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Before our rebellion was in full swing, we, as a group of animals on this farm,

came up with seven commandments. These commandments would be followed by every

animal and they were the rules and guidelines for a happy and peaceful life on Animal
Farm. "They ran thus:
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal" (Orwell 43).
We all agreed that these commandments were ideal. After Snowball ran out on
the Farm, Napoleon took over. We did not unanimously elect him. Therefore he does
not belong in this position of power.
Napoleon has Squealer running around and doing his bidding for him. Napoleon
is slowly slipping back into Mr. Jones's old habits. Most of the animals on Animal Farm
are too stupid and slow to notice Napoleon's evil plans.

Napoleon is very subtle and sneaky so most of the animals cannot be blamed for
missing the changes. But surely you can see he is changing and ruining everything.
When Napoleon began going by "Leader", we should have known that this was just the
beginning. Napoleon has been acting more and more like a human.
Quite a few of us were bothered when we found out that Napoleon and the other
pigs had been eating in the kitchen and using the drawing room in Mr. Jones's house as
a recreation room. We truly became concerned when we found out that they had also
been sleeping in the beds. The other animals and I talked it out. Boxer passed it off
with "Napoleon is always right!" Yeah, we see what that got him. Always right.
Clover had thought there had been a definite rule about sleeping in beds. She
was not able to read more than letters, so she asked Muriel to read her the fourth

Finally Muriel announced, "It says that no animal shall sleep in a bed

with sheets" (Orwell 79). None of us recalled the commandment mentioning anything
about sheets, but there it was, on the barn wall. Squealer of course, went on a rant
about how a bed was just a place to sleep and how pig sties were beds as well. We all
knew that pig sties were not against the rules so Napoleon had tricked us again!
When Napoleon and the other pigs had gotten drunk from whiskey, we found
out that Squealer had fallen off the ladder next to an overturned bucket of white paint.
Then we noticed that the fifth commandment read, "No animal shall drink alcohol in
Napoleon has deceived us and had Squealer go behind our backs. How are we
still so blind and why do we continue to believe the lies that Napoleon is feeding us?

In the beginning of June, on Midsummer's Eve, Mr. Jones got too drunk to return
home. He did not return home until the next afternoon. "On Midsummer's Eve, which
was a Saturday, Mr. Jones went into Willingdon and got so drunk at the Red Lion that he
did not come back till midday on Sunday" (Orwell 38). He and his four men only came
out to us to milk the cows. Then they left to go rabbit hunting, completely forgetting to
feed us. They never came back that afternoon.
The following day when Mr. Jones returned, he went straight to sleep without
feeding us again. We all discussed what we thought we should do. We eventually talked
one of the cows into breaking open the food shed. We had to. The way Mr. Jones had
been treating us and using us was not fair. We must have made a lot of noise because
unfortunately, he woke up when we broke in to the food shed. He and his men tried to
beat and whip us for eating. We fought back fairly well.
We had not even planned on fighting back but our rage and hunger took over.
"With one accord, though nothing of the kind had been planned beforehand, they flung
themselves upon their tormentors" (Orwell 38). As a sheep on Animal Farm, I think we
all need to stand up for ourselves and for the work we produce. No animal should have
to work and have his product be taken by a man. "Four legs good, two legs bad" (Orwell

We did not deserve to be treated this way. Jones and his evil men had it coming to
them. We had never behaved this way towards Mr. Jones and his men before now.
Frankly, they seemed shocked that we all retaliated so quickly and without warning.
"They had never seen animals behave like this before, and this uprising of creatures that
they were used to thrashing and maltreating just as they chose frightened them almost out
of their wits" (Orwell 38).
The scuffle ensued and after a few moments of fighting and kicking, Mr. Jones
and his four men gave up and ran away. Mrs. Jones looked out and saw what we were
doing to her husband. She then grabbed a bag and ran too. We chased Jones out on to the
road and slammed the gate shut behind them.
We had finally done it. Jones was gone and what used to be Manor Farm, which
we renamed Animal Farm, was finally ours. We had waited and suffered for years. We
had been tortured our whole lives and now we were free. It was such a brand new and
exciting feeling that we did not know what to do first. We were still on guard from the
violent attack so we all ran around the boundaries and edges of the farm property, making
sure there were no humans still here.
After we were sure there were no humans left, we went back to the barn and
cleared out any traces of Mr. Jones that were left. Our rebellion against Mr. Jones and his
men set the tone and carved the path for the animal revolution. For better or worse would
be decided later.

