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DEN Abstract

Leader, Follower, Consumer & Comfort Seeker.

Typologies of Male Clients of Female Prostitutes.

Studies examining the motivations of clients of prostitutes have shown that there
are various motivational cues that drive men to seeking prostitutes. Many of the
studies have been conducted on men who visit prostitutes alone. This study
examines the differences in the motivational forces of men who visit prostitutes
alone and those that visit in a group. Data collected through interviews and
participation observation was analyzed using the grounded theory approach to
develop the four typologies. The analysis of the data is then grouped and compared
with existing literature on motivations by other studies. The findings of this study
reveal that there is a significant difference in the motivations of men who visit
prostitutes alone versus men who visit prostitutes in groups. A proposed model of
the progression of the different typologies of the client of prostitutes is
conceptualized based on the analysis of the data. The findings in this study provides
a more thorough understanding on the various stages clients of prostitutes go
through from their initial entry into the world of prostitution and their subsequent

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