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71072015 ar puliprorartongri/20/1257 V88663201.1. 287% 88063.xm Behaviour of steel and (or) composite girders with corrugated steel webs Abstract Composite beams with corrugated steel webs represent a new innovative system which has emerged in the past decade for short and medium span bridges. ‘The new system usually combines the usage lof corrugated steel plates as webs and reinforced/prestressed concrete slabs as flanges for plate or lbox girders. Bridges that have been recently built with this hybrid system are outlined in this paper, Iwhich focuses on the advantages of using corrugated steel webs as opposed to traditional flat webs. [The flexural behaviour and bearing resistance of girders with corrugated steel webs is briefly \discussed. The flanges of the new system solely provide the flexural strength of the beam with no ‘contribution from the corrugated web. On the other hand, the corrugated web provides the shear capacity of the system. Thus, the shear behaviour of girders with corrugated webs is explicitly discussed focusing on the different failure and (or) buckling modes that affect the design of the ‘corrugated steel web plates. Design charts for such webs are constructed based on the different linteraction equations of failure. The torsion-warping behaviour of composite box girders with corrugated steel webs is also discussed.Key words: bridges, composite beams, corrugated steel webs, iglobal buckling mode, interactive buckling, local buckling. Year 2011 Venue Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering Venue Type Article ‘Authors Ezzeldin Yazeed Sayed-Ahmed Citations Mohamed Elgaaly, Anand Seshadri, Girders with Corrugated Webs under Partial Compressive Edge Loading, Article, Journal of Structural Engineering-asce - J STRUCT ENG-ASCE. 01/1997; 123(6),|Mohamed Elgaaly, Anand Seshadri, Robert W. Hamilton, Bending Strength of Steel Beams with Corrugated Webs, Article, Journal of Structural Engineering-asce - J STRUCT ENG-ASCE. (01/1997, 123(6),|Mohamed Elgaaly, Robert W. Hamilton, Anand Seshadri, Shear Strength of Beams with Corrugated Webs, Article, Journal of Structural Engineering-asce - J STRUCT ENG-ASCE. 01/1996; 122(4) Source Full Document [Behaviour of steel and (or) composite girders with corrugated steel webs Ezzeldin Vazeed Sayed- 'Ahmed Abstract: Composite beams with corrugated steel webs represent a new innovative system lwhich has emerged in the past decade for short and medium span bridges. The new system usually lcombines the usage of corrugated steel plates as webs and reinforced/prestressed concrete slabs as {flanges for plate or box girders. Bridges that have been recently built with this hybrid system are loutlined in this paper, which focuses on the advantages of using corrugated steel webs as opposed to traditional flat webs. ‘The flexural behaviour and bearing resistance of girders with corrugated steel lwebs is briefly discussed. The flanges of the new system solely provide the flexural strength of the beam with no contribu- tion from the corrugated web. On the other hand, the corrugated web iprovides the shear capacity of the system. Thus, the shear behaviour of girders with corrugated webs is explicitly discussed focusing on the different failure and (or) buckling modes that affect the design, tpt pubtcororarterghml-20111237 188669720 1.1 2371888631 4 syroo18 a publica orghr20 727 VEE66920..1.2571. 898633 lof the corrugated steel web plates. Design charts for such webs are constructed based on the \different interaction equations of failure. The torsion-warping behaviour of composite box girders Iwith corrugated steel webs is also discussed. Key words: bridges, composite beams, corrugated steel 'webs, global buckling mode, interactive buckling, local buckling. Rsum : Les poutres composes lavec des mes dacier ondules reprsentent un nouveau systme innovateur, qui a merg dans la dernire \dcennie pour des ponts de courte et moyenne porte. En gnral, ce nouveau sysime com- bine lutilisation de plaques dacier ondules en tant qumes avec des dalles de bton arm/prcontraint en tant |quailes afin de former des poutres de type plaque ou bote. Des ponts, qui ont t reemment construits lselon ce sys- tme hybride, sont mis en lumire dans cet article, qui se concentre sur les vantages \dutiliser des mes dacier ondu- les par opposition des mes traditionnelles plates. Le comportement en Ilexion et la sistance au chargement des poutres sont discuts brivement. Seules les ailes de ce ‘nouveau systme fournissent la rsistance en flexion de la poutre, puisquil ny a pas de contribution lprovenant de Ime. Cependant, Ime ondule fournit la capacit contre