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Helping Students Improve Literacy Skills

Reading Readiness

Tina Burns
Instructional Design
FRIT 7231
Dr. Suha Tamim
December 2, 2013


Identification of Learning Problem

Target Audience
The primary audience is composed of a group of first grade students (boys and girls)
between the ages of 6-7 years old who attend Bartow Elementary School in Savannah,
Georgia. On a daily basis, the primary audience is taught instruction by highly-qualified
Problem Identification
A first grade teacher has identified a group of students who are struggling with their
reading skills. These students require additional assistance in the areas of phonemic
awareness. This refers to letter recognition and letter sounds. The students are unable to
keep up with the content and reading rate as their fellow classmates. At this grade level, it
is extremely important for these students to develop information literacy skills in reading
and writing.
The problem was identified through an assessment that the Savannah Chatham County
Public School System (SCCPSS) district implements in their schools that need assistance.
The Dynamic Indicatory of Basic Early Literacy Skills, also known as (DIBELS) is a set
of assessments used for universal screening and progress monitoring in grades K - 6.
Bartow uses DIBELS for grade K 1. The grade level teachers use the results from
DIBELS periodical assessments three times per year in the areas of reading as a means of
evaluation, as well as grade level common assessments.
The teacher identified students who are reading below grade level. 25% of the students
are reading below grade level (6 out of 24). It is desired that all students are able to read
at the grade level. The students with needs will be monitored in weekly professional
learning communities using these assessments.
Instructional Goals:

The student will be able to log in independently on the computer

The student will be able to locate information on the website
The student will be able to practice letter recognition and letter sound on the
educational website
The student will be able to practice letter naming of all 26 letters of the alphabet
using the educational website


Learner Analysis
The targeted learners are a group of 1st grade students at Bartow Elementary School in
Savannah, Georgia. The class is comprised of 24 African-American students, 11boys and
13 girls between the ages of 6 and 7 years old. There are 6 out of the 24 students (4 boys
and 2 girls who need one-on-one instruction with the classroom teacher. All 24 students
are divided into 6 groups and work on whole group focus skills in literacy station centers
(20 minutes per center). There are no students that are served by SPED (special education
teacher). Eighty percent of the students in this group are economically disadvantaged.
The demographic information was collected by two methods. One method was by using
the Public School K-12 Elementary Schools in Georgia website. This site provides the
latest demographics for the schools in Georgia. The other method was by interviewing
the classroom teacher, information specialist, testing coordinator, and school
administrator to obtain this information.
Entry Skills and Prior Knowledge

Most learners shows independent interest in reading-related activities

Most learners recognizes all the letters of the alphabet in order
Most learners associates letters and sounds
Most learners identifies basic sight words
Learners participates in group activities
Most learners identifies words and constructs meaning from picture clues in text
Most learners sorts common words into categories

Attitudes Toward Content & Academic Motivation

The learners who are weak in phonemic awareness (6 out of 24) experience difficulties
figuring out written language. They also rely on too much guessing. All other students
have a basic understanding of the content. 80% of the learners are motivated to learn
more about the content. 20% of the learners need extra help in understanding the content.
Educational Ability Levels

6 out of 24 learners scored below level (red-intensive instruction needed) on the

DIBELS benchmark. These students will needed additional help during small
group time. These students would be monitored on their skill deficiency every 10
days to progress monitor.
12 out of the 24 learners were on level (yellow-core) on the DIBELS. These
students are not below level but they need some extra assistance on certain skills.


These students would have extra help on certain skills during small group time.
These students would be monitored on their skill deficiency every month to
progress monitor.

6 out of the 24 learners were above level (green- strategic) on the DIBELS. These
students scored passed the required score on the assessment. These students could
have more advance work during small group time. These students would be
monitored on their skill deficiency every beginning of the nine weeks to progress

