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Running head: SCHOOL AGE

School Age Observation

Kaylee Richart
Ivy Tech Community College


1. Small motor skills refer back to children learning to use their muscles in their hands. I
observed many small motor skills the students were using. I chose to observe on a playground
because I think thats when children are the most relaxed and can be themselves. I saw children
using the monkey bars which required them to use their hands and have a dominant hand of
which one goes first. It also means they have to learn how to grasp the bar in order to stay on. I
saw students playing tic- tac- toe. There were students climbing the Jungle Jim and this required
them to use their hands and feet for balance. There were kids playing basketball. This requires
them to use their hands to throw the ball and catch the ball. It also requires them to have hand
eye coordination. Lastly, there were children who were writing with chalk which requires them
to hold the chalk and be able to move it around in order to write.
2. The large motor skills involve bigger movements such as your legs, arms, waist, etc. I
observed in a typical playground atmosphere. Children were running around playing and doing
activities. Children were playing touch football. This requires your legs in order for you to run.
There were children who were jumping out of swings which require their ankles and legs and
hands to catch them. There were children who were climbing on the gymnastic bars. This
requires the childrens bodies to twist and use their bodys strength to stay upright. There were
kids playing jump roap which requires the body to communicate and be able to jump at the right
3. There were many actions and activities that happened while observing to make me believe the
children were industrious. Being industrious is trying to be the best that you can be. Take for
example a group of boys playing basketball. They are competitive and always want to be the best
at a sport. There is always one person who is above everyone else to achieve that goal. Another


example is a group of girls playing down by the Jungle Jim and one girl says lets see who can
copy me, the first one to not do it right wins. That child is in control and trying to work out the
moves in her head around the Jungle Jim so no one will beat her and she will be the best at it. I
could use many examples but its simple. If children play a game or any activity, there is always
somebody who has to win or be better than everyone else. This means children have to work
hard and stay focused on winning or achieving the goal set before them.
4. A few of the children in my group were working on their social skills. For the most part they
understood how to communicate with one another. The problem came when there was a
disagreement and they couldnt figure out how to solve the problem. I noticed the children would
try to talk over others to get their point across and didnt want to listen to others opinions. One
of the children insisted she was right and didnt want to play the game if it wasnt her way. Once
they realized they werent getting anywhere they tried figuring out another way to play the game
so everyone could enjoy it. They started by listening to everyones opinions and realized they all
wanted to play the game and have fun. They talked it over and the dispute was put to rest
because they just wanted to play kickball.
5. With my observation site being in a school setting the children knew what was expected of
them and how the teachers wanted them to act. The game the children chose to play was
baseball. At recess which is where the observation took place, the children knew they could play
any sport or game they wanted. The children knew they couldnt tattle on someone else if they
werent seriously hurt. They children followed the no pushing or hitting rules. They were able to
following the no lying rule. I feel that the children knew how to follow the rules and they knew
what was expected so they didnt have any problems. The children just wanted to have fun and
play the game.


6. I saw a little bit of both happening when it came to being dependent and not dependent on the
teacher. I feel like the children enforced the rules themselves because they knew what was
expected of them. At the same time if the situation got out of control they knew they had to tell
the teacher so they could settle the situation. It was accomplished because they didnt tattle on
anyone who wasnt really hurt. While playing the game they would argue and bicker between
one another, but the problem resolved itself. The only problem was a little boy who wouldnt
listen to anyone and thats when the teacher had to get involved. He was lying about whether he
was safe or not. He told the teacher one thing and the kids said otherwise. Other than that I feel
like the children were independent for the most part.
7. When the disputes between the children were going on, I could really observe how they
reacted to them. Honesty is a big issue with these children. The children playing in the game
were the first to tell you if someone was lying or not. When there was a dispute between them
they all started yelling at each other and got upset. They realized that didnt work, so they
decided to each tell their sides of the story and figure it out amongst the teams as to who was
right or wrong in the situation.
8. Friendship happens when someone makes you laugh or you have something in common with
someone else, etc. I think friendship is formed on many types of levels. Friendship happens
when there is bond between people. Children have to like the same things in order for there to be
friendship. The children resolved issues themselves because they were friends and they didnt
want to fight with each other. They just wanted to have the other person see their point of view.
Children laugh at the same thing when they are friends. Children want to do things together
when they are friends. I observed many behaviors in the children to help me have a better
understanding of why they are friends in the first place.

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