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My Cultural Background and Influences

Growing up in Hong Kong, a former British Colony and city-state, gave me a unique
identity that combined Western and Eastern influences. We celebrate both Chinese New Year and
Christmas, which are the most important holidays of the year. English and Chinese are Hong
Kong's two official languages, and the Cantonese dialect is the most commonly spoken language
in the territory. The education system in Hong Kong is Westernized and all the children have to
learn both English and Chinese since preschool.
Living in a Chinese society helped me learn the teachings of Confucius that stress duty,
loyalty, sincerity, filial piety, and respect for seniority. Authority is internalized and demonstrated
by the Chinese in their respect for hierarchical relationships. When I was a student, I learned to
obey teachers and their authority, and I tried not to question and challenge the ways and the
content of their teachings. There was very little interaction among the teachers and the students.
Moreover, the memorization of textbooks, keys words, and answers were the essential ways of
achieving success in the examinations. Things have been changing rapidly in the past decades,
and many contemporary schools in Hong Kong are implementing the activities and studentsoriented policy. Nevertheless, under the influence of Confucianism, I knew my family obligation
as a daughter, and I had to serve and honor my parents under all circumstances. Right now, I am
a mother of three children and my family values and obligations grow even stronger. I teach my
children to honor their parents and respect teachers and authority. My children understand that
being responsible and respectable is one of the most important things in their lives.
On the other hand, the Colonial English education that I received in Hong Kong as well
as its Westernized political system and social influences has shaped my sense of fairness and
democracy. When I was in middle school, I learned about the importance of living in a
constitutional society in which the government has to do everything to protect people's freedom
of speech and legal rights. As I went to high school, the legacy and the stories of George
Washington and Martin Luther King Jr. in the Western history textbooks gave me senses of
independency, freedom, faith, and social justice. These types of influences helped me to
appreciate the democratic system, diversity, and freedom that I enjoy in America. As a result, I
tried my best to adapt to the American society and I am actively involved in presidential voting
and community service.

My Chinese cultural background has led to my family-oriented values and the Western
education I received in Hong Kong have shaped my senses of liberty and social justice. Pursuing
a career as a professional educator in Chinese language allows me to bring in my own cultural
background and life experience and will help me appreciate the diverse ethnicity of my students.
Most significantly, I can have a better understanding about their challenges in intercultural
communication and perspective in cross-cultural interaction.

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