General Learning Preferences

The learners are engaged in lessons through the use of hands-on, group instruction, and
interactive activities through the advancement of technology (laptops, computers, ipads,
promethean boards). All of the students enjoy learning on educational sites using the
classroom computers, the reading lab, the library computers and the new ipads. They also
enjoy learning through small group instruction.
Attitude Toward Teachers and School
The majority of students respect and enjoy learning from their teacher. They come to
school ready to learn. There a few students (2-3) who experience trouble staying on task.
The teacher provides these students with reinforcements which helps them stay on track.
All of the students enjoy the school. Because it is a close-knit community school, the first
graders interact with other grade levels. Many have younger and older siblings who
attend the school.
Group Characteristics
Bartow Elementary School is a Title I elementary school located in the West Savannah
Community. Approximately 77% of the 601 students here are classified as "economically
disadvantaged", and 88% get reduced lunch prices. The ratio of students to teachers at
Bartow Elementary School is 11:1. All of the learners in this class are African-American
students and they all speak English. All of the learners are eligible for free or reduced
lunch. All of the learners are offered free breakfast. Information regarding free-reduced
lunch was obtained from administrative records within the school district. All of the
students are adorned in the school uniform.

Task Analysis
Task Analysis Description
I conducted the task analysis using a procedural analysis. In the following procedural
analysis, I met with the first grade teacher in her classroom and asked her a variety of


questions to identify the steps, knowledge and cues. I wanted to make sure that we
covered three main areas of the analysis: 1.What does the learner do? Identify the action
in each step that the learner must perform. I emphasized to the teacher that these actions
are either physical or mental. 2. What does the learner need to know to do this step? What
knowledge is necessary? 3. What cues inform the learner that there is a problem, the step
is done correctly, or a different step is needed? I emphasized that these cues may be
tactile or visual.
The teacher performed a DIBELS assessment with her students to help me target the
students who needed extra practice with letter recognition and sound fluency. Based on
the results of the assessment, I used this data to create a small group instruction for these
learners. I created an outline of the steps required to use the Starfall educational website
to practice with letter recognition and sounds using the classroom desktop computer and
the website. My task analysis produced the following steps:
Task Analysis Outline:
1. Login to the computer
1.1 Type in username: student5
1.1.1 Check spelling
1.1.2 Click tab
1.1.3 Type in password: bartow5
Check spelling
Click enter
2. Locate the Internet Tab
2.1 Look for the Internet Explorer Icon on the Desktop or Start up Menu
2.1.1 Click on icon
2.1.2 Type in the URL: http://www.starfall.com/
3. Locate the #1 ABC Green Arrow
3.1 Double click on tab
3.1.1 A screen with the 26 alphabets will appear
3.1.2 You will be directed to click on each letter at a time
3.1.3 You will be cued to say each upper case and lower letter and the sound
they make
3.1.4 You will repeat the sound and follow the directions on the screen
3.1.5 You can also click the arrow at the bottom of the page to move
forward or view the previous screen
3.1.6 You will repeat these steps until the end of the session
3.1.7 To end the session, click on the X on the top right corner in the
3.1.8 Log out of Starfall by clicking on the x on the top right corner on the
Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Mrs. Brittany Youmans will serve as the SME for this instructional plan. Mrs. Youmans
is a first grade teacher at Bartow Elementary School in Savannah, Georgia. Mrs.
Youmans graduated with a Bachelors of Education degree in Early Childhood from The
Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, Georgia in 2010. Beginning her third
year of teaching (all at the first grade level), Mrs. Youmans is knowledgeable about the
reading readiness phonemic awareness content of this assignment as well as the other
subjects that she teaches as it relates to the first grade curriculum. Her class is structured
and organized for the learning environment of a room full of excited, energetic first
graders. The SME and I decided that interactive technology activities would help the
students be more engaged in learning phonemic awareness.
c. A well organized flow chart:
On the following page



Instructional Objectives
Terminal Objective 1: To demonstrate the ability to log into the computer using input
and output devices. (Cognitive/Application)
Enabling Objectives:
1A. Type in username
1B. Type in password
1C. Click enter
Terminal Objective 2: To access the website to practice letter recognition and sound of
the letters of the alphabet. (Cognitive/Application)
Enabling Objectives:
2A. Locate Internet Tab on computer screen
2B. Click on Icon
2C. Type in Starfall website URL
Terminal Objective 3: To utilize the website to practice letter recognition and sound of
the letters of the alphabet. (Cognitive/Application)
Enabling Objectives:
3A. Locate the ABC tab
3B. Double click on tab
3C. Click on each letter to identify and hear phonetic sound
Terminal Objective 4: To identify all 26 letters of the alphabet using the educational
website. (Cognitive/Comprehension)
Enabling Objectives:
4A. Locate the letters that need review
4B. Click on Letter
4C. Repeat learning session
Classification of Instructional Objectives:



