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Name ______________________________________________

Second Grade Weekly Homework Sheet

Mar 2 to Mar 6
Spelling Words





Review Vocabulary Words Use a dictionary or www.wordcentral.com

1. enough
2. comfortable
3. brought
4. diner
5. empties
1. Spelling pick one activity from the Spelling Menu. Write the activity name in your
notebook and complete the activity.
2. Vocabulary Write a definition for vocabulary words #1--2.
3. Reading/Social Studies read Weekly Reader Brush Up! Complete handout
Problems and Solutions
4. Math--check folder
5. Reading logs---tally up your total minutes, write it, parent sign and bring it in


Online resource:





Parents going on 3/18 trip to LaGuardia Performing Arts Center

302: Denise, Jessica L, Christopher R.
304: Milena, Adya
1. Spelling pick one activity from the Spelling Menu. Write the activity name in your
notebook and complete the activity.
2. Vocabulary Write a definition for vocabulary words #3-5
6. Reading/Social Studies read Weekly Reader Brush Up! Complete handout
Toothy Words (vocabulary)
3. Math--check folder
1. Spelling pick one activity from the Spelling Menu. Write the activity name in your
notebook and complete the activity.
2. Vocabulary Write a MEANINGFUL sentence for vocabulary words #1--3. Underline
the vocabulary words.
7. Reading/Social Studies read Dr. Seuss helping Kids Learn to Read (in this
homework packet). Write a hamburger about the article. Use details from the text!
3. Math--check folder
1. Spelling pick one activity from the Spelling Menu. Write the activity name in your
notebook and complete the activity. STUDY
2. Vocabulary Write a MEANINGFUL sentence for vocabulary words #4--5. Underline
the vocabulary words. STUDY
8. Readingwrite the title. Write an appropriate reading response of your choice in your
notebook. Write at least 9 sentences.
3. Math--check folder

African American Celebration tomorrow at 1:30pm


1. Spelling/Vocabularyparents please sign tests. Write mistakes 5 times each.

2. Math--check folder
3. Wtg: Write about your weekend. Use at least 9 sentences and use your senses!

Spelling Menu

Remember you can only complete one per week. Cross out and date the activity you
complete each day. If you do something on the computer, staple or glue it in your
Homework notebook.

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