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Discussion Board Topics:

1. In this memoir, Moore narrates his ownand the other Wes Moores life stories
that take the reader through their individual journeys through childhood, adolescence,
and early adulthood. Though these two men have the same name, and many of the
same childhood experiences, their paths took dramatically different turnsonly their
name links their identities.
a. As a group, write a response (of at least two paragraphs) to one of the following
discussion questions. Only one member must post the response, but be sure to
include everyone in the groups name in the post.
i. Discussion Questions:
1. What factors informed who they became?
2. Were these young men solely responsible for their identities or did
other factors imprint who they became?
3. At what stages of their lives did their identities take shape?
4. How does the narrative of these two mens identities shed light on the
ways in which we shape our identities?
5. Can someone recreate their identity? In what ways?
6. Can someone have multiple identities? How?
2. You have two responses to post: your revision plan and a reflection on your first draft
of essay two.
a. For your revision plan, write approximately 250 words on how you intend to
revise your paper for the final draft.
b. For your reflection, write approximately 500 words reflecting on how effectively
your first draft conveys your argument. Consider the following questions:
i. What is the purpose of my argument?
ii. What do I want it to accomplish?
iii. Does my draft accomplish this purpose?
iv. Where does it succeed? Where does it fall short? How do I know?
v. How can I improve it?
vi. Is the audience Ive chosen specific enough or otherwise appropriate? (in
other words, consider why youve chosen your particular audience and
whether you should alter your intended audience in any way).
vii. Does my draft meet the expectations and needs of this audience?
viii. Where does it succeed? Where does it fall short? How do I know?
ix. How can I improve it?

3. Post your summaries for your group's assigned reading below. Only one person
needs to post for each group, but be sure to include everyone in the group's name in
the post.
4. Post the counterarguments and refutations for the in-class poster analysis.
5. Either alone or in pairs, complete the following assignment and post to this discussion
board. I would recommend typing it in Word and just pasting it here. If you are
working in pairs, only one person has to post it-just be sure to include both of your
names in the post.
a. Fill out the sample outline/assignment using the Ebert Water for
Elephants sample essay posted to Canvas.
b. Also, write down one thing about the paper that could be improved.
i. Be sure to pay attention to the set up of the essay, how the author analyzes
the review in order to complete the evaluation, and how the author uses and
integrates quotes/examples. Use this as an opportunity to see what a
passing paper looks like, so you can draw on that information while writing
your own paper.
ii. Feel free to post any questions you have about the sample essay!
iii. Remember, this is not a perfect essay, so be on the look out for things that
may not be clear/need to be improved (ex. the quotes are not always
seamlessly incorporated... or properly cited).
c. Good luck and ask questions!

6. Write a short paragraph about how your revision of essay 5 is going:

i. 1.
b. Write two things you have improved in the draft:
i. 1.
ii. 2.
c. Write one thing you still plan to improve:
i. 1.
d. Do you have any questions about your draft that you want to ask me?

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