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Adapted Lesson Plans

H&PE Curriculum Support Resources

Pathways to the Beat
Creative Movement

Learning Goals

Refer to students Individual Education Plan (IEP) to determine if modifications need to be made to the learning goals to achieve

If a student has mobility issues, this lesson can be moved to an alternate location: outdoors- tarmac.

(*Equipment required for this lesson will depend on modifications that are selected.)

Audio visual materials (e.g., flashcards, posters)
Chart paper and marker

[A]/ [CP]/ [W]


Chart paper and marker

Walking sticks

Flexible, non-elastic rope
Wrist bells


Allow students to select their own method of locomotion.
Instruct students to use scooter boards during the activity.
Instruct students to move around the activity area
performing the upper body portion of a swimming stroke
(e.g., freestyle, back crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, doggy
paddle) as an alternative to other modes of locomotion.
Allow student to use walking sticks for assistance.
Encourage the student to use the hop-skip-run technique
(taking one step with a prosthetic limb and then two on the
remaining leg).
Encourage the student to try moving with and without their
prosthesis to determine which method works better.
Allow additional time for student to plan and execute

Ophea 2011

Use audio visual materials (e.g., flashcards, posters) for
Use visual cues to signal to the group (e.g., use raised arm to
signal stop, rolling wrists to signal continue or dropped flag to
begin an activity).
Instruct student helper to use visual cues to signal start and
Demonstrate each mode of locomotion so that the student
can follow along simultaneously with the others.
Demonstrate activity for student and use a check for
understanding signal (e.g., thumbs up).
Repeat demonstration (either teacher directed or peer
directed) and allow peer support throughout the activity.
Provide detailed cues when explaining different modes of

I Adapted Lesson Plans I ISBN 978-1-926555-60-7 I Page 1

Nom de lunit

the Beat
Titre de la to
Leon x de x

Warm-Up continued...

Allow a student helper to guide student around the activity [W]

area by joining hands, holding an elbow or attaching a
Encourage the student to use different types of wheeling (e.g.,
flexible, non-elastic rope.
backwards, alternating arm strokes) as different modes of
Instruct students to wear wrist bells to prevent students from locomotion.
running into each other.
Instruct student to turn in circles instead of performing listed
locomotive skills.

Minds On: Action Word Sequences

Use visual cues to signal to the group (e.g., use raised arm to
Modify the students word, depending on his/her disability signal stop, rolling wrists to signal continue or dropped flag to
to ensure success.
begin an activity).
Limit background noise during activity to allow student to
concentrate on task at hand.
Allow more practice time for the student.
Allow student to perform movement while on a mat (e.g.,
rolling, rocking, sliding).
Instruct student helper to inform student of the action on his/
her word card.
Establish a designated area for the student to work.
Allow additional time for student to plan and execute
Allow student to perform movement while on a mat (e.g.,
Modify the students word and encourage him/her to per
rolling, rocking, sliding).
form action out of the wheelchair (e.g., rocking, rolling, or
sliding while on a mat).
Encourage the student to use the wheelchair as part of the
Use audio visual materials (e.g., flashcards, posters) for
movement when performing the action.
Encourage student to travel at different levels by extending or
shifting his/her torso.

Minds On
[D]/ [I]
Display Success Criteria, discussion topics and student responses on chart paper.

See modifications form the Minds-On activity.
[D]/ [I]/ [V]
Instruct students partner to demonstrate, announce or explain the action from his/her card.

Cool Down
Decrease the number of students in the activity.
Modify boundaries for the activity to enhance movement
Allow students to choose their own method of locomotion.

Ophea 2011

[A]/ [CP]
Establish a designated path for the student to travel.
Allow students to touch the chair on the shoulder, rather
than sitting.
Instruct students to sit in a chair, rather than kneeling on one

I Adapted Lesson Plans I ISBN 978-1-926555-60-7 I Page 2

Nom de lunit

the Beat
Titre de la to
Leon x de x

Cool Down continued...

