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Tl king Style Survey Thinking Se Sewer | Canetic ‘spend {oo much time thinking about your answer as there is na good er bad thinking style. Tne most accuraie answers are those which are spontaneously, | QUESTION | 14. When | make decisions, | tend to ask 2. When [have tolearn | something new, | | | 3. | fee! uneasy with people who | 4. My favorite subject or activity in school was |5. My friends know me as a person who is (62010 A rus acevo RESPONSE ‘A. Do | know everything I need to know? | What are the risks involved? . Will other people be atfected or offended? cso ® ‘What other options do I have? Need 2 reason to learn the materials Need time to practice new learning Enjoy group learning S909 @ > Go off-track in discussions and talk excessi about things which are irelevant Imagine whatit | | B. Koop hopping from one topic to another or give foo many ideas at one time C. Often make insensitive comments and have no time for personal sharing ©, frei sow ped an dee to much ito he sone i Mathematics, Science or Computer-related | History, Geography or Language Social Science, Literature or Drama ‘Att or Design Competitive and a thinker Industrious and reliable ‘Supportive and caring Risk taker and independent t1Pave 6. My room or work area will be 17. Mike to ask 8. Ifl had to buy a hand phone, | will be most concerned about 9. I prefer instructions to | 10. When I work ona | group project, | am most concerned about (22010 rages “[ nesonse ‘Thinking Sve Suey | Gene A. Decorated wilh trophies or proof of my achievements B. Organized neatly and in an orderly manner ©. Decorated with things that remind me of my fiends or loved ones. D._Disorganized, with belongings lying around A What? 8. When and how? ©. Who? D why? ‘A. Funetion and value for money / Its performance and whether it's value for money 8. Practicality and rellabitty / whether itis practical and reliable ©. User-friendly features / how easy itis to | New model and latest features ‘A. Be brief, clear and to the point B. Be detailed and come with schedules and procedures ©. Be informal, with personal touch D. Have an overview, with pictures to explain | A. Being accurate and precise in the answers 8B. Whether the team can manage their time well and meet the deadline | ‘©. Whether the team is comfortable and agreeable | during the ciscussion 1D. Whether the iceas are improved versions | | quesrion [ | | 11, Given a project, | would | like to have a team that 12, My most preferred career should be alan 13. In an argument, | am most likely to me (© 2010 | Alone resend ‘Thinking Syl Survey | Gener RESPONSE ‘A. Will help me achieve the best results (Is focused??) B. Is reliable and likes to plan ahead C. [can get along and feel comfortable with D Can create wild ideas and is willing to take risks > Engineer, Financier, Chemist, IT Expert, Lawyer | Project Manager, Administrator, Travel Agent, Supervisor, Police, Soldier | ©. Social Worker, Teacher, Sales Person, Counselor, Secretary, Customer Service D. Entrepreneur, Designer, Marketing Person, Artist, Setfemployed \. Debate my point of view with facts or reasoning A B. Stick firmly to points that are safe and proven c. Strike a compromise based on a common ‘ground D. Look for creative ways to counter the argument Analyzing facts . Organizing or Planning A B. C. Getting along well with people D. 1. Coming up with new ideas A. Cold or Insensitive B. Conservative or inflexible ©. Emotional or Over Sensitive D. Impracticat or rebellious aiPao “Thinking tye Survey | Gonette QUESTION RESPONSE I | A. Logie and rational thinking | (16. tend to choose things | 8 Ted and tested ways | based on ©. Feelings and intuition | i | D. The level of fun and excitement | | | A. Be given time alone to think | |B, Workin an orderly environment i ‘17. Most of the time, 1. Workas a eam that communicates wel with | prefer to | each other | D_ Given a lot space (physical or personal) and 18. People describe me as i | 19.1 usually solve | problems by A 20.1 mostly like people | who are c. D | e@cnta | Ad riekie meneret freedom Focused and task oriented Conservative and prefers to be in control ‘Sensitive to others and people-oriented Fun, playful and likes to try new things Developing theories and relying on facts Focusing on the practical aspects Noticing body language and thinking about how others feel Looking at the big picture and creating different options Sure and decisive about what they want todo ‘Able to give instructions in a clear and orderly manner Expressive and thoughtful of others Able to come up with daring or unusual ideas. 1. Identify thinking preference Aa Left Analyses nud ») Quantifies p Is logical Is critical \\ Is realistic , Takes preventive Ss action Establishes 2 procedures Gets things done Is reliable Organizes Plans Right Imagines Takes risks \ Breaks rules Likes surprises | Is curious / plays Is sensitive to > others { Touches a lot Is supportive Is expressive \ Is emotional \ Talks a lot / When we think, we use both parts of the brain. ‘You may not have all the characteristics. When we think, we use all parts of the brain.

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