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Formulas are equations that can perform calculations, return information, manipu

late the contents of other cells, test conditions, and more. A formula always st
arts with an equal sign (=).
The following table shows some examples of formulas and their descriptions.
Formula Description
=5+2*3 Adds 5 to the product of 2 times 3.
=SQRT(A1) Uses the SQRT function to return the square root of the value in A1.
=TODAY() Returns the current date.
=IF(A1>0,"Plus","Minus") Tests the cell A1 to determine if it contains a value
greater than 0. If the result of the test is true, the text "Plus" appears in t
he cell; if the result is false, the text "Minus" appears.
Select a cell and start typing
In a cell, type an equal sign (=) to start the formula.
Fill in the rest of the formula
Do one of the following:
Type a combination of numbers and operators; for example, 3+7.
Use the mouse to select other cells (inserting an operator between them). For ex
ample, select B1 and then type a plus sign (+), select C1 and type +, and then s
elect D1.
Type a letter to choose from a list of worksheet functions. For example, typing
"a" displays all available functions that start with the letter "a."

Complete the formula

To complete a formula that uses a combination of numbers, cell references, and o
perators, press ENTER.
To complete a formula that uses a function, fill in the required information for
the function and then press ENTER. For example, the ABS function requires one n
umeric value
this can be a number that you type, or a cell that you select that
contains a number.
Your completed formulas might look like the following examples:
Formula Description
=3+7 Adds two numbers
=B1+C1+D1 Adds the values in three cells
=ABS(-3) Converts a number to its positive value

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