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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Welcome to SMAPSIC 6 + Jr. 2 2011
The honorable governor of west sumatera
Honorable head of education youth and sports affair office of west sumatra
Honrable the headmaster of SMA N 1 padang
Honorable teachers and officers of SMA N 1 padang
And specially the participants of SMAPSIC (smansa padang science competition) 6 + Jr. 2
First of all wed like to say thanks to Allah Swt the one who has given us health and opportunity so that
we can gather in this lovely place
Peace be upon the master of all messangers Muhammad SAW who has guide us to the right way,by
saying Allahuma Sholiala Muhammad waala ali Muhammad
For the beginning,reading holy Al-Quran and the translation by ...
The next program,pray will be lead by ...
Let sing Indonesia Raya.Attendants is allowed to stand
The next program,Nasyid by ...
Welcoming speech from the leader of smapsic 6 + Jr. 2
To Rahma Amran the floor is yours
Welcoming speech from the leader of osis SMAN 1 Padang
To Andiko Putra the time is yours
Welcoming speech from the headmaster of SMAN 1 Padang
To Drs.Jufril Siry M.M the time is yours
Welcoming speech from the head of education youth and sports affair office of west sumatra
To Drs.Burhasman Bur the floor is yours
Welcoming speech from the governor of west sumatra
To Mr.Irwan Prayitno please welcome
Performance of smansa choir
The next program,The opening of Smansa Padang Science Competition 6 + Junior 2
Thats all the opening of smansa science competition 2011
Im audia tria putri
Forgive us if we have some mistakes
Wabilahi taufik walhidayah Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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