1, 1A, 1B, 1C, 2, 2A, 2B,

2C, 3, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4, 4A,
4B, 4C


Relationship between Instructional Objectives and Standards:

Instructional Objectives
1, 1A, 1B, 1C
2, 2A, 2B, 2C
3, 3A, 3B, 3C
4, 4A, 4B, 4C

Georgia Performance Standards/ or ISTE National

Educational Technology Standards for Students
S1.I1. use input devices (e.g. mouse and keyboard) and
output devices (e.g. monitor and printer) to successfully
operate computers and other technologies.
S1.I2. use a variety of media and technology resources for
directed and independent learning activities.
S3.I2. use a variety of media and technology resources for
directed and independent learning activities.
S3.I2. use a variety of media and technology resources for
directed and independent learning activities.

Development of Assessments Table

Lesson 1:
An Introduction to
the Computer
Video Tutorial,
Computer Basics
with audio. Summary
to explain how to

Lesson 1:
An Introduction to
the Computer
Presentation, Intro
to Starfall Written
summary to explain
how to skills.

the ability to
log into the

Objective 1: The
student will
demonstrate the
ability to log into
the computer

1A: The student

will type in
1B: The student
will type in
1C: The student
will click enter.
Access Objec Objective 2: The
student will
website for
Starfall.com for
learning activities.
2A: The student
will locate the
internet icon on
the computer

means of
action and

Learners will
take a
quiz about
basic skills
created with
Edmodo or
other Web
2.0 tool.

means of
action and

Learners will
take a
choice and
quiz about
how to use
created with
Edmodo or
other Web
2.0 tool.

Burns 10

Lesson 2:
Utilize the
Ready...Set...Starfall Starfall
website to
Sing ABC song
practice letter
Complete Starfall
interactive game
and sounds of
session followed by
the alphabet.
application selfassessment to
identify letter and
sound recognition.

Lesson 2:
Identifies all
Ready...Set...Starfall 26 letters of
the alphabet
Sing ABC Song.
using Starfall
Complete Starfall
interactive game
session followed by
self-assessment to
identify letters of the
alphabet, Complete
activity worksheets.

2B: The student

will click on the
2C: The student
will type in
Starfall website in
the URL.
Objective 3: The
student will
Starfall.com to
practice letter
recognition and
sound of letters of
the alphabet.
3A: The student
will locate the
ABC tab.
3B: The student
will double click
on ABC tab.
3C: The student
will click on each
letter to identify
and hear phonetic
Objective 4: The
student will
identify all
twenty-six letters
of the alphabet
using the
4A: The student
will locate the
letters that need
4B: The student
will click on the
4C: The student
will repeat the
learning session.

means of
action and

Learners will
take an
Learners will
type their
name in the
name box
and answer
from each
section until
the session is

means of
action and

Learners will
complete the
list for
of the letters
of the
Learners will
use the
(terrific, ok,
needs work)
to answer the

Burns 11

Development of Assessments
For this instruction, the criterion-referenced assessment is being used to compare the
student performance on a specific task against an established benchmark DIBELS. This
benchmark defines the level of achievement for the learner. By using this assessment, it
will show what the student know and can do in a given domain.
Lesson :1 An Introduction to the Computer in the Elementary Classroom
Objective 1 The student will demonstrate the ability to log into the computer
1A. The student will type in username
1B. The student will type in password
1C. The student will click enter
Assessment: Learners will take a multiple choice quiz about computer basic skills
created with Edmodo or other Web 2.0 tool.
UDL Principles: The quiz will be differentiated to provide multiple means of action and
expression. Some learners will receive a more objective quiz with matching and multiple
choice. Some learners will use kid-friendly picture icons to help identify the features.
Add option: Some learners may have the option to hear the options for a multiple choice
question (Instructor may record quiz questions and play by podcast).
Lesson :1 An Introduction to the Computer in the Elementary Classroom
Objective 2 The student will access the Starfall for independent learning activities
2A. The student will locate the internet icon on the computer screen
2B. The student will click on the icon
2C. The student will type in Starfall website in the URL
Assessment: Learners will take a multiple choice and matching quiz about how to use
Starfall created with Edmodo or other Web 2.0 tool.
UDL Principles: The quiz will be differentiated to provide multiple means of action and
expression. Some learners will receive a more objective quiz with matching and multiple
choice. Some learners will use kid-friendly picture icons to help identify the features

Burns 12

Lesson 2: Ready . . . Set . . . Starfall!

