness. Before starting any direct instruction or activities I would
have to students complete a 3-2-1 activity about the use of cameras and photography.
Below is how I would set up the sheet students will fill out when they enter the classroom.
By having the students complete this short information sheet I will be able to gather three
important pieces of information:
1. An idea about what students already know or past experience they may have.
2. What they are interested in learning about on this topic.
3. Give me an opportunity to address any questions they may have individually or as a
I will also be able to use the information from this pre-assessment to plan future activities
for the class. By knowing what students may be interested to learn I can focus assignments
and projects around areas that will challenge and engage the students.

3-2-1 Cameras and Photography

3 List 3 things you would really like to learn in this unit.

2 List 2 things you already know about cameras or photography experience.

1 What is 1 question you have about cameras or photography?

Part 3: Differentiating the Lesson:

What Pre-assessment will I
Marks: 2

How will I differentiate?

Marks: 2

What DI Strategy
(and learning activities) will I
Marks: 6

Gabrielle Pankhurst
Ed 3602 D
Assignment 4 Linking DI
February 28, 2014

I will use the first pre-assessment focused on learner
styles. I decided to use this so future lesson I plan for
this class can be targeted toward specific learning styles.
I also think this information can be better used across a
variety of lessons and units to differentiate instructional
strategies and activities for individual student needs.
Based on the information gathered in my preassessment I will differentiate by process, product and
I will differentiate process by breaking an activity or
project into more manageable steps. The student may
use different editing software to create the same
product. By breaking projects into smaller pieces
students who are not as familiar or skilled in
photography will be able to learn the same skills in a
different way at different times.
To differentiate product I would give students options
and flexibility when creating products that reflect
learning objectives. Students will be learning the same
concepts and skills in photography but how they show
these skills may vary depending on interests.
In order to differentiate the learning environment I
would allow students to work in a quiet space or in
small groups to encourage peer learning and sharing of
creative ideas. Specific technology or headphones could
be available for students who need to minimize
distractions around them.
The DI strategy that I have chosen to use for my
photography unit is a tic-tac-toe choice board. There
will be three rows and three columns in this board.
Students will have to choose three activities, one from
each row (or color). The first row will be choices for an
activity that introduces the students to the topic. The
second row will give them choices on a project they
must complete to meet the objectives outlined. The third
row will be a way to assess their learning and project. I
chose to do a choice board for three reasons. First so
that students have options and flexibility when it comes
to how they learn information. Second is so students
demonstrate their knowledge in a meaningful and
engaging way. Third students will be able to reflect on

Gabrielle Pankhurst
Ed 3602 D
Assignment 4 Linking DI
February 28, 2014
and assess their learning in a meaningful, comfortable
way. This board could be easily adapted to reflect
activities related to the desired outcome of a lesson.




Pick 3 - Choice Board (pick one of each color)

To learn the concepts In groups of 3 or 4 you As a group, facilitated by the
in this lesson you will
will research
teacher, you will first listen
watch online tutorials.
information on the
to some direct instruction
After watching each
new topic we will be
on the new topic. Than
tutorial you will
covering. As a group
participate in group
answer a few
you will create a
discussions and verbally
questions about each
concept map that
answer question about what
explains the
we learnt.
information you learnt
about each concept.
Create a collage of
Create a slideshow
Edit your collection of
photographs that
using Photoshop
photos in a unique and
focus on a particular
elements to showcase
creative way. Upload all the
topic. Using Photoshop
your collection of
photos onto your class blog.
design a creative and
Below each photo write a
eye-catching display of
description that represents
your photos in a
the image.
collage format.
Complete the selfWith a partner you will In groups of five you will do
evaluation form. This
evaluate each others
a Choose, Swap, Choose
activity will ask you to project. You will need activity. You will choose one
reflect on two
to identify two
thing you liked from each
strengths of your
successes, one area for group members project. You
project, one area you
improvement and one will go around in a circle and
could improve on. You thing you would want
swap projects after youve
will also need to fill
to include in your
highlighted one strength.
out a rubric and
project after seeing
You will choose and swap
explain why you chose
your peers. You will
projects until you have
the mark you did.
both fill out the rubric
commented on all group
and explain why each
mark was given.
Each group member will
also fill out the rubric for his
or her own project.

