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Kaha Osman

Report Card Comments
A Comment
Needs and Characteristics of Living Things: Fatima
demonstrates a thorough understanding of the basic characteristics
and needs of living things. She was able to apply that knowledge to
one animal and one plant with a high degree of effectiveness.
Fatima, creatively and insightfully, expressed and organized ideas
about the needs and characteristics of living things in a booklet and
poster format as well as a presentation to peers with a high degree
of effectiveness. She demonstrates a thorough understanding of the
importance of healthy environments to living things.
B Comment
Needs and Characteristics of Living Things: Sabreen
demonstrates considerable understanding of the basic
characteristics and needs of living things. She was able to apply that
knowledge to one animal and one plant with considerable
effectiveness. Sabreen was able to express and organize ideas
about the needs and characteristics of living things in a booklet and
poster format as well as a presentation to peers with considerable
effectiveness. She demonstrated considerable understanding of the
importance of healthy environments to living things. To demonstrate
her understanding at a higher level, Sabreen, needs to make more
efficient use of the graphic organizer to plan her research.
C+ Comment
Needs and Characteristics of Living Things: Layla
demonstrates some understanding of the basic characteristics and
needs of living things. She was able to apply that knowledge to one
animal and one plant with some effectiveness. With support, Layla
was able to express and organize ideas about the needs and
characteristics of living things in a booklet and poster format as well
as a presentation to peers with some effectiveness. She
demonstrated some understanding of the importance of healthy
environments to living things. Layla needs to ask more questions
during discussion to clarify her understanding and make better use
of the anchor charts and exemplars provided in class.

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