Objective 3 The student will utilize Starfall to practice letter recognition and sound
of letters of the alphabet.
3A. The student will locate the ABC tab
3B. The student will double click on ABC tab
3C. The student will click on each letter to identify and hear phonetic sound
Assessment: Learners will take the online interactive Phonemic Awareness Assessment.
Learners will type their name in the students name box and answer questions from each
section until the session is complete. The learner must click yes after each question to
move to the next question. After the session is complete, the learner will be able to his/her
score. The learner has the option to print his/her score.
UDL Principles: Differentiated to provide multiple means of action and expression.
Some learners will use kid-friendly picture icons to help identify the feature requested
and navigate within the site.
Lesson 2: Ready . . . Set . . . Starfall!
Objective 4 The student will identify all twenty-six letters of the alphabet using Starfall
4A. The student will locate the letters that need review
4B. The student will click on the letter
4C. The student will repeat the learning session
Assessment: Learners will click on the letters in any order to see, hear, and manipulate
the sounds and letters of the alphabet in Starfall. Learners will complete the performance
task assessment list for identification of the letters of the alphabet. Learners will use the
(terrific, ok, needs work) to answer the questions. Some learners who
need more practice will download the printable activity worksheets in Starfall and
UDL Principles: Differentiated to provide multiple means of action and expression.
Some learners will use Kinesthetic learners will use the American Sign Language version
of the same activities to demonstrate their letter knowledge. Learners are able to
download printable worksheets of online interactive activities to complete in their own

Burns 13

Assessment Examples & Answer Key

Objective 1 Assessment
The student will demonstrate the ability to log into the computer
Computer Basic Skills Assessment
Define the following terms:

Match the word with the picture / draw a line to the correct picture







Burns 14

Computer Basic Skills Assessment Answer Key

A small device that is connected to a computer and that you move with your hand
to control the movement of a pointer on the computer screen.
The set of keys that are used for a computer.
A device that displays signals on a computer screen.

Match the word with the picture / draw a line to the correct picture







Computer Basic Skills UDL - Assessment

The instructor may record quiz questions and play by podcast for auditory learners.
Students will be able to hear the options for a multiple choice question.

Burns 15
Objective 2 Assessment
The student will access the Starfall for independent learning activities
Starfall Tutorial Assessment

Answer the following multiple choice questions from the Starfall Tutorial:
1. What tab do you click on?
a. ABCs Blocks
b. Learn to Read
c. Its Fun to Read
d. Im Reading
2. Click the _____________ on the homescreen.
a. Word icon
b. Start icon
c. Internet Icon
3. In the browser box type www.__________.com
a. www.star.com
b. www.moon.com
c. www.starfall.com
4. Click on the specific topic and ______.
a. learn
b. write

Burns 16
c. draw
Match the word with the picture or draw a line to the correct picture




Internet Icon
"http://media.smashingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ie-logo.jpg" \*



ABC Blocks

Starfall Tutorial Assessment Answer Key

Burns 17

Answer the following multiple choice questions from the Starfall Tutorial:
1. What tab do you click on?
a. ABCs Blocks
b. Learn to Read
c. Its Fun to Read
d. Im Reading
2. Click the _____________ on the homescreen.
a. Word icon
b. Start icon
c. Internet Icon
3. In the browser box type www.__________.com
a. star
b. moon
c. starfall
4. Click on the specific topic and ______.
a. learn
b. write
c. draw

Match the word with the picture or draw a line to the correct picture




Internet Icon
"http://media.smashingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ie-logo.jpg" \*


Burns 18


ABC Blocks

Starfall Tutorial - UDL Assessment

Answer the following multiple choice questions from the Starfall Tutorial:
1. What tab do you click on?

2. Click the _____________ internet icon.


sking/png/256/wd.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET

Burns 19


"http://www.freestockphotos.biz/pictures/9/9297/computer.jpg" \*



INCLUDEPICTURE "http://media.smashingmagazine.com/wp-

content/uploads/2012/06/ie-logo.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET


Type __________________________.







