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I have recruited credited sources of information to complete my survey. The participants
came from my undergraduate years yielding the roles of professors and major advisors in the
health science department.

Survey Questionnaire
In the survey questionnaire targeted to my participants, I asked the following questions:
What genres of writing do you know of are in the health science field? and What genre of
writing do you see most often or what genre do you think is most prevalent in the field? and
lastly Do you feel that the California State University of Fullerton should provide a class or
include it into the curriculum of existing classes to be able to write in this/these kind(s) of
After distributing this questionnaire, it allowed me to find out which genre will be my
main focus in this recommendation report. The result came out as grant proposals to be the most
decisive genre in the health science field.

Criteria List
Writing Genre

ness value

common is
the genre


Progress Report

If used, what
is the

Grant Proposals

Research Papers

The results from the three writing genres criteria list existing in the health science field
are 25, 26, and 23 for progress reports, grant proposals, and research papers respectively. The
two genres progress reports and grant proposals were very close to a tie but in conclusion, grant
proposals are valued the highest in total.

Genre Conventions
Grant Proposals
This genre is the genesis of most health science related projects. The grant proposal is a
brief summary of a proposed project and includes the anticipated final outcome. This document
will request necessary resources and time that will be required to complete the project. The target
audience, who are usually key leaders or investors, is appealed to by this genre of writing. If the
proposal is approved the project will emerge from blueprints and be set in motion.

Online Research
Through my online research, Labiance and Reeves (1985) has come up with the
conclusion that scientific courses find trouble in teaching technical writing skills to students.
Teaching this writing skill is difficult because of students previous rhetoric background.
Labianca and Reeves (1985) therefore has suggested students to enroll in a technical writing
class in order to learn this necessary skill.
Course Catalog Review
It is stated in the health science departments catalog, . . . focuses on understanding and
promoting health in diverse populations and bridges the gap between scientific discoveries and
the application of this knowledge to improve quality of life. The curriculum provides learning
and experience to their students inside the focus areas of health promotion, disease prevention,
and occupational and environmental health. (California State University of Fullerton, 2011)

There are currently existing courses that are available to help students with their struggle
in learning technical writing. The following courses are described in the California State
University of Fullertons course catalog:
English 301: A college level writing course for non-English majors. It helps one to
develop their own style of writing by putting emphasis on elements such as: diction, audience,
emphasis and persuasion. (California State University of Fullerton, 2011)
English 360: A scientific and professional writing class where the emphasis is on
outlines, abstracts, description, process explanation, instructions and fundamentals of reports,
feasibility studies, proposals, internal memos and letters. (California State University of
Fullerton, 2011)
Health Science 400: A program design class where certain skills are developed. This
class helps implement and evaluate human movement and/or health promotion programs for
specific target populations. (California State University of Fullerton, 2011)
Health Science 495: An internship in health science where supervised observation and
field experience in community health settings are conducted by organizations. (California State
University of Fullerton, 2011)

Hennessey, R. (2014, January 1). Grant Proposals. Retrieved November 10, 2014, from
http://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/grant-proposalsHealth Science. (2009,
January 1).
Labianca, D. A.; Reeves, W. J. (1985). Writing across the curriculum: The science segment: A
heretical perspective. Journal of Chemical Education, 62(5), 400. doi:
California State University Fullerton. (2011, August 18). 2011-2013 University Catalog.
Fullerton, CA: Titan Shops

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