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Holly Keeper

Content Area: Science

Teaching Model: Lecture/Direct Instruction
An Introduction to the Scientific Method
I Description of Method
1. Instructional Method: Lecture, a type of direct instruction, involves the teacher directly
explaining a new concept or skill to students, having them test their understanding by practicing
under teacher direction, and encouraging them to continue to practice under teacher guidance.
This is useful when introducing students to a concept or skill that will be implemented through
the course of study. It is important for students to get a lot of guidance in the beginning on
some things that will be essential to their success in the class such as the idea of the scientific
method and the inquiry involved in the process.
2. Topic & Rational: I chose instructional method as a means to introduce students to the scientific
method because it will help students to get a good idea of the basic steps and the importance of
effective inquiry throughout the scientific research process. Two other examples of topics that
could be taught in this way include nomenclature of organic compounds in chemistry, or the
steps and tips for solving a physics problem.
3. Features & Purpose: The principles purposes of this method include the goal of introducing
students to a new concept and skill and closely guiding them as they practice the skill on their
own. Front loading students with a lot of information which they will need to know how to use
in a certain way in order to be successful in the class allows a point of which to build off of for
the course.
4. Pros & Cons: Advantages include giving students a basic idea of the skills or concepts they will
require in order to complete much of the work within the course. Another advantage would be
for students who are auditory learners, or learn best by listening to others explain things.
Disadvantages include that many students may not be auditory learners and earn best by
working with their hands. Another disadvantage could be that all students voices may not be
heard throughout the lesson as the teacher does the majority of the talking.
II Lesson Plan
1. Learning Objectives
a. Content Students will be able to interpret and apply the core scientific
principles, concepts, laws, vocabulary, and how scientific knowledge is
extended, refined, and revised, over time by completing a lecture guide and
practicing quick mini examples of the scientific method.
b. Literacy Students will be able to write clearly and coherently for a variety of
purposes and audiences by completing the lecture guide.
c. Democracy Students will be able to demonstrate intellectual curiosity through
practice working with quick mini examples of the process of the scientific
method for the purpose of developing skills of creativity and innovation.

2. Materials used PowerPoint, lecture guides, and worksheet with mini examples.
3. Model chosen & why I chose the lecture model for this content because students will
require an adequate and working knowledge of the scientific method in order to be
successful in biology and throughout all science classes during research or lab
4. Key terms Scientific method, inquiry, hypothesis, procedures, materials, research,
resources, conclusions, lab report
5. Assessment students will add the completed lecture guide to their notebooks which
will be collected and assessed at the end of each nit. Additionally, each student will
complete and hand in the mini-example scientific method worksheet.

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