4. Click on the specific topic and _____________.


"http://www.merriamcc.org/Libraries/SiteImages/learn.sflb.ashx" \*


Burns 20


INCLUDEPICTURE "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/3PNp9CwwLFY/TZvajasKBrI/AAAAAAAAAK0/2Mh89nN-PoA/s1600/Write.jpg" \*



INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.stmichaelschurch.co.uk/wpcontent/uploads/2011/05/Pewshot-Child-Drawing.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET

Starfall Tutorial - UDL Assessment Answer Key

Answer the following multiple choice questions from the Starfall Tutorial:
1. What tab do you click on?

Burns 21
Answer: 1
2. Click the _____________ internet icon.



sking/png/256/wd.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET


"http://www.freestockphotos.biz/pictures/9/9297/computer.jpg" \*



INCLUDEPICTURE "http://media.smashingmagazine.com/wp-

content/uploads/2012/06/ie-logo.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET

Answer: c

Type __________________________.







Answer: c

Burns 22

4. Click on the specific topic and _____________.


"http://www.merriamcc.org/Libraries/SiteImages/learn.sflb.ashx" \*



INCLUDEPICTURE "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/3PNp9CwwLFY/TZvajasKBrI/AAAAAAAAAK0/2Mh89nN-PoA/s1600/Write.jpg" \*



INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.stmichaelschurch.co.uk/wpcontent/uploads/2011/05/Pewshot-Child-Drawing.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET

Answer: a
Objective 3 Assessment
The student will utilize Starfall to practice letter recognition and
sound of letters of the alphabet.
Starfall Assessment (Letter Recognition & Sound)
Phonemic Awareness Assessment Online

Burns 23
Directions: Type your name in the Student Name: box and click start. Listen to the
auditory commands and select the best answer. Click (yes) to continue to the next

Sample Question: Click the two words that rhyme: tank/ ball, broom, wall
Answer: ball / wall

Burns 24

The learner will be able to complete the online assessment and view/print the score.

Starfall Assessment (Letter Recognition & Sound) Checklist

Please answer to the questions.

Burns 25

I included my name on the assessment


I repeated the letter and sound on the assessment


I answered all questions on the assessment?


Objective 4 Assessment
The student will identify all twenty-six letters of the alphabet using Starfall website
Starfall Alphabet Assessment
Directions: Using the mouse, click on the letters in any order to see, hear, and manipulate
the sounds and letters of the alphabet. Complete the interactive online activities for each
letter at your own pace.
"http://www.emsisd.com/cms/lib/TX21000533/Centricity/Domain/2018/Starfall-ABC.gif" \*

Burns 26
For more practice, click on the letters in any order to download and print the activity

Starfall Alphabet - UDL Assessment

Kinesthetic learners click on the sign language tab on the main page to use the American
Sign Language version of the same activities to demonstrate your letter knowledge.


"http://www.emsisd.com/cms/lib/TX21000533/Centricity/Domain/2018/Starfall-ABC.gif" \*


Burns 27
45-53-pm.png?w=300&h=182" \* MERGEFORMATINET

Starfall Alphabet Assessment

First Name:_______________________ Last Name:__________________________
Performance Task Assessment List for Alphabet ABC - Starfall.com

Did I use the mouse to click on each letter (A-Z)?


Did I use the mouse to click on the arrow/hand on each letter activity?

Burns 28


Did I say/repeat the beginning sound for each letter (A-Z)?


Did I say the word(s) for each letter (A-Z)?


Did I identify all 26 letters of the alphabet?

Performance Task Assessment List Checklist:

Please circle your answer to the question.
I included my first name on the assessment



I included my last name on the assessment



I answered all questions on the list



End of Assessment Examples

Content Sequencing and Instructional Strategies

Burns 29
Instructional Sequence:
The student will demonstrate the ability to log into the
The student will access the Starfall for independent
learning activities
The student will utilize Starfall to practice letter
recognition and sound of letters of the alphabet
The student will identify all twenty-six letters of the
alphabet using Starfall website


