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Geralds Beginner Spanish Course Syllabus

Course Description
This semester I will be teaching your students reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the
Spanish language. We will be covering a variety of grammar topics and discussing various
aspects of Latin American culture. I love teaching Spanish and believe learning another language
is an extremely important skill to equip students with for college and career readiness. I have
very high expectations of myself as a teacher and for my students as well!
Additional information about class activities are provided in the course schedule and can be
found online at our schools website.
Classroom Textbook
We have one textbook that students will be required to bring to class every day, as
students will be completing activities in the textbook almost every day in my class.
Homework will be assigned from this textbook and a variety of other sources.
Students will also be provided a workbook that accompanies the textbook. The students
will have assignments in this workbook periodically and are required to bring it to class
every day.
Students will be given a weekly participation grade.
Late work is accepted, but it does not earn full credit. Students will lose a letter grade for
each day the assignment is late.
For large assignments, I provide students with a detailed grading rubric that shows how I
will grade the assignment in class. The grading scale is available for viewing on the
schools website.

This year we will be following the Illinois Learning Standards for foreign language, available at


(Quarter 1 Schedule- 9 weeks)

*Students will have weekly assignments that will be introduced in

class: students are responsible for keeping track of and
completing weekly assignments.
Week & Dates
Week 1
(Aug 18th-22nd)

-Course Overview
-Ice Breakers
-Intro: Chapter 1: Para
-Vocabulario: en la
clase y el tiempo

Week 2
(Aug 25th-29th)

-Chapter 1: Para

Week 3
(Sept 1st-5th)

-Start Chapter 2A:

Qu te gusta hacer?
infinativos y negativos
-Continue Chapter 2:
Qu te gusta hacer?
-Finish Chapter 2A
-Chapter 2B: Y t,
cmo eres?
people are like
-Gramtica: Adjetivos
y articulos
-Continue Chapter 2B
-video activities
-After examen, Start
Chapter 3: La Comida
desayuno y almuerzo

Week 4
(Sept 8th- 12th)
Week 5
(Sept 15th- 19th)

Week 6
(Sept 22nd-26th)
Week 7
(Sept 29th- Oct 3rd)

Project and Test Schedule

-Monday: Examen over Chapter 1

-Gustar family projects introduced
in class
Friday: Start gustar family project
-Finish gustar family project
Tuesday: Examen over Chapter 2A

Monday: Examen over Chapter 2B

Week 8
(Oct 6th- Oct 10th)
Week 9
(Oct 13th-Oct 17th)

-Continue Ch 3
-Vocabulario: Para
mantener la salud
-Introduce menu

-Students have time during class

to work on menu projects

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