le cisaillement du systme. Done, lle comportement en cisaillement de poutres avec des mes ondules est discut explici- tement, avec lune attention particulire donne sur les diffrents modes de dfaillance et/ou flambage qui affectent la Iconception des plaques dmes dacier ondules. Des graphiques de conception pour de telles mes sont lconstruits sur la base des diffrentes quations dinteraction pour la dfaillance. Le comportement en ttorsion-gauchissement de pou- tres de type bote avec des mes dacier ondules est aussi discut. Mots cls : ponts, poutres composes, mes dacier ondules, mode de flambage global, flambage interactif, iflambage local. [Traduit par la Rdaction] Sayed-Ahmed672 Introduction During the past decade, ‘corrugated steel webs were intro- duced to replace the stiffened steel plates of plate/box gird- ers for lbridge beams. Generally, beams and girders with corrugated webs are more economical and improve ithe aes- thetics of the structure. The idea of using corrugated webs was first introduced for steel ‘beams in buildings with web thickness ranging between 2 and 5 mm. This thickness results in a corresponding web height to thickness ratio varying between 150 and 260. Using corrugated webs for bridge girders allows the web height to thickness ratio to reach 400. Typical thickness of corrugated web plates used lately in bridges was 812 mm, which results in a web height to thickness lratio range be- tween 220 and 375. A web height to thickness ratio of about 445 was recently used in Japan (Hondani Bridge1). Corrugated web girders can be constructed with two steel flanges, with lupper concrete and lower steel flanges, or with upper and lower concrete flanges (Fig. 1). When lused as flanges, the concrete is usually prestressed. In the case of us- Can. J. Civ. Eng. 28: 656672 (2001) 2001 NRC Canada 656 DOI: 10.1139/cjce-28-4-656 Received October 3, 2000. Revised Imanuscript accepted April 3, 2001, Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at ihttp://ejce@nre.ca on July 26, 2001. E.Y. Sayed-Ahmed. Department of Structural Engineering, [Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt (e-mail leysahmed@intouch.com). Written discussion of this article is welcomed and will be received by the [Editor until December 31, 2001. !Hondani Bridge. 1998. Design drawings. Japan Highway Public \Corporation. Personal communication. ing corrugated plates as webs for composite box girder bridges, the bridge is usually prestressed with steel tendons imbedded inside the box girders. The itwo main profiles of corrugation that are typically used for webs are the trape- zoidal and the zigzag ‘corrugations shown in Fig. 2. Corrugated webs withstand shearing forces without carry- ing any laxial stresses due to flexure, prestressing, creep, etc. Thus, the only stresses appearing in the corrugated webs are almost pure shear stresses (Johnson and Cafolla 1997a; Elgaaly et al. 1997). As 'a result, the use of corrugated webs may become a very attractive alternative to flat plate steel webs lespecially for composite prestressed bridges. Local stability of each steel strip between two folds lpan- els can be studied using the existing equations derived for isotropic plates. On the other hand, global stability of the web can be investigated using the stability equations derived for orthotropic plates. The form and wavelength of the cor- rugation are then designed to ensure the general stability lof the webs using the appropriate safety factors. In the following sections, an overall perusal of the current state of corrugated steel web beams in design and construe- tion practice is introduced. [Bridges that have been recently built with corrugated steel webs are outlined, The merits and |shortcomings of using corrugated steel webs are discussed. The flexural and bearing strengths of ‘girders with corrugated steel webs are briefly addressed, and the shear behaviour of girders with corrugated webs is explicitly investigated and design charts are constructed based on the different tpt pubtcororarterghml-20111237 188669720 1.1 2371888631 24 syroo18 or pucpitartcxg20/1/7237 W862 1,1 237188009 linterac- tion equations of failure in shear. Lastly, the torsion and warping behaviour of composite lbox-girders with corrugated steel webs are outlined. Aspects of beams with corrugated steel webs ‘The merits of replacing the conventional flat web of a steel plate girder with a corrugated one f lprestressed box- or I-girder were first recognized by the research team of Campenon Bernard B [France, Cheyrezy and Combault (1990), Johnson and Cafolla (1997a), Fl-Metwally and Loov ((1998a), Lebon (1998), Yoda et al. (1994a, 1994b), and Elgaaly et al. (1996) reported