This sequence builds on concepts in a learning-related order. The learner will proceed
through the instruction just as a teacher would proceed through planning a lesson. This
sequence involves interactive online activities to maintain higher learner motivation and
involvement. This sequence allows the learner to learn a skill required to perform another
skill first (identifiable prerequisite).
Lesson 1: An Introduction to the Computer in the Elementary Classroom
Objective 1: The student will demonstrate the ability to log into the computer
Objective 1A: The student will type in username
Objective 1B: The student will type in password
Objective 1C: The student will click enter
Initial Presentation: I will present a video tutorial Computer Basics that talks about
basic computer skills and how to use the mouse and keyboard for first grade students. It
is found on this site: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=259660 .
Generative Strategy: Students will practice basic mouse and keyboarding skills on the
computer using the interactive website tutorial: Lesson 2 The Mouse, Lesson 3 Use
the Mouse and Lesson 4 Use the Mouse & Keyboard.
UDL - Multiple means of action and expression. Provide alternate keyboard commands
for mouse action. Provide access to alternative keyboards which are also called Dvorak
layouts. It is available for learners who type with one hand or finger or who have
difficulty using the standard keyboard and mouse.
Objective 2: The student will access the Starfall for independent learning activities.
Objective 2A: The student will locate the internet icon on the computer screen
Objective 2B: The student will click on the icon
Objective 2C: The student will type in Starfall website in the URL.
Initial Presentation: I will present a Prezi powerpoint tutorial Introduction to Starfall.
This presentation shows the students how to locate and open the Starfall program.

Burns 30
Generative Strategy: Each student will perform the basic steps from the powerpoint
tutorial on the computer. The basic steps include: locating icons, tabs, and typing the
website in the URL.
UDL - Multiple means of action and expression. Provide alternate keyboard commands
for mouse action. Provide access to alternative keyboards which are also called Dvorak
layouts. It is available for learners who type with one hand or finger or who have
difficulty using the standard keyboard and mouse. Uses kid-friendly picture icons to help
identify the feature requested and navigate within site.
Lesson 2: Ready . . . Set . . . Starfall
Objective 3: The student will utilize Starfall to practice letter recognition and sound
of letters of the alphabet.
Objective 3A: The student will locate the ABC tab
Objective 3B: The student will double click on ABC tab
Objective 3C: The student will click on each letter to identify and hear
phonetic sound
Initial Presentation: As an ice breaker I will present students with the ABC
interactive sing-along on Starfall.com to prepare them to begin letter recognition and
sound practice.
Generative Strategy: Each student will locate a letter in the Alphabet Section and
perform the activities. Students click on the letters in any order to see, hear, and
manipulate the sounds and letters of the alphabet. Students listen for the sound and repeat
the action.
UDL - Multiple means of action and expression. Kinesthetic learners will love using
American Sign Language to demonstrate their letter knowledge. This tab is located on the
lower left side of the screen.
Objective 4: The student will identify all twenty-six letters of the alphabet using
Starfall website.
Objective 4A: The student will locate the letters that need review
Objective 4B: The student will click on the letter
Objective 4C: The student will repeat the learning session.
Initial Presentation: Initial Presentation: As an ice breaker I will present students with
the ABC interactive sing-along on Starfall.com to prepare them to begin practice. I will
present students with the activity worksheets related to the alphabets from the Starfall
Generative Strategy: Each student will perform the activities in the Alphabet Section
and the Learn to Read Section. Students click on the letters in any order to see, hear,
and manipulate the sounds and letters of the alphabet. The student completes the

Burns 31
activities at his/her own pace. At end of session, student may repeat (if need more
practice). Students will download and complete the activity worksheets related to the
alphabets from the Starfall website.
UDL - Multiple means of action and expression. Kinesthetic learners will love using
American Sign Language to demonstrate their letter knowledge. This tab is located on the
lower left side of the screen.

Design of Instruction
(This component has been compiled into the Development of Assessments)

Plan for Formative Evaluation

I plan to collect learner evaluation of my online module through a formative evaluation to
collect feedback from the learner. The Objective Based Studies, which is the third
category of formative evaluation approaches, may be an appropriate choice for this
project. I plan to use the comments from them to help improve the course content and
clarify any misconceptions while the course is in progress. I plan to set up a Rubric that
the SME will use to provide feedback to update the course content or consider in the
redesign of specific components of my online course. As a part of the category approach I
have created a Pretest/Posttest Format for the learner to complete.
First Grade Phonemic Awareness - Alphabet ABC
Name: _____________________________ Date:____________________________
We have been learning how to recognize and sound letters of the Alphabet. Circle the
letters that you are able to sound and words you are able say. Do not guess.













