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6th-8th Middle School
ISD 196 (Eagan, Apple Valley, Rosemount)

By: Angel Doughty, Virgil Jones, & Jessalin Karsnia

Mankato Middle School

780 students, 30% F&R, 8% ELL
40 FTE
160,000 Compensatory
80,000 ELL
40,000 Title I ( not applicable for middle level)
40,000 Staff Development
120,000 classroom supplies and materials
15,000 Site Capital

40 FTEs
260 Students per Grade level
Average of 26 students per class
10 core class sections per grade
2 FTEs per core subject- 24 FTE for core classes


Science x 3 grades= 6 FTE

Math x 3 grades= 6FTE
English x 3 grades= 6FTE
Social studies x 3 grades= 6FTE

40 FTEs Cont
24 core teachers
PE every other day x 3 grades = 3 FTE
Art every other day x 3 grades = 3 FTE
Tech Ed- elective 1.5 FTE
Music-Band and Choir every other day elective- 3 FTE
Counselor- 2FTE
Strategic Reading and Strategic Math- 2 FTE
.9 Social Worker (.4 compensatory dollars @ 20,000)
.5 GT, .5 Librarian

ELL Allocation for 8% (62

1.0 ELL (70,000 salary and benefits)
13 students per section (5 Sections)
10,000- classroom supplies and curriculum
Multi-language curriculum
Reading materials
Classroom supplies

160,000 Compensatory Dollars

.5 Athletic Director + .5 Intervention Specialist (80,000)
Additional admin position

1.0 Tech support and technology teacher (.8 tech and .2

technology elective) 60,000
.4 to fund social worker to .9 (20,000)

40,000 Professional

PGP and teacher requested staff development

120,000 Classroom
40,000 per grade level
Submit requests to admin- Honored based on

15,000 site capital

Smart boards (1,500 each)
Chromebook carts
Technology maintenance

Individual Reflection ~ Mankato Middle

Mankato Middle School is a suburban school with not as many challenges as other school districts
deal with due to budgets and demographics. Our school is a decent size and we are provided with
fair allocations. Our student/teacher ratio is ideal. Plus, our students and teachers will be provided
with new technology to help stay engaged and gain academic growth. We thought it was essential to
provide technology support as well as training to our staff. We also provided a number of support
staff (2 counselors, 1 social worker, librarian/gifted & talented, intervention specialists, tech support,
and strategic math/reading) for teachers to stay proactive with students social, emotional, and
academic needs. In light of closing the achievement gap, emphasis was placed on student centered
licensed personnel. We included personnel that would support our learners striving to meet
proficiency, as well as challenge our students who are achieving at a high level.

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