Napoleon and Squealer have continued to trick us time after time. They are using
Glittering Generalities. They call the animals "comrades" (Orwell 44), yet they do not consider
us comrades. There is no value in the words they use.
Squealer uses Artificial Dichotomy. When Clover mentions the pigs sleeping in the beds,
Squealer said, "You would not have us too tired to carry out our duties? Surely none of you
wishes to see Jones back?" (Orwell 80). Clover never said anything about wanting Jones back;
she simply could not recall what the commandment read.
Napoleon has also used Name-Calling. Napoleon used name calling against Snowball.
After a year of working hard to build the windmill, it was destroyed. Napoleon accused
Snowball saying, "In sheer malignity, thinking to see back our plans and avenge himself for his
ignominious expulsion, this traitor has crept here under cover of night and destroyed our work of
nearly a year" (Orwell 82).

The White House (Gillian Collie Reporting)
Michelle Obama, the self appointed Queen of American School Lunches, has
made another change to what children will be permitted to consume at school. The Queen
has decided to replace the highly expensive and high calorie milks and fruit juices with a
newly approved beverage... diet water.
During her speech she said, With the lunch program of the last several years, we
have discovered that the drink is often the most expensive part of the school lunch. Milk
isnt cheap, you know, and neither is orange juice or even Kool-Aid. Besides, these
beverages are loaded with calories and sugars and can't be very good for children anyway.
As a result, we have decided to replace them with special low calorie diet water!
Diet water doesnt have any calcium which causes plaque buildup in arteries and
leads to heart disease, so we are protecting the health of our children. It also doesnt have
any salts or sugars that can lead to other health issues like obesity. I also know that juices
are acidic, and we really dont want to be giving our children acid to drink.
When asked what made her product, diet water, different than tap water or bottled
water, Michelle responded by saying, Unlike other waters, weve made sure ours has no
sodium, sucrose, vitamins, minerals, fluoride, or taste. Plus it comes in only one flavor...

We are also going to require that the water is served at room temperature as we
dont want children with sensitive teeth to have to suffer painful effects from drinking hot
or cold water. We also wouldnt want anyone accidentally swallowing or choking on a
dangerous piece of ice as that can sometimes have jagged or sharp edges.
Michelle was then asked where the money would be spent that was saved by the
use of diet water instead of purchasing milk and fruit juices. Would this money go
towards putting larger portions of food on plates? Would it be spent on purchasing foods
children actually wanted to eat instead of throwing into the trash? No, we dont think
that would be helpful at all, answered Queen Obama. We all know that children love
their school lunches the way they are and want to keep them that way for all future
generations. Because of this, we feel the students would all want to see the saved money
spent in a way that guarantees this future. Therefore, the money saved by our changes
today will be spent on a campaign guaranteed to forever keep mandates from Washington,
D.C. dictating school lunch choices. I will call this campaign the Elect Democrats in 2016

The Queen also announced the following additional changes:

Ketchup, which was changed from the status of condiment to vegetable for the
school lunch menu during the Reagan administration, will be restored to the status
of condiment. The sole provider of ketchup that will meet School Lunch
Guidelines, as approved by Michelle Obama, will be Heinz. Michelle says, "The
fact that Heinz is owned by a huge campaign contributor is pure coincidence."

To follow recent New York City health changes, salt shakers will no longer be
allowed in school lunch rooms (this ban will extend to salt packets also).
Additionally, no water cups larger than 16 ounces will be permitted. This will
keep children from getting fat from drinking too much diet water.

Dingleberries will now be classified as a fruit and can be added to breakfast cereals
(cold or hot) and desserts.

In a sense of fairness and economical savings, in honor of the Catholic students the
current no meat Friday meals will be extended to Monday and Wednesday as well.

Beef or chicken gravy will now be considered a meat dish. Cream gravy will count
as a dairy dish, but cannot contain milk.

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