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Country Analyst Assignment:

International Trade

1. Report on the current TOP TRADING

PARTNER(S) of your research
country. Why do you suppose this
country is the largest partner (politics?
language? geography? financial? etc.)?
2. Is your research country involved in
any trade agreements? If so, what
agreements and with whom? As the
economic analyst, what would seem to
be the benefits to this country of
entering into this agreement(s)?
3. Report on the TOP IMPORT and TOP
EXPORT of your research country.

4. Does the pattern of trade for your

country (as described by the pattern of
imports and exports above) seem to be
consistent with that country's
comparative advantages/
disadvantages in production? Explain.
Extra Credit
Is your country currently the target of
any economic sanctions? If so, by whom
and why? (5 points)
Is your country currently using economic
sanctions against any other country? If
so, who is the target and why? (5 points)

You are one of many economic analysts recently hired by White House Foreign
Relations to keep the President updated as to the economic status of countries
around the world. To this end, you are to collect and compile data and information
on a designated country. In these last few days, your training will include coverage
of international trade issues. (A 10-point deduction will be taken if the
bibliography is not completed.)

Germany(11.3%), United States(10.5%), and the Netherlands(8.8%), make up the United

Kingdom's top trading partners. The United Kingdom buys large amounts of medical
equipment and cars from Germany, but also exports large amounts of oil.

The United Kingdom is aligned with the EU(European Union) so that means it has trade
agreements with whoever the EU has trade agreements with. An example would be in 2011
the EU signed a trade agreement with South Korea for a "Free Trade" agreement.

The Top Imports of the United Kingdom is manufactured goods, machinery, fuels; foodstuffs
Top Exports for United Kingdom is manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals; food, beverages,
The pattern makes since because British Petroleum(BP) imports crude oil(Fuels), which is
one of their main imports, and then sells the refined version of that like gasoline and oil to
other countries which is one of there top exports(Fuels).
On November 24 2013 United kingdom and other countries had an economic sanction
against Iran for trying to start a nuclear programs to "make weapons".
Also the United kingdom and other countries are trying to get a non dollar trading currency
ration so the United Sates isn't the middle man, so that is basically putting economic
sanction on the United States.

CIA World Factbook, Europeoan Union, British history, This can all be found in the bibliography.

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