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Lebron asks: If Earths history were a basketball game, when

did humans appear, and when did dinosaurs go extinct?

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As you watch, take notes and figure out the math. You can stop the video and/or re-watch
parts of the video as you go along.
Math Connection: A ratio is a comparison of two numbers by division. A proportion is an
equation stating two ratios are equal. You will need to use proportions to solve some of
the following problems.

If earth were a basketball game,

the duration would be ______ minutes
from start to finish.
Convert this to seconds. Show your work below.
Set it up just like he does in the video.

Earths Actual Age is

____________ Billion years old.

Convert Earths age to the following units:

4.54 Billion Years = _________________ Million Years
4.54 Billion Years = _________________ Thousand years
4.54 Billion Years written out as the whole, real number =

Humans have been on Earths surface for about

______________________ years. Where would this fall on
our timeline if Earths history were a basketball game?

Calculate the exact time. Set up your problem and show your
He multiplies both sides by 2,880 s. In math, you are taught to
Work in solving for X.
cross-multiply. Solve the problem using cross multiplication.

____________ =

X = ___________________.
So, if Earths history were a basketball game, explain in basketball terms when
humans showed up.

Dinosaurs went extinct ______________________ years ago.

Where would this fall on our timeline if Earths history were a
basketball game?

Calculate the exact time. Set up your problem and show your
He multiplies both sides by 2,880 s. In math, you are taught to
Work in solving for X.
cross-multiply. Solve the problem using cross multiplication.

____________ =

X = ___________________.
So, if Earths history were a basketball game, explain in basketball terms when
dinosaurs went extinct.

Follow-up Questions: You may need to re-watch how similar problems were solved
in the video again if youre unsure how to answer these questions.

Precambrian Time ended about 540 million years ago. Where would this fall
on our timeline if Earths history were a basketball game?

Calculate the exact time. Set up your problem and show your
Work in solving for X.
Solve the problem using cross multiplication.
____________ =

X = ___________________. How many minutes is this? ________

So, if Earths history were a basketball game, explain in basketball terms when
PreCambrian Time ended.

The Carboniferious Period ended about 300 million years ago.

Where would this fall on our timeline if Earths history were a
basketball game?

Calculate the exact time. Set up your problem and show your
Work in solving for X.
Solve the problem using cross multiplication.
____________ =

X = ___________________. How many minutes is this? ___________

So, if Earths history were a basketball game, explain in basketball terms when the
Carboniferous Period ended.

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