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Physical Handicaps

The intensity level of Liberty 5-3000s handicaps is astonishing. Her gorgeous body is
cursed with an unrevealing fat suit. Her naturally flowing long, golden hair has been cut short
and died a mucous green color. Her swanlike gracefulness has been stolen by confining ankle
weights and prison chains. Her stunning dark and fearless eyes are masked with hypnotic
contacts. Along with her outer beauty, Liberty 5-3000 has an inner beauty of raging thoughts.
These thoughts are blocked by massive head phones emitting terrible sounds whenever her
brilliance is tested. She has this harmonious voice but it is contorted to sound off key through a
vocal device. The struggle of hiding who she really is in her society continues to handicap her
through the outlandish life she is living.

Our Personal Feelings

Along with being considerate of Liberty 5-3000, we feel that she is very overhandicapped. Not only is she very intelligent, she is also gorgeous. Her sophistication is at a
soaring level. Liberty 5-3000 has a very appealing look, but she is very conservative about it.
Her health is remarkable, yet nobody can see through her fat suit. She is a very content person
and without an earpiece, she would be very contemplative. Liberty 5-3000 has rebellious
moments, but who doesnt? She is one of those people who leave the world with a legacy. In our
opinion, Liberty 5-3000 should be regarded in a high respect, but this unfair world doesnt seem
to comprehend the respect of individuality.

Things the Character Would Excel In

Liberty 5-3000 has the ability to excel in numerous occupations. Leadership skills and
wisdom run through her veins, giving a sense that she would be a fantastic mother figure. Her
endurance and determination would lead her through philosophy studies so that she could be a
great councilor. Her loyalty would attribute to great friendships. Along with her intellectual skills
that would help her succeed in life, she has physical attributes that are excellent. With her height,
agility, grace, and overall athletic abilities, she would be the best at any kind of sport, as well as
hunting and farming. Liberty 5-3000 is a role model and many people should follow her

How the Character Is Viewed

In the dystopian world of which Liberty 5-3000 dwells, the population surrounding her
has many mixed feelings about her. Some feel intimidated by her because of the variety of
handicaps that she has to bare, while others feel pity towards her and are sympathetic of her.
Most observe that her handicaps are a bit humorous and even a little creepy. These feelings result
in countless awkward conversations among her companions. Even thought Liberty 5-3000 gives
off that she is bright and enlightening, the government seems to be passive and tolerant of those
traits, letting her just be awkward around the society. The majority of people that come in contact
with Liberty 5-3000 are partial about her. It is usual to be that way to everyone because everyone
in this society deals with special handicaps of their own. One cannot judge another based on their
handicaps because everyone has been made equal; judging others based on their personality is
unknown because no one knows anyones true personality. If you were placed in this equal, yet
unequal society, you would be very considerate of the struggles Liberty 5-3000 has to live with.

Liberty 5-3000 is a character in the book Anthem that plays a very important role to the main
character, Equality 7-2521. She is the love interest and at some points an inspiration to him. The
couple of the story discovers love, not through the usual conversation and physical contact that is
known today but in a different and unique way. They fell in love by conversing with their eyes
and understanding shared knowledge. Liberty 5-3000 at the beginning is proud and rejects all
society until Equality 7-2521 is introduced to her. She then begins to adore him because he is
stronger and sharper than mostly everyone else in their society. Later in the story, she provides
water to him when he was thirsty and by the end of the story, she follows him into the forest
which is her way of showing him she is in his full possession and will remain that way. Equality
7-2521 is probably attracted to her because she gives of this vibe of superiority to those around
her. She suspects more of the world than collectivity equality enforced in their society. She also
stands out from the surrounding nameless and faceless population because she is seen as
beautiful physically and intellectually. The reason she completes the story is because she is the
female counterpart to Equality 7-2521 in the fact that she is curious and seeks solitude.

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