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College of Education

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Amanda Cash

Date and Time of Lesson: 11/10/14/---11/12/14

School: Springfield Elementary

Subject/Grade Level: Math 2nd

Description of Lesson: Students will examine the relationship between the place value of
hundreds, tens, and ones. This will be demonstrated using a variety of strategies including
modeling and problem solving.
Lesson Title or Essential Question that guides the lesson: Place value
Curriculum Standards Addressed:
National Standard(s): 2.NBT.1 Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent
amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones.
EEDA. Standard 2. Students will demonstrate decision-making, goal-setting, problem-solving, and
communication skills.

Lesson Objective(s):
Students will examine the relationship
between the place value of hundreds,
tens, and ones using a variety of strategies
including modeling and problem solving.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Before: Students will take a pre-assessment that
consists of twenty four problems relating to place
During: The teacher will observe students as they are
working and use a checklist to assess student progress.
After: After the lessons, students will screen shot their
work from their I-pads and send it to the teacher. After
the third lesson in the mini-unit students will take a
post assessment that is identical to the pre-assessment
to provide evidence of student learning.

Materials/Resources: Smart board, I-pads, I-pad application Place Value, several decks of playing
cards, paper, and pencil

Prerequisites (Prior Knowledge):

Social: Students will engage in learning by completing problems whole group as a class and
Cognitive: Students will use prior knowledge regarding numbers and place value.
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Physical: Students will move around to work in groups or complete task.

Emotional: Students will work cooperatively with peers and complete independent work.

Day 1
1. Students will prepare for the math lesson by turning on their I-pads and opening the
Place Value App. Students will have a few minutes to explore the app and ask any
questions they may have.

2. The teacher will also have this app displayed on the smart board and demonstrate the
different manipulatives students will be using. The teacher will show students the
different modeling tools that they will use to build numbers.
3. The teacher will write a number on the board and model how to use the application to
build the number.
Example: The teacher will write 1 hundred, 4 tens, and 9 ones.
Using the app the teacher will model the number by using one base ten block, four
groups of ten, and nine individual blocks.
The teacher will now write the number in expanded form. 100+40+9 =149
4. Students will now complete one example on their own and the teacher will walk
around and assist students that need help.

5. The teacher will now place students into several different groups to complete
Group 1:
Julissa, Tucker, Jason, Malachi, Robert
Group 2:
Mileigha, Payton, Kamil, Keto, Dakota
Group 3:
(Ms. Cash): Kaydence, Ketorey, Kate, Triston, Zayvion, Tvyis,
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(Mrs. Schweikart): Elijah Ma, Nydaydra, Nathan, Elijah Murray, Anthony, Jennifer, Karis

Group 1 will work independently to build their numbers and write them in expanded
form. There will be a variety of numbers including three digit and four digit numbers
with the thousandths place. This provides group 1 with a higher rigor of learning. Each
group will receive a deck of cards and remove all of the tens out of it. The group will
share the cards and draw three different cards to create their own numbers.

Group 2 will work independently to build three digit numbers and write them in
expanded form. Group two will receive several decks of cards that they will also
remove the tens out of and use to create numbers.

Group 3 will work in two different small groups with Mrs. Schweikart and Ms. Cash.
We will work in a small group with these students to provide more individualized
Group 3 will review the different place value locations. The Hundreds place, Tens
place, and the ones place. These groups will first work with building two digit
numbers and then three digit numbers. We will provide small group instruction with
writing the numbers in expanded form. Group three will also work with a deck of
cards with the tens cards removed.

Once students in the small group have received the help they need to begin building numbers
the teacher will walk around and observe the class. The teacher will assist students as needed
and also complete a check list that assesses if students are making progress in the lesson.
6. When students are finished building their numbers and writing them in expanded
form they will screen shot their models and take a picture of their sheet that has the
numbers in expanded form. Students will air drop their work to the teachers I-pad.
7. The teacher will use the data gathered from checklist and students work to prepare
for the next lesson.

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Activity Analysis:
1. For the first activity students will build numbers using an I-pad app called Place Value. Students
will model numbers using manipulative on the app. This provides students with a visual
representation of numbers and aids the majority of the class because they are in the concrete
operational stage of development.
2. For the second activity, students will write their number in expanded form. This provides
learners with a connection between visually seeing the modeled number and writing it. This
activity reinforces the lesson by representing the relationship between different place values.

Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increases in Rigor
To meet the needs of all learners, I grouped students in three different groups. Groups one is considered
to be exceeding the standard and they will work with larger numbers to provide a higher rigor of
learning. Group two is at standard and they will work with three digit numbers to represent place value.
Group three is considered to be approaching standard and this group makes up half of the class. The
cooperating teacher and I will divide this group up and each work with them for more individualized
instruction. We will review the concept of place value and begin by working with two digit numbers and
then move to three digit numbers.