the following laspects for using beams with corrugated steel webs: Higher transverse stiffness due to the corrugation depth combined with higher resistence to in-plane shear forces due to the narrow spaced folds results in higher resistance to global and local buckling of the web. Decreasing the sensitivity ito buckling will consequently decrease the effect of the initial geometric imperfections. Due to the lincreased transverse stiffness, the number of intermediate diaphragms required to transmit transverse loads is reduced, The decreased axial stiffness of the web prevents it from carrying or transmitting laxial force due to flexure, pre- stressing, shrinkage, creep, or temperature effects. Thus, a corrugated lweb of a beam resists only principal stresses caused by shear (and torsion in the case of box girders) When the bottom concrete flange is prestressed, longitudi- nal prestressing force does not dissipate linto the web and thus fewer tendons are used. Using composite box or I girders, the ideal usage of Imate- rial is achieved: reinforced or prestressed concrete flanges to sustain flexure and steel webs to \carry shear forces. Furthermore, the elastic lever arm is increased to its maxi- mum value. For box igirders with corrugated steel webs, resistance to distortion of the section is higher and more uniform lalong the member compared to box girders with flat plate steel webs. For I girders with corrugated steel webs, some increase in the thickness of the flanges may be necessary because the effective flange outstand will exceed half the flange width and the contribution of the web to the flexural strength is reduced. Corrugated webs are slightly more flexible in shear than flat webs, but the lincrease in deflection is small in com- parison with the deflection in flexure, Higher cost of fabrication is perceived to be the main dis- advantage. However, compared with a conventional flat steel plate web, the difference in the cost should be small as all the stiffeners with the accompanying lwelding pro- cess are eliminated. A reduced web thickness, combined with the elimination of the lwelded stiffeners altogether, leads to lighter and more economical girders and bearings. Worldwide lbridge girders with corrugated steel webs Bridges with corrugated steel web girders built in France 'Two combined new innovations were achieved in France through a research programme aimed at limproving the cur- rent knowledge in the field of bridges. These were external prestressing laccompanied by using composite girders with corrugated steel webs. Tests on large-scale box igirders were successfully per- formed by Campenon Bernard BTP, together with consider- able {theoretical analyses. These tests led to the construction 2001 NRC Canada Sayed-Ahmed 657 Fig. 1 ‘Schematic of girders with corrugated steel webs used in bridges. 2001 NRC Canada 658Can. J, Civ Eng. Vol. 28, 2001 of the first bridge with a corrugated web girder in France: the Cognac Bridge ((Cheyrezy and Combault 1990). The bridge has a continuous three-span prestressed box girder with fa trapezoidally corrugated steel web. The total length of the bridge is 107.82 m, which includes two ‘side spans of 32.455 m each and one intermediate span of 42.91 m. The cross section of the box lgirder is shown in Fig. 3. The top and bottom concrete flanges of the box girder are 11.70 and 4.17 im wide respectively. The trapezoidally corrugated web is 8 mm thick with a corrugation panel width lof 420 mm, a corrugation depth of 240 mm, a panel height of 1.771 m, and an angle of corrugation iof 35. The total depth of the box girder is 2.60 m. The bridge is prestressed with four Freyssinet ltendons, each made of 19-5/8 in, strands, These prestressing strands run inside the box girder and are lan- chored at the deck ends into solid reinforced concrete blocks. The top and bottom concrete slabs Ihave been cast-in- place on false-work. Subsequent to the success of the Cognac Bridge, three more lbridges with trapezoidally corrugated steel webs were built in France: the Maupr viaduct, the Astrix Bridge, and the Dole Bridge. Fig. 2. Common profiles of corrugated steel plates: (a) trapezoidal and (b) zigzag, The thickness of the plate is tw; s= 2(b + d/cos ?) for the trapezoidal profile and s = 2(d/cos 2) for the zigzag profile; and h = d tan ?. Fig. 3. Cross section of the Cognac Bridge box lgirder. The Maupr viaduct, with its innovative triangular cross section box girder, was the second bridge to be designed us- ing the new composite prestressed system by Campenon Bernard BTP ((Combault 1988; Cheyrezy and Combault 1990). The bridge, completed in 1987, has seven spans \vary- ing from 40.95 to 53.55 