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Shannon Steffen
Submitted to Fifield
COMM 1020
Speech 4: Persuasive Detailed Outline


Audience Assessment
Specific Goal: My audience will agree that fine arts courses in public schools should be a requirement in order to graduate.

Hook: In high school there are many different classes that students are required to take in order to



Fran Smith held a case study in a Texas school district

Shes from Edutopia and the George Lucas Educational Foundation
Showed that students involved in fine arts did better on standardized tests compared to those
who were not involved.
Students involved had a lower drop out rate
showed that students are more focused and driven



There are many social benefits along side the academic benefits
Discipline and drive, confidence
Robert Stein- Amarillo Globe News-wrote article
Forcing students together in these classes creates High School Musical effect
brings together students from all social/economic background



The cognitive benefits of the fine arts tend to be skipped over

Promotes cognitive growth
Theatre class helps develop verbal expression and literacy skills
Opens the mind to creative and abstract thinking
Sandra Ruppert- Critical Evidence; How The Arts Benefit Student Achievement
Engagement in the fine arts helps students to stretch their minds beyond the boundaries of
printed text or the rules of what is provable.


I strongly believe that it should be a graduation requirement for high school students to take
fine arts courses. I believe thorough personal experience that it really gives the student a leg
up socially, mentally, and academically. It sets up the student to be successful through college
and the rest of their lives.

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