Instruct students to perform stretching activities while sitting [V]

on the floor.
Allow a student helper to guide student around the activity
area by joining hands, holding an elbow or attaching a
flexible, non-elastic rope.
Allow student to use walking sticks for assistance.
Instruct unoccupied chairs to call out or ring a bell to
indicate that they are unoccupied.
Announce or explain each stretch so that the student can fol
Use audio visual materials (e.g., flash cards, posters) for
low along simultaneously with the others.
Use visual cues to signal to the group.
Flicker lights to indicate when the music stops and starts. Students to stand next to wheelchair if the student is in the
(Check that there are no students with seizure disorder where centre of the game and cannot kneel.
flickering lights may trigger a seizure).
Establish a designated path for the student to travel.
Demonstrate each stretch so that the student can follow
Allow student to touch the chair on the shoulder as an alter
along simultaneously with the others.
native to sitting on another students knee.
Instruct students to perform stretching activities while sitting
on the floor.
Repeat direction and use verbal cues to keep student focused Invite student to transfer to the ground to perform stretches if
on activity.
they feel it would enhance the activity experience.
Frequently check for understanding.
Encourage the student to use the wheelchair as part of the
Demonstrate, announce or explain each stretch so that the stretch (e.g., twist into the wheelchair or stretch up over the
student can follow along simultaneously with the others.

[D]/ [I]
Display discussion topics and student responses on chart paper.

Ideas for Extension

See modifications from the Minds-On and Action activities.

Next Steps
Assign a student helper to provide support during activities. Change student helpers often to allow student helper to
participate in the activity.

Ophea 2011

I Adapted Lesson Plans I ISBN 978-1-926555-60-7 I Page 3

Creative Movement
Pathways to the Beat

Corresponding H&PE
Curriculum Support

Ophea 2011

I Adapted Lesson Plans I ISBN 978-1-926555-60-7 I Page 4

Creative Movement

Lesson 1 of 5
30 Minutes
Curriculum Expectations 1.4, A1.1, A3.1, B1.3

Movement Competence,
Active Living
Pathways to the Beat

Learning Goals

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

demonstrate a variety of basic movement activities using different pathways, levels, speeds and directions while transforming
action vocabulary into simple movement sequences
apply relationship and social skills as they actively and safely perform movements as an individual or with a partner.


Safety Requirements


Refer to the Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines Elementary Curricular Module,
Dance/Rhythmic activity page.

Equipment List

Audio equipment and a variety of music (see recommendations in Introduction)

20 30 sticky notes and writing utensils (1 per student)
5 6 sheets of chart paper
Teacher Resource 1: Movement Skills Checklist
Student Resource 1: Self-Assessment Ladder
Student Resource 2: Action Word Cards

Prior to beginning the Warm-Up, outline safety criteria for moving in shared and personal space.
Students will gradually increase their heart rate by participating in the following activity.
Freeze Song
Have students move around the activity area to music, using all the space.
Call out a mode of locomotion (e.g., walk, jog, skip, hop, twist, bounce, slide, pretend to fly). Students perform that mode of
When the music stops, students freeze.
When the music starts again, call out a different mode of locomotion.
Continue until the music ends.

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.DA.a.5

Creative Movement

Pathways to the Beat

Lesson 1 of 5

Minds On


Share and clarify the lesson Learning Goals with students. Have students rephrase
the Learning Goals using their own words and share the newly worded Learning
Goals orally.

Teacher observation with verbal feedback of

students ability to demonstrate active and
safe participation using Teacher Resource 1:
Movement Skills Checklist

Action Word Sequences

Each student receives a word card (see Notes to Teacher) and does not show it to
Students practise acting out their words in different ways. For the word creep, for
example, students can practise creeping in different ways (high, low, fast, slow, etc.).
Give students the opportunity to act out their word in front of the class, while the
other students try to guess the word. Encourage all students to participate but
allow a pass if they do not feel comfortable.

Teacher observation with verbal feedback

of students knowledge of relationship and
social skills

Explain to students that you will be observing their demonstrated relationship and
social skills during the lesson. Have students brainstorm what relationship and social
skills are (shows consideration for others, accepts leadership, gives and accepts
assistance, collaborates with others). Consider recording student ideas on chart
paper to display around the activity area.
Students use the Thumbs-Up Strategy (see Appendix) to self-assess their
understanding of social skills.
Briefly share with students the Success Criteria for Active and Safe Participation
(see Teacher Resource 1: Movement Skills Checklist).



Partner Sequences
Students work with a partner.
Partners share their words from the Minds On activity with each other and
compose a sequence of four actions.
Pairs should include each word twice in the sequence, which must also have a
beginning position and an ending position. For example, a sequence might look as
beginning position creep leap creep leap ending position
Students work with their partner to decide the order of the sequence and how it
should be delivered.
Students practise their sequence first without music and then with soft,
instrumental music when they share their routine with the rest of the class or in
small groups.

Teacher observation with verbal feedback

of students ability to demonstrate active
and safe participation and locomotor
movements using Teacher Resource 1:
Movement Skills Checklist

This exercise provides students with good experience in problem solving, decision
making and relationship and social skills.

