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Manuel weffer

Holly Guile
English 1010
Annotated bibliography

Jones, Jami. "Now I Know Too Much To Turn Away." Newsweek 141.9 (2003): 12.
TOPICsearch. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
In the article Now I Know Too Much to Turn Away written by Jami Jones, it
confronts the need to focus on the troubles that children face throughout their lives. It
discusses how some children become so overwhelmed with sorrow that they will
physically harm themselves. There are many causes of distress within a childs life such
as the divorce of parents, remarriage and troubled family life, this including abuse of
drugs and alcohol and physical abuse. This article includes studies and facts stating that
as many as one in eight adolescents may experience an episode of depression within their
adolescent career. With this idea being brought to light, it makes it simpler to see the
major effects that the stressors of college bring to a student who is already experiencing
troubles. This makes it that much more important to learn how to recognize depression
and act before it is too late.
"Two New Studies Highlight Impact Of Depression In Teens." Mental Health Weekly 18.21
(2008): 3. TOPICsearch. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
Within the article Two New Studies Highlight Impact of Depression in Teens.
Written for Mental Health Weekly, It discusses a report that indicates that one in every
twelve adolescents will experience a major depressive episode within the past year.
Within a major episode, depression will drastically reduce the ability to deal with daily
life. This becomes an issue when dealing with students in college whom suffer from
depression. It causes lack of motivation and effort. It also discusses how depression often
leads to substance abuse and that can only worsen the effects of depression. Teens with
depression are twice as likely to abuse and become dependent on marijuana. This
dependency can affect their depression in a negative way and can cause them to lose
focus in college and other studies. Those who are looking for ways to improve their
problem, wrongly turn towards drugs that make them feel good temporarily instead of
Song, Sora. "Teens And Depression." Time 164.9 (2004): 67. TOPICsearch. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

Within the article Teens and Depression Sora Song talks about a report that
announces that the food and drug administration stating that antidepressant drugs may increase
the risk of suicide in teens. Drugs such as Prozac, Lexapro, and Fluoxetine can cause depression
to worse. The FDA was looking towards putting warning labels on antidepressants to protect the
users. With college students, depression can cause many thoughts of suicide. If the drugs do have
a harmful effect, it is important for faculty and students to recognize the signs of suicide and
know of the other options that are available to students. Other options include hobbies, a
therapist, more exercise, pets, and use of time creatively. These things can help limit the risk of
suicide. If faculty, students, and parents focus on the main problem of one with depression, it is
possible to eliminate the risk of suicide once and for all.

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