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We need one another when we mourn

and would be comforted.

We need one another when we are in
trouble and afraid.
We need one another when we are in
despair, in temptation, and need to be
recalled to our best selves again.
We need one another when we would
accomplish some great purpose, and
cannot do it alone.
We need one another in the hour of
success, when we look for someone to
share our triumphs.
We need one another in the hour of
defeat, when with encouragement we
might endure, and stand again.
We need one another when we come
to die, and would have gentle hands
prepare us for the journey.
All our lives we are in need, and others
are in need of us.
George E. Odell
Singing the Living Tradition #468

We might not always know what we

need, but we know we need help.

We can help only if we know

there is a need

Pastoral Care
at First Unitarian

Please Ask!
First U Office: 302-478-2384
Pastoral Emergencies: 302-723-0191

Pastoral Care Contacts:

Donna Curtis, Pastoral Care Team Chair
Joan Flack, Home Team Chair

Rev. Michelle Collins

302-478-2384 (office)
302-723-0191 (cell)

Support & Caring

Strengthening our community
and being of service by providing
emotional and practical support
to those in the congregation
experiencing a difficult time.


730 Halstead Road
Wilmington, DE 19803

Caring & Services

We provide a caring presence, careful
listening, and a wide range of support
services to church members and
friends facing challenges and unusual
stresses. Our ministers and volunteers
work together to offer a loving community and an atmosphere of hope and
acceptance for those who are in need.
Types of Care Offered
Lifespan care through both times
of crisis and joy
Ministry to those who are ill in
hospitals, home, or care facilities
1-on-1 visits by lay people trained
in listening & empathetic care
Rides to appointments or errands
Meals during a difficult time
Cards to show support & caring
Emotional support when facing a
personal or family crisis
Short-term pastoral counseling
Referrals for therapy, specialized
treatment programs, and
community resources
Food shelf for members & friends
Grief support and recovery
Memorial and child dedication
services and rituals
Memorial garden at the church
Specialized pastoral care groups

Each of us comes into religious

community with our own needs and
our own hopes. But we come seeking
ways to be together and a place to feel
safe and loved, a place where we can
be accepted for who we truly are. At
First Unitarian we seek to create this
place together. We seek to create a
community where we can nurture our
hope even in the face of despair.
Needs and challenges can come up in
our lives when we least expect them.
These might be stresses from illness or
deaths of family members or friends,
job loss, retirement, changes in health
or living situations, pregnancy,
relationship struggles, grief, and other
losses or changes. The help of others
can help you to get through these
challenging times.
Sometimes its
easier to ask for help, and sometimes
its not easy even when the help is just
as much needed. But were here for
each other in this journey. Please let us
know how we can support you.
Blessed be, Rev. Michelle Collins
Universalist Prayer
There is a Love, holding us.
There is a Love, holding all we love.
There is a Love, holding all.
We rest, in this Love.

Pastoral Care Groups

Caregivers Support Group
In this group, confidentially is maintained, empathy abounds, members
use each other as a sounding board,
resources are sought and exchanged,
and close bonds develop among those
who are caregivers for loved ones.
Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on 2nd and
4th Tuesdays at a members home.
Contact: Marge Meyermann
302-475-3842, mmeyermann@verizon.net

Living Well with Chronic Illness

The individuals in this group have
found they have much in common
dealing with health issues and with
people who dont understand limitations. The group meets at 1:30 p.m.
on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in
the church library.
Contact: Lori Weddell
302-475-4545, LWCI@firstuuwilm.org

Connection Circles
Small groups are places to be heard
and to hear others. One can find not
only spiritual growth and reflection but
also support and care. Circles meet at
various times & locations.
Contact: Rev. Michelle Collins
302-478-2384, michelle@firstuuwilm.org

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