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.DA.a.6

Creative Movement

Pathways to the Beat

Lesson 1 of 5

Students gradually decrease their heart rate to a resting rate by participating in the activity below. Students should also stretch the
body parts that have been active throughout the lesson. See Appendix for streches.
Musical Chairs
Divide the class in half. One half lines up, facing alternating directions and kneeling on one knee (see Fig. 1). These students are the
musical chairs. When the music begins to play, the other students walk, run, hop or skip in one direction around the line of chairs
(see Fig. 1). When the music stops, students try to find an unoccupied knee. Students sit lightly on other students knees. If there are
not enough knees, students make a pose and connect to a person who is sitting on a knee. Continue moving and switch roles so all
have a turn to move and to be a chair.
Fig. 1

Lead stretches for the class. Stretch muscles from head to toe.



Post an enlarged copy of Student Resource 1: Self-Assessment Ladder in the activity

area. Be sure to review each level of achievement with students. The top of the
ladder is Level 4 (the highest level of achievement).

Teacher observation with verbal feedback

of students self-assessment of relationship
and social skills

Provide each student with one sticky note and a writing utensil. Ask students to
self-assess their relationship and social skills using the Self-Assessment Ladder.
Ask students the following.
Teacher prompt: What would someones behaviour look like if he or she put the
sticky on the top step (bottom step, third step, etc.)?
Student response: He or she would be speaking nicely to others and would listen to
others ideas.
Students write their name on their sticky note and attach it to the appropriate level
on the ladder.

Next Steps
Students will continue to demonstrate active participation as they perform a variety of locomotor movements.

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.DA.a.7

Creative Movement
Pathways to the Beat
Lesson 1 of 5

Ideas for Extension

Sequences can be done with groups of 3 4 students, using more words and creating a more complex sequence. Other elements can
be added, such as moving apart and coming together, a turn, a jump, and so on.

Notes to Teacher

Action Word Preparation: Copy the words from Student Resource 2: Action Word Cards onto individual cards to hand out to
students. It may help students if you colour-coordinate the words in their categories. For example, put all of the Turning words on
blue paper and all of the Stopping words on yellow paper.
Students may select more than one card from each group if they need more of a challenge.
The action words used in this lesson can be integrated into classroom activities such as spelling words, creating poetry and
building vocabulary for story writing.

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.DA.a.8

Teacher Resource 1: Movement Skills Checklist

Movement Competence, Active Living
Creative Movement
Pathways to the Beat

(Page 1 of 1)

Specific Expectations

A1.1 - actively participate in a wide variety of program activities, according to their capabilities, while applying behaviours that
enhance their readiness and ability to take part [PS, IS]
A3.1 - demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others during physical activity [PS, IS]
B1.3 - perform different combinations of locomotor movements with and without equipment, alone and with others, moving at
different speeds and levels, using different pathways and going in different directions [PS, IS]

Success Criteria


A1.1 Active Participation

A3.1 Safety
1. demonstrates readiness
1. monitors their own
and ability to take part
actions to ensure safety
2. participates actively in all 2. applies safety rules and
physical activities
safety procedures while
participating in a variety
of physical activities

Student Names

Got It


1, 2

Ophea 2010

Still Working
on It

Got It

B1.3 Locomotor Movements
1. performs a variety of
locomotor movements
2. travels in different
directions, levels and

Still Working
on It

Got It

Still Working
on It

1, 2

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.DA.a.9

Student Resource 1: Self-Assessment Ladder

Movement Competence, Active Living
Creative Movement
Pathways to the Beat



(Page 1 of 1)

Relationship and Social Skills

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.DA.a.10

Student Resource 2: Action Word Cards

Movement Competence, Active Living
Creative Movement
Pathways to the Beat

(Page 1 of 1)



Turning spin

Sinking and Rising


Contracting shrink

Turning twirl

Sinking and Rising


Contracting close

Turning swivel

Sinking and Rising


Contracting narrow

Stopping freeze

Travelling skip

Jumping leap

Stopping perch

Travelling creep

Jumping prance

Stopping hold

Travelling hop

Jumping bounce

Travelling gallop

Travelling dart

Expanding grow

Percussion stamp

Vibrating shiver

Expanding reach

Percussion explode

Vibrating shake

Expanding open

Percussion punch

Vibrating wobble

Expanding spread

Percussion pound

Vibrating patter

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN no. 978-1-926555-32-4 I Page 4.DA.a.11

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