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John Goulter Secondary Methodology Assignment 2

Objective: The students will discover the melodic element of Soh.

Song used to teach: Swing a Lady
Warm-up: Teacher to ask students to repeat, echo sing and sing alone with solfa
hand signs limited to Do, Re, and Mi.

Review: Teacher to sing Swing a Lady twice and then to encourage students to
sing along. If students are unable to sing along correctly then the song should be
segmented into four phrases, which will be learnt easier.
The teacher asks the students to try to perform the song in solfa hand signs.
When they reach Soh The teacher asks, Is there a note in this song which we
dont know how to say or sign in solfa?
The class affirm that there is a different note that they are unable to say or sign
in solfa.
Reinforce: Sing again and ask students to raise hands if when they hear the new
Finish by singing the song through with words.

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