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SECRET UNTIL INTRODUCED IN PARLIAMENT Cc. Second Session, Forty-Cirst Parliament, (62-63 Elizabeth Il, 2013-2014-2015 HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA. BILL C-5! ‘An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing ‘Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts FIRST READING, +2015 SECRET JUSQU'A DEPOT AU PARLEMENT Deuxiéme session, quarante et uniéme Iéislature, 162-63 Elizabeth Il, 2013-2014-2015 CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES DU CANADA PROJET DE LOI C- 5/ Loi édictant la Loi sur la communication d'information ayant trait a la sécurité du Canada et la Loi sur la stireté des déplacements aériens, modifiant le Code eriminel, la Loi sur le Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité et Ia Loi sur immigration et la protection des réfugiés et apportant des modifications connexes et corclatives dautees lois PREMIERE LECTURE LE 2015 Advance Copy — To be formatted and reprinted by Parliament MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 90756—2015-1-30 Exemplaire prétirage — Devra étre mis en forme et réimprimé par le Parlement MINISTRE SECURITE PUBLIQUE ET DE LA ‘TION CIVILE SUMMARY Pat | enasts the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act, which atho- res Goverment of Canada institutions to disclose information to Govern rent of Canada institutions tht have jurisdiction a espnsibiiis in respect ‘of activites that undermine the secirity of Canada. I also makes related mendes tthe Acts art 2 enacts the Seewre Air Travel Ae in order to provide & new legislative framework for identifYing and responding to persons who may engage in an act that poses thea to tansportion security or who may trav by a for the purpose of commiting a trois ofence. That Act auhorzes the Mins {er oF Public Safty and Emergency Preparedness to extoblish Uist of sich ‘persons and co dee air carers to take any necessary actos to prevent he commision of such acs nado, that Ast exablishes powers and prob tions governing the coleton, use and disclosure of information in sppor of | its admiisation and enforcment. That Act ncdes an administrative re ‘ours proces for listed persons who have been denied transportation i ac- cordance wit a dzecdon fo the Minster of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and proves appeal procedres for persons affected by any de- isin oration taken under tht Act. Tat Act also specifies punishment for ‘onraventions of sted provisions and authorizes the Miniter of Transom 10 ‘conduct inspections and sue compliance odes Finally, this Part makes com Sequential amendments othe Aeronautics de andthe Canada Evidence dc. Prt3 amends the Criminal Code to, with respect to reognizances to keep the peace relating to a terst activity of «terrorism offence, extend tele ‘duration, provide for new theshols, authorize a judge to impose Sues nd ie jue to consider whether tis desirable to inde ta recognizance ‘onltions regarding pesspors end spciied geographic res. With respect to all recognzances to keap the peace, the amendments ls allow earings be ‘conducted by video conference and orders tobe transfer to 8 jodge ft 8 {ertoral division olber tan the one in which the order wa made and fn. ‘ease lhe maximum sentences fr breach of thos recogizances, It fuer amends the Criminal Code wo provide fo an offence of knowingly svocaing oF promoting the commission of trons offences in gee also provides judge with the power to order the seize of eer ropagan- (4 of ifthe propaganda i in clectnie form, to eda he dletin of the pro: ganda from a computer sytem. Finally it amends the Criminal Code prove fo the increased protection of witness, in paiculr of persons who pla aol In aspect of proceedings Involving sceunty information or eiminal inlligence information, 2nd makes consequential amendments to other Acts Par 4 amends the Canadian Security Imelignce Service Act permit the Canadian Security Intligence Service to take, within and outside Canada, measures to redace threats to the security of Canada, including measures that ‘ae authorized by the Federal Cour. Ie authorizes the Federal Cour 1o make SOMMAIRE [La pare 1 ice la Lot su le communication d'information amt tat 4a sécurité do