Burns 32







Correctly Chosen (C) :_________

Incorrectly Chosen (I) :________
Score: ( ___/20) correct

(___/20) incorrect

First Grade Phonemic Awareness - Alphabet ABC

Name: _____________________________ Date:____________________________
We have been learning how to recognize and sound letters of the Alphabet. Circle the
letters that you are able to sound and words you are able say. Do not guess.






Burns 33













Correctly Chosen (C) :_________

Incorrectly Chosen (I) :________
Score: ( ___/20) correct

(___/20) incorrect

Interview Protocol
This Interview Protocol will be used by the learner in evaluating the effectiveness of the
Starfall.com to increase reading readiness for struggling learners. Pre -Kindergarten
through First Grade classes have access to the Starfall.com educational website.
Interview Protocol for the Learner
Brainstormed Questions for Starfall.com Interviews
1. How often do you use Starfall Alphabet Section? How many times per week?
2. When you use Starfall Alphabet Section how much time do you spend on an
average session?
3. Is Starfall Alphabet Section easy to use? Why or why not?
4. How long did it take you to feel comfortable with using Starfall Alphabet
5. Do you use Starfall Alphabet Section to record and track all of your progress?
Why or why not?
6. How helpful is the feedback you get from Starfall Alphabet Section?

Burns 34
7. Do you ever try the extra practice worksheets on Starfall Alphabet Section?
Why or why not?
8. How much experience did you have with using computers prior to using Starfall?
9. Compared with your practice session the first nine weeks, was Starfall Alphabet
Section an overall improvement? Why or why not?
10. Do you have suggestions for how Starfall Alphabet Section could be improved?

Interview Protocol
Interview Protocol for the SME
This Interview Protocol will be used by the SME (Subject Matter Expert) in evaluating
the online module and its effectiveness of the Starfall.com to increase reading readiness
for struggling learners.

Interview Protocol for the SME

Specific Formative Evaluation Protocols
Evaluator: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________
Technique: Survey/Interview
Purpose: The SME completes the survey form and add any narrative comments in the
appropriate places as it relates to the Online Module.

Is the goal statement representing an accurate outcome of this instruction? If not,

what is missing and what could be changed?
o Yes
o No
o Comment (optional)

Are the instructional objectives clustered and sequenced properly, and achievable
for the audience described in the goal statement?
o Yes
o No
o Comment (optional)

Burns 35

Does the course content effectively cover the instructional objectives? If not,
o Yes
o No
o Comment (optional)

Do the resources provided with the instruction add value to the instruction?
o Yes
o No
o Comment (optional)
Oral Interview
Do you have any additional comments, questions or recommendations regarding
any of the questions you have just answered?
I plan to review and analyze the data that I collect using the interview protocol by
Coding. Numbers will be assigned to the responses which will range from Strongly Agree
to Strongly Disagree. Using this method, it will provide me feedback on how the learners
used the online module and if any changes need to be made to present a successful online
Development of Assessments - UDL Principles
Gibson, L., Cartledge, G., & Keyes, S. E. (2011). A Preliminary Investigation of
Supplemental Computer-Assisted Reading Instruction on the Oral Reading Fluency and
Comprehension of First-Grade African American Urban Students. Journal Of Behavioral
Education, 20(4), 260-282.
Auzar. (2013). The Use of Computers in Teaching Approach to Improve Reading Skills
among Primary School Pupils. Asian Social Science, 9(12), 244-251.
Segers, E., & Verhoeven, L. (2005). Long-term effects of computer training of
phonological awareness in kindergarten. Journal Of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(1),
17-27. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2729.2005.00107.x

Burns 36
Kervin, L. (2013). Investigating synergies between literacy, technology and classroom
practice. Australian Journal Of Language & Literacy, 36(3), 135.
I'm Reading!. (2006). Library Media Connection, 25(2), 91.
Doe, C. (2009). Teacher Tools. Multimedia & Internet@Schools, 16(6), 29-34.
Frazel, M. (2007). Tech for Tinies: How Young is Too Young to Use Computers? Library
Media Connection, 26(3), 56-58.
Hamilton, B. (2009). Making the Most of a Teaching Partner. Reading Teacher, 63(3),
National Center On Universal Design for Learning, At CAST website:
Rao, K. & Tanners, A. (2011). Curb Cuts in Cyberspace: Universal Instructional Design
for Online Courses. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 24(3), 211-229.

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