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(S/N)DB = 10log10 (3L2) dB = 4.8+ 6N dB

System Bandwidth (Transmission Bandwidth) = (NFs)
Message or max. signal Bandwidth (w) = Fs/2
Transmission Bandwidth for PAM= Nfs

1. You want to transmit the word HOW using an 8-ary system.

a). Encode the word HOW into a sequence of bits, using 7-bit ASCII coding, followed by an
eighth bit for error detection, per character. The eighth bit is chosen so that the number of
ones in the 8 bits is an even number. How many total bits are there in the message?
b) Partition the bit stream into k=3 bit segments. Represent each of the 3-bit segments as an
octal number. How many octal symbols are there in the message?
c) If the system were designed with 16-ary modulation, how many symbols would be used to
represent the word HOW?
d) If the system were designed with 256-ary modulation, how many symbols would be used to
represent the word HOW?
Sol. A). Encode: HOW--> H 1001000 0, O 10011111, W10101111, Total: 24 bits,
b). 24/3=8 octal symbols.
c) 16 Mary means 4 bits, so 24/4=6 symbols
d) similarly for 256, 24/8=3 symbols
2. We want to transmit 800 characters/s, where each character is represented by its 7 bit ASCII
codeword, followed by an eighth bit for error detection, per character as in problem 1. A
multilevel PAM waveform with M=16 levels is used.
a) What is the effective transmitted bit rate?
b) What is the symbol rate?
a) 6400 bits/sec
b) M=16, 6400/4=1600 symbols/sec

3. We want to transmit 100-character alphanumeric message in 2 s, using 7 bit ASCII coding,

followed by an eighth bit for error detection, per character as in problem 1. A multilevel PAM
waveform with M=32 levels is used.
a) What is the effective transmitted bit rate? What is the symbol rate?
b) Repeat part (a) for 16-level PAM, eight level PAM, four-level PAM, and PCM (binary)

a. 50X8=400 bit/sec ,400/5=80, so Symbol Rate=80 symbols/sec
b. Similarly For 16, 100 symbols/sec and so on.

4. Consider an audio signal with spectral components limited to the frequency band 300 to 3300
Hz. Assume that a sampling rate of 8000 samples/s will be used to generate a PCM signal.
Assume that the ratio of peak signal power to the average quantization noise power at the
output needs to be 30 dB.
a) What is the minimum number of uniform quantization levels needed and what is the
minimum number of bits per sample needed?
b) Calculate the system bandwidth required for the detection of such a PCM signal.

Sol. NOTE:

(S/N)DB = 10log10 (3L2) dB = 4.8+ 6N dB

And System Bandwidth= (NFs)

a) L=18.26 19, l=5;
b) (8000 X 5 )/2= 20 kHz.

5. The information in an analog waveform whose maximum frequency fm=4000 Hz, is to be

transmitted using a 16-level PAM system. The quantization distortion must not exceed 1% of
the peak-to-peak analog signal.
a) What is the minimum number of the bits per sample or bits per PCM word that should be
used in this PAM transmission system?
b) What is the minimum required sampling rate and what is the resulting bit rate?
c) What is the 16-ary PAM symbol transmission rate?

a. Formula : l >= log2 (1/2p) ; Ans= 50 levels; 6 bits sample
b. Fs= 8000 samples/ sec (2fm) , 8000X 6=48000 bps
c. 48000/4=12000 symols/sec

2. In the compact disc (CD) digital audio system, an analog signal is digitized
so that the ratio of the peak-signal power to the peak-quantization noise
power is at least 96 dB. The sampling rate is 44.1 kilosamples/s.
a. How many quantization levels of the analog signal are needed for
(S/Nq)peak=96 dB.
b. How many bits per sample are needed for the number of levels found in
part a)?
c. What is the data rate in bits/s?
*(Calculation must be rechecked)
Sol: Formula to be used : (S/Nq) dB= 4.8 + 6 N dB
a. N=15.2 16 bits, 216 LEVELS
b. 16 bits per sample
c. 705.6 kbps

Calculate and compare the bandwidths and ratio of peak signal power to rms
quantization noise if the quantized samples are transmitted either as binary
pulses or as four-level pulses. Assume that the system bandwidth is defined by
the main spectral lobe of the signal.
Sol. Form : 4.8 + 6N dB= (S/Nq) dB Ans: 10, 17 dB

5. Consider an Audio Signal is given as x(t)=3 Cos (500pt). Determine

(i) Signal to Quantization Noise ratio when this is quantized using 10 bit PCM
(ii) How many bits of Quantization are needed to achieve a signal to
Noise ratio at least 40 dB?

a. 64.8 dB
b. 6 bits are needed.

