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Casey Fleming

Dr. Wyant
Tiger Pride
September 26, 2014

SO Report week 1

On September 24th, Tyler bates taught a physical education lesson to a group
of 30 3 graders. The focus of the lesson was to work on cooperative learning skills
with a primary focus of teamwork, the students spent one day previously working in
groups. The lesson took place on a blacktop in a shaded area, where lines on the
ground were used for home base and organization. In the lesson, Tyler used hulahoops for part of his activity, and a few cones for boundary markers.
Systematic Observation 1:
The first systematic observation that I completed was the System for
Observing Fitness Instruction (SOFIT), which tracks the movement of 3 students to
see if they participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity during the lesson.
The Instructions during the lessons lasted for 22 minutes and 30 seconds, of which
only 2 minutes and 20seconds consisted of students engaging in moderate to
physical activity. When looking at the raw data, it seemed that most of the physical
activity was at the beginning which is when the instant activity was taking place.
The data shows that most of the teaching did not involve much physical activity for
the class, which means he did not reach a goal of having 50 percent of the lesson
including MVPA. A great deal of time in this lesson was spent on classroom
management, which lead to a decrease in physical activity. In the next lesson, Tyler
could try to incorporate some MVPA activity during transitions to increase the
physical activity. He could also try to pick activities that make all students engaged
in more physical activity, which might be able to limit the classroom management.
Systematic Observation 2:
The second systematic observation that I completed was the Teacher
Feedback/Questioning, which analyzes the type of feedback and questions that the
teacher gives to the student in this lesson. When looking at the raw data, 10 of the
14 feedback statements or segments I recorder were all directed at behavior
management. Only in the beginning, feedback was provided to students for skill
development or searching for their understanding. A great deal of this class was
spent with classroom management, which is shown in the feedback/questioning
systematic observation. When Tyler had students in physical activity he did a good
job of giving feedback that encouraged students to perform well. From this, next
time he could try and get into activity quicker and give positive feedback to students
performing well promoting participation and good behavior. His first feedback he
provided (I see Chloe lining up really well, I see Julius lining up really well) could
be a good incentive maker for students to behave well and limit classroom
management and thus he could try to incorporate more of this type of feedback into
his next lesson as well.

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