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—_ptermal source , jfts water or some ne ee ee — high devel oe mee ! the _pump bib paises tale ox a diguiel Fina —lewel_to.o_higher eve) by the action o$ cenbrigugel force. . is known a3 a ——embsidigal = prump i eee 4 The water enters pri oudiauly “ond_Jeaves. the vanes sity: — ents _o4 2p: »]mpetlerr - the wheel of pump is ditted with __a_semes of baskisord ced vanes ts _enown a8. impetien x Cosing = the impeller — is endosed ima csate-r Hight casing Coir sien ea othe ting of guicle bodes is catted diffuser eh sis very efticl #Sutkom pipe Astrainen Sect vale oi cmnested ab the panei siden 9 pipe. Jo quoicl jhe ents of dorcign_matier. Gends j9_suchom pipe are_dveideel and its __ Diameters _Often_ept anger ke aueicl cotitabien aPilivors Pja @ cheek valve is provided Ja the clebivery pipe mean she pump, in order _to_prmtect_the pump from — hammer @ also Jo regulate the dlischarge from the pump pstiethc te seal ttAga the_coebied head. opie which shen be arrk: Moctn: SSE, a a €% Mechanical ethiiencigs- kis dhe rebioef energy quatlable_at the inpeler, edapaceh angi Jmpeltec, by the repetier _pritne poower a bess us tl gedeeeldt at eli gl Tanengy suppried by fain potent tol ng Ducharge of Cookitugal Rom al po D+ Diameter_of impeller_at inlet | b= Wiedth of impelter_ot inlet, E+ Me Nelecify of fous at mlb. — if Seite eek a Ot, b., VA 2 Corresponding values Cat the “outJet~ then the nea 9 lian = 72D, b 5 PRY parle Hm = fninviindin Head meters: 2 == Discharge of pump din m/see x a oy rabid fis 2 Se ae ate aaa sci Fag i] ae Po» _ die + oho sis. Pp weght = cpaelg fil on a. mwlkistage pump, He head developed by eath img is the stalal head cliticleel Y the ntnber of — Cor 00 amr putt & 2 3 mg Pi » : Ses .g Quoiper apes pen ae —— RE ox_phbn, ; = ae A= Geoss-sechimnal area ef piston [N= We of revadubins po it hon discharge pen minutes Qe CAN i as Discharge per see. = =Q= CAN cee pita tallbain — n ES Fo deable ong es iad to omg ed Sip_of Pamp =~ ical discha = Ackwal clischorge = — Same Mines 1 Fen = reeiprocating pump. js mere than In such cases , the covfticient sill be prow’ ithan cen hy a the -terreiponding slips fnewn_a3 negative ship of —Sbmelines, the actual bschange. of baie seelprocaing pump ie mars 4 Fenced liste the thearehical_ discharge. dn such enses , the co-efRicient of discharge _ wsill_be mere _dham_umiky <_ sag ae fnew 03 Ne Slip of Sie aug 3 ern happems whem —suchicn pipe is _Joag_@ pias Sherk and pump is yuning at igh speeds . this quscs fhe lel open. imo such pushed See a “4 Cas Aeluot discharge Theavehcal Discharge Ne X15 a = es Beets a. beatpeien ht i0S Liquicl kg fro eee mie Qe es mR in_ oP / see = = rs = weQttetta) A eo ae eid | Ei ls saemfhe emultedten oho treclly. etapa sibel, ee ey | _dilled uth Napouns.,usithin the. body ct o-meving liquid Lt hes been -obsexveol thatthe pla patam antics lnoyamiate appt, lesan: tei aa ‘omy point ino flove atts ste the vapeur pressume of bigudel at that sfemp’’ fhese bubbles which owe furmnesl on ageount of flow pressure are comied ote the zenes 64 high pressure _|m these zorves feet -Mlapeurs cmeense 4 the bubles ilapse «fhe space prcuibenly court by bubbles iS filed sep toy the sume guid» As amesatl of this, geome noise occurs ond vilmohions ave ee ee ee of the onder of 100 fimes the Latmesphesic grease es reat i ad eS A ditHe eensiderabien usitl show that whem ee a : Ibs defined as Jhe presume ak which phe diguid — ce4l|_tromsform into Vapour: atthe given -demperature- Higher fomperatire,_ -highexcsill_be_the Napourt pressure.” a AS Picgmation in fuclon et Vefpigen =a ining of a auchin shoke the pressare head us helew She atmospheric pressure hea: Cie by _(Hst Ha) + where Hs ~ suchen head, Ha- cree” heer thas been experimentally found that whem this vaecam