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Application to Manage Rental Storage Units

Individuals rent units for storing belongings that don’t fit at their residence.
Rental rates vary based on the size of the unit (see below). Rates are set for
an entire month, although rates are pro-rated based on the starting date. For
example, a rental that begins on January 15 would be charged 16/31 of the
monthly rent; a rental that begins on February 10 would be charged 18/28 of
the monthly rent.
Rentals are month to month. When vacating a storage unit, no (partial)
refund is made if everything is moved out before the end of the month.
Additionally, if the unit is not fully vacated before the end of business on the
last day of the month, rent for the entire following month is due.
Rental Rates

Height Width Length Monthly Rate

4’ 4’ 4’ $25

8’ 4’ 4’ $45

8 4’ 8’ $60

 Identify the objects involved in this application.

 Identify how objects interact.
 Identify properties and methods of each object.

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