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Thursday, December 4th, 2014

Megan Sawler
Science 9A (1st) and 9C (3rd)
Slime Time Polymers Lab

Lesson Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to give students a hands on

demonstration of how polymers form and the importance of cross-linkages in polymer
creation. This lesson is also designed to allow students to practice working in the
science lab where they do not have a great deal of experience. They are expected to
follow previously outlined rules, and ensure written lab notes are made in addition to
completion of the practical lab.
Student Outcomes:
Investigate materials and describe them in terms of their physical properties.
Perform experiments, collect evidence, report findings, and demonstrate a
knowledge of WHMIS standards in the laboratory. (209-7, 111-6, 210-11)
Describe changes in the properties of materials that result from some common
chemical reactions. (307-13)
Explain and provide examples of how societys needs for chemistry incorporate
science, technology, and environment. (112-3, 112-8)
Authentic Student Assessment: Following the completion of this lab, students will be
assessed both formatively, in the form of written feedback to improve their professional
lab report design skills, as well as summatively graded on how well their responses in
the lab report meet the outcomes listed. Students will also see summative assessment
based on their work with and understanding of polymers at the end of the Atoms and
Elements unit.
Prior Knowledge: It is expected that students have previously been introduced to atoms
both previously in this unit, and also in Science 7 and Science 8. Students will have a
basic knowledge of the periodic table and how to use it. Students are familiar with the
concept of elements and the use of the periodic table from the Adopt an Element
Project they previously completed. Students have also completed 4 previous activities
in this class based upon atomic calculations. Students have been exposed to Mendeleev
and his contributions to the periodic table as we see it today. Students have also
previously completed the Slime Time Pre-Lab and we have discussed and watched a Ted
Talk on Polymers in our environment as a class. Students have previously completed 3
labs in the senior high science lab environment so far this semester. They have
completed a unit on the importance of lab safety and the expectations for behaviour.
Students will learn about polymers through a warm-up activity using kinesthetic
learning. Students will be asked to line up around the classroom and eventually
form a polymer chain with cross-linkages through linking arms to simulate this

Following this, students will receive instructions and pairs for the lab. They will
be reminded of safety rules as well as appropriate behaviours pertaining to this
particular lab.
Students will travel down to the lab and find their spots.
Once in the lab, I will go over the lab procedure once again with the students.
Going step by step together, we will complete the lab procedure.
Students will be reminded to make observations during the lab procedure.
After completing the procedure, students will be asked to tidy their work
stations and begin to work on additional observations, analysis questions, and
One groups will be using the ipads to record the procedure for those students
who are missing the lab.

Graduated cylinders
Food colouring
White school glue
Popsicle sticks
Class set of Slime Time handouts
Beakers various sizes
Following the completion of the procedure, students will place their product in a
Ziploc bag for further observation. Students will tidy their station and begin
working on their observations, analysis, and conclusions (if time permits). I will
inform students of expectations for lab report and assign additional time to work
on this.
Professional Growth Target:
Identify students in each particular class who require extra attention and begin
to come up with unique strategies on how to personally assist them.
Encourage students to interact positively with members of the class whom they
do not usually associate with, and work as a team.
Incorporate technology into science labs without creating a virtual lab.
Ensure students act appropriately and respect the lab rules and environment.

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