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SAP ERP Manufacturing - Production

Planning (SAP PP): Dependent Requirement

Scheduling Query
Posted by Bee Lee Lo Apr 17, 2013
Hi PP Gurus,

I have a query on the dependent requirements scheduling.

The example is this:
Have a monthly forecast for Finished Good(FG) material from May to September of 10500
per month.
After the MRP run, it will proposed the Planned order lot for lot on the quantity for the
Now the question, if June FG forecast requirement, with backward scheduling, the
production will start in May with 24 working days as in house production time. So, under
purchase component: Z-445931,which is common for multiple Finished Goods, it will
received the dependent requirements.
Now, when planned order proposed for FG may start in the end of the previous month which
in end April. Then requirement will be total as April requirement instead of the rightfully
May requirement for production to fullfill the June demand. This will sometime create in
consistency in the dependent requirement.
How do I ensure that the requirement for June, the dependent requirement should be
showing as the dependent requirement is May and not under April requirement. Is this
controlled by the in house production time. What is the real meaning of the in house
production time. I notice some user used it to endure the planning for the demand is within
that month.

Appreciate you all can advise as I believe this happen in most organisation when come to
planning from SAP.

Generated by Jive on 2013-09-05+02:00


SAP ERP Manufacturing - Production Planning (SAP PP): Dependent Requirement Scheduling Query

Appreciate the assistance.

Thanks & Regards
Bee Lee

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Generated by Jive on 2013-09-05+02:00


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