Part 4: Anchor Activity (Sponge)

Gabrielle Pankhurst
Ed 3602 D
Assignment 4 Linking DI
February 28, 2014

The first anchor activity I would use in this lesson is adding transitions and music to
the photo slideshow. If students are interested in learning and experimenting with these
features and have the extra time to do so they may complete this as a sponge activity. This
anchor activity would focus on students interests and would give the students the
opportunity to take their project to a new level if they desire. Since this is a high school level
class students will be able to work independently. They are capable of self-directing his or
her learning of a new skill. The nature of this class allows for students to have a fair bit of
time working on projects. If a student excels in this subject matter they are able to continue
and challenge themselves. For students who may struggle in this subject area they will be
given adequate time to complete all assignments to the expected level. They will not have to
further their project if they do not express interests or do not have the time.
The second anchor activity would be for students who are possibly less interested
and skilled with technology. This next activity asks students to find photographs of the
same topic (ex: shoes, sports, colors, etc.) online and evaluate the quality and creativity of
the photos they find. This activity would have students critically analyze photography but
identifying components of the photos that they really like and things that they would do
differently if it were their photo. This activity engages different learning styles and areas of
interest students may have. Again this is an activity that students can work on
independently based on the grade level and structure of the class.
Students will use this sheet with guiding questions to analyze photographs found online.
List 3-4 elements of this photograph that are done really well. Why?

What is one thing I would have done differently with this photo?

Gabrielle Pankhurst
Ed 3602 D
Assignment 4 Linking DI
February 28, 2014
Part 5: Relationship to Knowledge, Skills and Aptitudes (KSAs)

Addressing Professional
Knowledge, Skills and Attributes
Professional Semester Two

The following
chart denotes the
alignment of the
Alberta KSAs
with instruction
in the PSII

Knowledge, Skills and Attributes for Alberta Teachers


Psychology of

Teachers make reasoned decisions about teaching and learning based on their
ongoing analysis of contextual variables.
Teachers understand the legislated, moral and ethical framework within which
they work.
Teachers use the programs of study to inform and direct planning instruction and


Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content they teach.


Teachers identify and respond to learner differences.



Teachers plan for instruction, translating curriculum and outcomes into

meaningful learning activities.
Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student
learning and understand student needs for physical, social, cultural and
psychological security.


Teachers establish relationships with students that respect human dignity


Teachers use a broad range of instructional strategies.


10 - Teachers apply a variety of technologies to meet students learning needs.

11 - Teachers gather and use information about students learning needs and progress
and assess the range of learning objectives.
12 - Teachers engage parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of
teaching and learning.

13 - Teachers identify and use relevant learning resources.

14 - Teachers contribute, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school.

15 - Teachers engage in assessing the quality of their teaching.

16 - Teachers are able to communicate a personal vision of their own teaching.

KSA #6 Students will be meeting important foundational objectives to digital

photography outline in the program of studies. I believe that the activities planned for this
lesson are engaging and meaningful to the students interests. The objectives have been
adapted slightly from COM 1275 to be meaningful, applicable, and appropriate for the grade

Gabrielle Pankhurst
Ed 3602 D
Assignment 4 Linking DI
February 28, 2014
nice level. The outcomes from this digital photography module have been translated into an
activity that stimulates creativity and mastery of basic digital photography skills. The
students are able to apply their own interest and passions into the assignment by choosing
their desired topic. The assignment has been made meaningful by allowing the students to
explore and experiment with capturing images that tell and story and express their
KSA #10 I believe that this lesson meets applying a variety of technologies to meet
students learning needs because it include the use of at least three different types/uses of
technology. To begin the lesson as a class we will be looking at examples of photo stories on
the smartboard to instruct and engage visual learners in the classroom. Next the students
will have the opportunity to use digital cameras to collect images for the assignment. The
use of cameras in the lesson will engage kinesthetic learners and give students hands-on
experience photographing images. To complete the project students will create a slideshow
using Photoshop elements. This third piece of technology will meet the needs of visual and
kinesthetic learners in the classroom. The use of technology in this lesson will not only help
engage different learning styles during instruction of concept but give students first hand
experience using technology to meet learning objectives.

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