A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed by a 7 bit encoder. The system bit rate is 50
Mbits/sec. Calculate the maximum bandwidth of the message signal for which this
system operates satisfactorily.
Soln. :
It has been given that : Bit rate r = 50 Mbits/sec and N = 7
We know that bit rate r = N fs

fs =

50 106
= 7.14 MHz

Maximum signal bandwidth BW = fs /2 =

7.14 MHz

BW = 3.57 MHz


The bandwidth of a video signal is 4.5 MHz. This signal is to be transmitted using
PCM with the number of quantization levels Q = 1024. The sampling rate should be
20% higher than the Nyquist rate. Calculate the system bit rate.
Soln. :
Bandwidth W = 4.5 MHz

As per Nyquist rate fs = 2W = 9 MHz

But fs should be 20% higher than Nyquist rate

We know that,

fs = 1.2 9 MHz = 10.8 MHz

Q =

2 ,

1024 = 2


N = 10


System bit rate r = N fs = 10 10.8 MHz

If a voice frequency signal is sampled at the rate of 32,000 samples/sec and characterized by peak value of 2
Volts, determine the value of step size to avoid slope overload. What is quantization noise power N q and
corresponding SNR ? Assume bandwidth of signal as 4 kHz.
Soln. :
Given :

fs = 32,000 samples/sec.
Peak value of the signal A = 2V.
Bandwidth B = 4 kHz.


Step size to avoid slope overload :

To avoid slope overload the following condition should be satisfied.
Substituting the values we get,


2 fm Ts 2 fm

2 4 103
2 2 4 103

1.57 Volt


Quantization noise power (Nq) :

The quantization noise power for a delta modulator is given by,

2 (1.57)2
Nq =
Nq = 0.822 W



Signal to noise ratio :



3 fs

8 2 fm B

3 (32 103)3
= 19.45
8 (4 103)2 4 103

A compact disc (CD) records audio signals digitally by PCM. Assume audio signal's bandwidth to be
15 kHz. If signals are sampled at a rate 20% above Nyquist rate for practical reasons and the samples
are quantised into 65,536 levels, determine bits/sec required to encode the signal and minimum
bandwidth required to transmit encoded signal.

Soln. :
W = 15 kHz,
fs = 1.2 2 W = 2.4 15 kHz = 36 kHz,
Q = 65,536.

Signaling rate (r) :

We know that Q = 2N
N = log2 Q
log10 (65,536)
N =
= 16
log10 2
Signaling rate r = N fs = 16 36 kHz = 576 kbits/sec.


Thus the signaling rate r is 576 kbits/sec.


Minimum bandwidth :
BT = r/2
Signaling rate =

Minimum bandwidth BT = 288 kHz


A TV signal with a bandwidth of 4.2 MHz is transmitted using binary PCM. The number of quantization
levels is 512. Calculate :

Soln. :
Given :


Code word length


Transmission bandwidth


Final bit rate


Output signal to quantization noise ratio.

fm = 4.2 MHz and Q = 512.

Code word length (N) :

Q = 2N


N =

N = 9 bits/word


Transmission bandwidth :
BT =


log 512
log 2

N fs = N (2 fm)

BT = 9 4.2 MHz = 37.8 MHz


Final bit rate (r) :

r = N fs = 9 2 fm = 18 4.2 MHz


r = 75.6 Mb/s


Signal to quantization noise ratio :

Since the TV signal is not a sinusoidal signal, let us use the general expression of signal to quantization noise


S = 4.8 + 6 N dB = 4.8 + (6 9)

= 58.8 dB

This is the maximum signal to noise ratio that we are expected to get from this system.


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