pressure. heael Cie. Hst Ho) reaches 7-8 mebes of wake on 2:5 mehes absodube [ie Hem Ho.) the ceatinuily of flow will stop, as seperation will fake place; hecause the water tsill commence to vaporise the head of water ab which the seperation takes place us mown as sepemotion head) -_Fince the Hs ss _cmstant_for_a Set aeapmoatg pt order sto _qusid seporation_at the begining of suchin sboke S he cecclorabin pressure head icici eg ‘ i = i x oo Ter ile ight one} A i v= Comb ad ins = _angulore hl = a a pas —Sepecitbion—in_deliveny pipes Same_as Peace aE a ae aid amen pane | the vessel fe Sitted up cits compreased wr. the aha vessels are bitte fo the sudien pipe and debi ype_clese_bo_eyblindker oF Dees anil ceriaieteoerhia ie ase aa — ~ L AJ 8uchem Side —— ions of Air. Nlessels AS a _* Functions Nes 2, aan ef fer el it ctaog = cd pose Reciprocating fame. ee ed t Ff _moce_neef ports Ta pnd Bere goven dusdhange cath ie ae lege dinharge €or Peycires tte herrea sie— ak oes —_-comparahracly Srenvy | Sl ob pg Sian { Sable tor fess a decays ate higher rm. 5g PE SPS ore gules Fourdabhior as Lif sent end eats ai { Q ae eee ita f f | j e — “a Gettin — ee -eonrstand— lichen of sate pump and pasifive clispkicement of a reeiprecahing pump) yout en liguicl ie keapoed si tne peckets Cor fees) sition ag end around an es ae ne /theeks oc _deokes “en Se Bana ee ee ae Mert Code 4s opened fo remove oe ee reek packing for weerrand aeplace them. ies ane eae oc oan = a ice pared SUD) suc See ; Be e tuo. Seo igh ek. acon elfen obstuchians » Cheek gor a ichion Jo: dosses. Stakic Ud may we feo Se 4 Ly rhe hak a se ek ter n i . | eS ee ron ctvestion of Sse perpen: Diechinatiee =: of pump rr i | j iw a - g j 5 | Speed foo dow ___Cheek_motor_phase. dow fix Jeaks in_sucion | diquid nen. explosive. desk Pages tate pene Spe das conde flame Adso cheeks deak in shitting box — £replace _giench “packing a _shatt sleeve: or locth» bs 6-6: Fholor cap eel 2h frequemy a Pp fs pole: | pole | H. 4 (e aoe = ) l ree - ii D) aes t “ Ahan syecified qangeclischarge this makes pump to dake more. power 3)_Beaings have shows ite ie 8 = st na __ misalignment ee Fates oe of pump & prime. =a es ___Mavert- = PvE Shaft Bent. /uintve Cheek the shaft condition & Se af —hecessany- — aoe os: grease or chek up -abubyige bien: Adlso cheek the. grade. Sack of Greece. of grease. Also replace chirty grease. ceith oe New _ one: ace z Dinty toaberr geHing pete bearing a Replace _yoater_ _nte bearings. ba detlectoc. tr Bearing housing cheek bearing iemat tn the lease Stbeot ween out _ot — in Bewrg- housing: it —beanng sect: fs = = yfov oe Inks -aignenent = shat with pierre bel huaey not Loe Mantel Mis aLhignment= er Racal mia- paige Shalt th 0018 Pparatted but net eoncemic - i = cogs Hy e A check Sec angulor : |. . ie uonnng ——— —o8ignmenk us made py te p ee? LL eae outside % at steele a ee | euuipes aennss the _ ht 2 ! _ustelth of coupling eo Be Fo me fotes_at yamous points. - See £2 a us also cheshed usrth I Ss Ea dial garage indieabor Effect of vaviahion in speed _eSfeet of variabion in Dya.ot flume’ — Pischarge -__W. SG * Qa py Ae a Qo. DS of PR) Oo ae a (iss ORE eee BE Be iieed ae | HAN? 2 ? Ha& Dr ee Hees i a fas ee 2 Dil a — My Ni Ny A, D> Da ex N? ge Pow en - papi ~ Sp: speed. ofa Conksbagal Parag a 2% It “2 defined asd he speed of an imaginary. pump, idembicat ys: ive puonp which witl discharge. ene. ‘Jitre_of Wwaterr5 while whe us“heing maised Jhrough a head of one metre: ee Nola tig. 5 aed Sp Sresd_of- pang. = Se = TS ee | N= specd.of pump in pw y. il G@ = Discharge of pamp in m*/sec H= U#+ of pump th metres a The sp- speed of pump Ceembs'tugal) , Like that of a turbine, helps as in_seleeking the type of cebihifiogett pump i:¢ slow speed utith racial flow at outtet, high

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