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Day 2
1. To prepare for the math lesson students will be asked to get out their I-pads and open
the Place Value app.
2. For this math lesson we will be working on place value word problems.
3. The teacher will explain that when working these word problems it is important that
you show how you got your answer. This can be done by modeling the problem or
writing a number sentence.
4. The class will also discuss logical answers. The class will talk about being able to
justify your answer and making sure your answer makes sense for the problem.
5. The teacher will first model a word problem with the class.
A number has three digits. The digit in the hundreds place is the difference of 4 and 2.
The digit in the tens place is the sum of 2 and 3. The digit in the ones place is 2 more
than the digit in the tens place. What is the number?

_____ _____ _____

Difference means subtraction: 4-2=2

Sum means addition: 3+2=5

We will add 2 more to the digit in the tens place

The answer is 257

6. The teacher will now display word problems for students to complete. Students will
use their app on the I-pads to solve the word problems and show their work. Students
will need to explain how they got their answer by modeling the problem, writing a
number sentence, or writing a sentence.

7. Students can work at their own pace solving the word problems.
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8. The teacher will walk around and observe students to assess if they are making
progress with the lesson. The teacher will assist students as needed.
9. Once the teacher sees that students have completed the first few problems the class
will share their answers and discuss their findings for how they solved their word
Word Problems:
1. Sylvia writes this number: three ones, two tens, and seven hundreds. What
number is it?
2. Ruby is trying to solve a number riddle. The digit in the tens place is less than 2. It
is an odd number. The number in the hundreds place is greater than 8. The
number in the ones place is the sum of 6 and 3. What is the number?
3. Paul puts pennies into three groups. He counts 80 pennies in the first group, 3
pennies in the second group, and 500 pennies in the third group. How many
pennies does he have?
4. Ellas family is going to visit her cousins. They will drive for 3 days. Each day they
will drive 60 miles. How many miles will they dive in in all?
5. Jamie ate 20 cherries on Monday. She ate 20 cherries on Tuesday. She ate 20
cherries on Wednesday. If she continues, how many cherries will Jamie have eaten
by Thursday?

Activity Analysis:
1. For the first activity students will solve place value word problems. Students will use their I-pads
and the I-pad application Place Value. When solving word the word problems, students will use
their I-pads to model and show their work. This provides students with a hands on way to use
electronic manipulatives such as base ten blocks to model their work. This aids a majority of the
learners in the classes that are considered in the concrete operational stage.
2. For the second activity, students will share their answers and explain how they solved the word
problem. Students will discuss how they showed their work and how they know their answer is
right. This provides students with an opportunity to communicate and collaboratively learn from
their peers.

Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increases in Rigor
For this lesson, students can work at their own pace to solve the problems. This benefits all learners in
the class because some students complete work faster than others and can move along, while other
students need more time to complete their work. I will walk around and assist students as needed. I will
also walk around to assess that students are making progress within their lessons.
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Day 3
1. For this lesson, students will use their I-pads and the I-Pad application Place Value.

2. The class will briefly review what we have learned about place value and the different
ways to represent it.
What are the three place values in a three digit number? -hundreds, tens, and
What is the least place value amount? What is the greatest place value
amount? -ones and hundreds
What are the two different ways we have wrote numbers with place value?
expanded form and standard form.
3. The teacher will demonstrate an example of what students will be doing with place
Example: Three hundred forty two

Read the number

write the number down in the I-pad app: 342
Model the number: model using base ten blocks
Write the number in expanded form. 300+40+2

4. Group 3 students that are approaching the standard will work in a small group with
me. I will split this group up and work with half of the group at a time. This will provide
more individualized instruction for this group.
Group 2 students will work independently to complete their work and the teacher will
assist them as needed.
Group 1 students that are exceeding the standard, will receive more numbers if needed
that include the thousands place value digit.
5. Students will work with several different numbers and screen shot their work when
they are finished. Students will air drop the screen shot of their work to the teachers Ipad.

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Activity Analysis:
1. For this activity, students will read a number written in word form and model it using
their I-pads. This activity requires students to read the number, model it, and express it
in standard and expanded form. This activity serves as an overview of the place value
unit. This aids the majority of the class because they are using hands on approach to
learning by completing work using the tools on the I-pad app.
Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increases in Rigor
For this lesson, students will be able to work at their own pace. I will work with the students that are
approaching standard for a short period of time in a small group setting to provide more individualized
instruction. Students exceeding the standard will be give then same numbers as the other two groups
but they will also have the opportunity to work with larger numbers including the thousands place. The
teacher will walk around and assist students as needed.

Revised 9.03.14

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