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cope2. Basis3. Additional Requirements4. Table5. Table 1, Plates6.

Table 2, Pipe
s7. Table 3, Tubes8. Table 4, Forging9. Table 5, Castings10. Table 6, Bolts and
Nuts11. Table 7, Bars and Shapes12 Table 8, Piping Fittings13. Table 9, Nonferro
us Materials1. SCOPEThis specification lists the Japanese Standard (JIS, JPI),Br
itish Standard (BS), and Deutshe Industrie Normen (DIN) substitutes for ASTM Spe
cificationsrelating to materials for plates, pipes, tubes, forging, castings, bo
lts and nuts, bars and shapes, piping fittings, and nonferrous materials, in gen
eral use.2. BASISThese substitutes are not necessarily identical to the ASTM Spe
cifications, but are equal in terms of alloy content and have a nearly equal or
higher ultimatetensile strength; exceptions to this are underlined.3. ADDITIONAL
REQUIREMENTSThe requirements of the ASTM Specifications not covered by the subs
titute specifications are noted in the Tables, with footnotes given on Section 4
.4. TABLESubstitute materials are shown in the following Tables 1 to 9

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