m with a total length of 324.50 m. The cross section of the bridge box tpt pubtcororarterghml-20111237 188669720 1.1 2371888631 34 snozors wn publica org 201727 8866920112571 88863. lgirder is shown in Fig. 4. The bottom flange of the box girder is a conerete-filled steel pipe and the top flange is a transversely prestressed conerete slab. Replacing the lower concrete slab with the iconcrete- filled steel pipe reduced the required prestressing and al- lowed the incremental launching lof the bridge. The steel pipe is 610 mm in diameter and the top deck is 10.75 m wide. The total depth of the box girder is 3.00 m. Longitudi- nal prestressing tendons were placed inside the box igitder. Twelve straight tendons, each made of 6-1/2 in. strands, were centred close to the deck and lanchored from pier to pier. These tendons were tensioned prior to launching. Four other trapezoidal- deviated tendons made of 195/8" strands were tensioned after launching the deck and anchored from lone abutment to the other. The corrugated webs, which slope at 45, were welded to the steel tube to iconstitute an isosce- les triangle with the deck slab. The third bridge is the Astrix Bridge, which was icom- pleted in 1989 (Cheyrezy and Combault 1990). The two- span bridge has a total length of '74.80 m. The main system of the bridge consists of two steel girders with vertical cor- rugated steel lwebs associated with a transversely prestressed top concrete slab and traditional steel plate bottom iflanges. The bridge was constructed over a central abutment and then launched across the freeway 'The Dole (La Comiche) Bridge, which was completed in 1995 in France, is another example (Reinhard 1994; Capra and Leville 1996, Lebon 1998). This is the first prestressed bridge with ‘corrugated web to be constructed by the tradi- tional balanced cantilever method. It is continuous lover seven spans: two 48.00 m end spans and five intermediate spans 80.00 m each, The total length iof the bridge is 496.00 m. The cross section of the bridge (Fig. 5) is a trape- zoidal box girder with concrete top and bottom flanges 200 2001 NRC Canada Sayed-Ahmed659 Fig. 4. Cross section of ithe Maupr viaduct box girder. Fig. 5. Cross section of the Dole Bridge box girder. 400 mm thick. The top concrete flange of the box girder is 14.50 m wide. On the other hand, the bottom concrete {flange has a width that varies between 7.00 m at the mid span and 5.146 m over the intermediate piers. The box girder depth also varies from 2.50 m at mid-span and at the end of the two side spans to 5.50 m on the intermediate piers. The cor- rugated plates, which slope by about 17, are 8 mm ithick ex- cept near the piers where they are 10 mm thick and near the prestressing deviating diaphragms where they are 12 mm thick. The distance between two folds of the corrugation is 430 Imm and the corrugation depth is 220 mm. Bridges with corrugated steel web girders built in Japan 'The first box girder bridge built with a corrugated steel web in Japan was completed in 1993 (Naito land Hattori 1994; Yoda et al. 1994a, 1994b). The Shinkai Bridge has one span with twin box lgirders, The cross section of the bridge is shown in Fig, 6. The bridge is a skew bridge with an angle lof skew equal to 70. The width of the bridge deck is 14.80 m and it spans 30.00 m. The lower ‘concrete flange of each box girder is 2.10 m wide. The box girder depth is 1.90 m and the corrugated steel plate height is 1.183 m. In- ternal and external cables have been used to longitudinally prestress ithe bridge. The second bridge built in Japan using one externally pre- stressed box girder with a ‘corrugated web is the Ginzan- Miyuki Bridge, which is also known as the Matsu-Noki Bridge (Isiguro et al. 1997; Tategami et al. 1997), The bridge, which was completed in 1995, is continuous lover five spans with a total length of 210.00 m and a deck width of 9.70 m. The approach span is [27.40 m long and the other four spans are each 45.50 m long. The box girder depth is 3.00 m with a corrugated steel web having a thickness of 8 or 12 mm and a panel height of 2.21 m. The Ginzan- IMiyuki Bridge is the longest of its kind built in Japan to-date. The latest bridge built in Japan using lbox girder with cor- rugated web is the Hondani Bridge, which was completed in 1997. The bridge is continuous over three spans: 44.013, 97.202, and 55.978 m. The total length of the bridge is 2001 INRC Canada 660Can. J, Civ, Eng. Vol. 28, 2001 Fig. 6. Cross section of the Shinkai Bridge box girder. Fig. 7. Cross section of the Hondani Bridge box girder. (Copyiaht tpn pubtcororarterghml-20111237 118866972011 2371.88863m1 44

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