Canad, laquele ators les institutions feral 4 common ‘quer de information & des instatons fale qui sont compstentes gt font des ttbutions & Pégard activites portat stent Ala sunt da (Canada t appoce des modiieations conexes hd ates os La pane 2 dite n Loi sur la sive des aplacementsaérens qu const tue un nouveau cade légsaif en ve de identification des personnes qi pouraientparicper un acte qu menoczrait Inset des transports ou Ul Pourraiet Se déplcer en adronf dans le but de commetire une inaction de terorsme et en vue de intervention & leur gard Le mise dl Seu publique et del Protection cvile ex auonisé etal une liste detles per Sonnes et enjoindre aux tarsporcurs tens de prendre toute mesure POU? prvenir la commission de tel aces, Celts i abit aust lx pouvois et es Ineeditons rgisant la collects, Putisation et a commmniation de ensei _gnemens afin easier le mins de In Secure publique et de Ia Protection ‘ile dans son application et som exgeutin. Hille prévot un processus de ro ‘ours adminsai pour les personnes isrites gui ont fit objet d'un res ‘de transport a ite dane drive ds minted a Ser publi etd I Protection eivile ainsi qu'un procesrosd'apel pour ls personnes fouchéce ir une décision ov une mesure prise au tne docete Ii, Cll peevoit en ‘ute les pines pou es infactios aux dispositions Enuméres et storie le Iministr des Transports 4 mener des inspections et prendre des mesures exéeion De plus, ele modiie la Lo! sur Madvonautigue et la Lot su rewwe au Canada en consequence, La pte 3 mosife le Code crimine! pour, ence qui a rt & tout engage ‘ment de ne ps troubles ordre publics rapportan ane activi trons et ‘une infraction de tetorisme, prolong durée, prvoir de nouveaux suis ‘application, permet au juged'exger une euton et blige cir si fest soulabie d'assorir et engagement de conditions relatives aux pose Dorset aun régions dsgnécs, En ce qi att tout engagement de ne pas ttoubler dre public, es modilestions prevoont également Ia posibiité de tenir des audiences pat videoconference et de ranserer une ordonmance& Un jige dune eionsciton eros auite que celle of elem te rnde de ‘mlm qu'une hause des penes maximal en cas de manquement engage De plus, lle masife le Cade criminal afin rier en infation efit de Sciemment préconiser ou foment a perptrationd'intactions de terorisne fn genta. Ele prevoit en oute qu'un age peut dcerner un mandt suitor Sant lassie de propagande terrorist u, st elles est sous fore dlectro- nig, ordoner st suppression d'un ordinateur. nti, elle modifi le Code crimine atin dameliorer la protection accoréée ‘aux témoins,partclitrement aux persontes qui jouet un rle dans le cadre ‘Cane instance metant en cause des enseignements on mate de sécuté on ‘Se criminal ot spore des modiistion erative sues li La pate 4 modifi a Loi surf Sarvice canadien renteignement de ‘arte afin de pemetre au Service enation du tenscignement de sceurité do Dende, au Canada ou Vexdrieur du Cana, des mesures pour réie les menacesenvers la sécurité du Canada, notamment des mesures etoisées par si assistance order to give effet to warrant issued under that Act. Ito reites new eeporting eguremens for the Service ab requires the Sec Inteligenee Review Comite Io review the Service's performance in aking asus to rode tel othe security of Canad, Pat $ amends Divisions 8 and 9 of Pat 1 of the Saigon and Refugee Protetion Ae to aong other things, (@) define obigaions related wo the provision of information in proceed ‘ngs unde that Division 9 (@) authorize the judge, on the request ofthe Minister, to exempt the Minis ter from providing the special advocate with cenai relevant infomation ‘hat hax ot been filed with the Federal Cou ithe judge is stisted tht the information does not enable the person named in &cerifieate to Be rea sonably informed of the case made by the Minister, and authorize che judge {oak the special advocate to make submisions with espeet tothe exe tion and (6) low the Minster to appeal, Ft apply for jul review of, any de- ‘sion requiring the disclosure of information or aer evidence sf the ‘Minister’ opinion, he dsclorure would be injurious ational cur oF endanger the salty of any person, 1a Cour fle, Ele sutorie la Cour fre & rendre des ononnances

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