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Alexander Gutierrez

English 1312
Opinion Piece
Science has been a beacon of light that humanity has used to unshroud the mechanics of
the world. From the stars above, to the oceans beneath us, and even the emergent complexity
inside of us, there isn't a realm of reality that science hasn't helped uncover. Although the extent
of scientific knowledge reaches farther than it ever has before, a good fraction of the public is
still benighted about scientific knowledge. As knowledge and information becomes
infinitesimally easier to share, disinformation that is harmful to science and the social growth
also becomes that much easier to share. Now that the internet is so widespread, misinformation
has never been spread as fast. In very recent times for example, misunderstandings and
downright false information has been spread about scientific issues, including vaccines, autism,
genetic engineering, evolution, and climate change, just to name a few.
Science has always faced opposition. A number of influential scientists have been
threatened with punishment and even death for supporting scientific claims that went against
what the majority believed. In the early 1600s, Galileo Galilei published a scientific work in
which he supported Heliocentrism, or the idea that the Sun was at the center of the Solar System
and not the Earth. This challenged the views held by the majority, including the Catholic
Inquisition. Galileo was tried and forced to recant his work, and his writings were banned. It is
said that after Galileo was forced to recant, he spoke the phrase "Eppur si muove" (And yet it
moves), because even though the people did not believe him and forced him to recant, he knew
that the Earth continued to revolve around the Sun. And that is exactly the case with modern
scientific knowledge. Even though a good fraction of the public may refuse to believe what

science uncovers, it does not affect the reality of things. The universe will continue to be the way
it is, whether we accept it or not.
I think it is essential for a society to be scientifically literate in order to reach its pinnacle
of prosperity. As knowledge of genetics increases, advances in genetic engineering increase, and
if the public is well informed, food becomes more available and cheaper and the entire world
benefits. As knowledge of physics increases, advances in technology increase, and if the public
is well informed, technological advances will help us solve world problems, and the entire world
benefits. As knowledge of biology increases, advances in medicine increase, and if the public is
well informed, human health improves and disease diminishes, and the entire world benefits.
Knowledge and literacy of scientific issues begins in public school. Up to the present day, in
certain states science textbooks are being chosen in order to represent political positions and
opinions, rather than to represent proper science. In order to be able to prosper, we need to
ensure that children are receiving proper science education, so they can develop critical and
skeptical thinking skills. If children develop these skills, and are scientifically literate, they will
grow to become strong thinking, pragmatic members of society. I truly believe that if more
people saw just how big the impact of science really is, science would face less opposition and
be allowed to bloom, and the world would be a better place for all of us.

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